Still got bugs both front and rear, but I know what they are and can be sorted with some small mods, overall they work quite well, I happy....................
Not sure this or these is will work out yet .... but if I dont try I will never know.....................
If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a hundred times, that sir, is beautiful. Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Well they work but no where near as smoothly as I would like yet......... need better quality parts or back to the drawing board but I will do it.......... somehow..........
I did consider that but a full door for me as getting on a bit now and I might not be able to get my leg over for much longer....................
You sir remind of someone building a concept car in the 50s using the space age as your template for you custom. Pretty bad ass run at it too!
My favorite custom build on the HAMB, damn; you have imagination, the conceptual three dimensional vision of sculptor, and super mad metal and mechanical systems chops, this build need’s a documentary! Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
Thank you all for your great comments, update soon I hope.................I have to finish this.......(not mine)..........
Got some time on mine............. removeable rear roof section that might have a mail slot window.......
With the screen top rested on it might make sense of the shapes/form I am Trying to achieve........................
Mock up of other side bolt on rear roof section, I like this alot so wont be changing it.................
If I’ve said it once I said it a thousand times. Every time I see this car I’m amazed. One last thing, son you’re gonna drive me to drinking if you don’t start driving that hot rod Lincoln. Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
Moon, that is so cool what you're doing, it's nothing less than a scratch built one of a kind full custom in your garage, and i see that you had the vision in your mind from the first day. A great pleasure for me to watch. When you are getting close to the goal, or maybe when we just get older, it would be fun to me to come over for a beer or two and have a look at it. England isn't that far. Cheers from over here, keep on. btw, i know that the ribs on the doors are only for lengthening them, but it would look cool if you would keep 'em for kinda scoop....intake... don't know the right term, hope ya get me.excuse my english, it's just what i learned in school and on the H.A.M.B. Carsten
Sorry but not much to report at the moment, but rest assured I am still on it, really appreciate the interest ....................................
Sorry for sounding like a broken record, but every time I see your work I’m amazed. Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
Once again I hate to sound like a broken records but I’m amazed, just amazed. Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.