Any suggestions for getting a gas float out of your tank other than pulling it and draining it. Seems to have fallen off the mount with the rod holding it and I can’t find it. I ran an antenna magnet down there but no luck so far. Thanks in advance.
The float is either cork or brass, magnet is not going to get it. Pull the sending unit and see what is really wrong.
That explains the magnet not working. It’s brass. I did pull the sending unit, the float and little rod that clips onto the unit fell off. Tried to shine a light in the tank but can’t see much.
what ride are you working on? down where? depending on type of tank there is usually a plate at top of tank that can be removed to take care of sending unit
It’s a 55 F-100. Down there (inside the tank) The sending unit is right on top of the tank. No issues with the sending unit. Just the float.
Drain, remove, turn upside down and use a rubber hammer to move(bounce) the float to the sender hole. Doing it right sucks sometime but it doesn't cost you anything but a little time.
Thanks bandit! That’s what I was thinking. Just filled her up too. Guess I’ll burn some gas then do it.