The Coldwar Motors hooligans, from up north, finally put the wraps on the much anticipated "Straight-8-Showdown" Packard vs Buick I've only included part 6, as it sums it all up. Highly recommend delving into all 6 episodes. No joke, these cats know how to get the job done, on the cheap. ...and keep us smiling along the way. Rated PG13M, some language may not be suitable for young children...or your Mom Keep your stick on the ice, eh
Yup, I’ve said it before, these guys know how to have fun with old cars. I bought a car from Dean a few years back, nice guy. Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
I'm surprised that Pontiac ran at all. JB weld on the cylinder wall and lifters that were so rusty and pitted on the bottom I can't believe they didn't just eat themselves up.