I'm mostly a lurker here, I post very seldom, but I thought you all may be interested in a set of pics I ran across in a facebook group I'm in. These were posted this morning by a gentleman looking to find out where these were taken. The only clue he had was that they may have been in the upper New York area, around 1959, or very early 60s. Even if no one can place them, I thought they should at least be seen here. I may be late to the party, and they've already floated around here, and if so, I apologize, but, what a cool set of pics!
I may be mistaken, but the '57 Ford in the first pic looks like it has an early Connecticut plate on it. Cool pics, thanks for sharing.
Yes, cool pics and thanks. I was entertained at the "air conditioning" sign on the building wall. It was a pretty new item for stores to have back then.
Thanks all. For you guys that ARE on facebook, you might want to check out the group "ONLY PHOTOS TAKEN BETWEEN 1930 & 1969 OF CARS, TRUCKS and MOTORBIKES." Its full of great old pics. I found a couple more this morning...