My youngest daughter sent me this today....thought I'd share it with the safest guys I know. Something tells me safety never entered their mind though.
An OSHA inspector would get writer's cramp just LOOKING at that mess, & NO I don't want to see the AFTER pics!! Ron White is again proven correct : "You can't fix STUPID....."
Wow!- genius - "said that it would drop right in" - will have to watch for the you tube video - should call 911 now
That ain't in North America...not that it really matters but desperation and lack of resources comes to really is...imagine the craftiness built into the rolling part of the equation...
What’s wrong with it??? Lol Look at the ladder rods that keep the two halves together,,,,the metal hinges that keep the ladder from opening too wide. They are not taught,,,,,no load on the ladders. I think it is a good photo shop fake. Tommy
Looks OK to me, the motor & trans are just hanging there, no one is around....What do you suppose the guy was standing on to reach the come-a-long handle when he was lifting it up? Next question: Why do you suppose the motor & trans have to be 5' in the air?
They needed some of those ratchet straps from the dollar store to secure the wood plank to the ladders.