Well i got a lot done tonite. My brother and i got the link bars done and now its time to mount the spring. The thing is ive got two springs, model a and a 40 front spring w/reverse eyes. So here is the problem. I want to use the a spring but the thing is the shakels and mounts will be on the out side of the body which means ill have to cut into the wheels wells. Not a big deal but my bro thinks it would look like shit. And his other big problem w/that spring is we dont know the spring rate and if i would ever have to replace the spring everything would just have to get redone. From what i found out, the mounts have to be 49" center to center. He thinks that the spring would never be able to strech that much. He's been around lifted truck most of his life and has never been able to compress a hich arch spring that much. So he wants to take the 40 spring (new from speedway) and mount it ontop the axle using modified speedway hangers and homemade shackels I like his idea but i would much rather use the a spring. Am i just a dumbass or...... Enlighten me with this whole spring thing. Toss a couple ideas my way and pictures wouldnt hurt. Sorry if some of what im saying doesnt make scense but im quite tired. -John
Anyone? Bttt for the morning guys. So how do you guys mount model a springs? Here is a link to my updates to give you an idea of the car and what sort of problem im rning into. http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=96874 -John
hello im getting ready to mount a springs on a 39 rearend.I got a couple of ideas,when i figure it out i will let you know. should be by the weekend. menno
Cool, but i hope to get the car rolling by friday nite. If my way doesnt work i may have to look at how you did it and do it over *gulp*. Well it woldnt be the first time.
The only expirence that I have with transverse springs is with a stock Model A.We had to use a Porta-power to spread the spring to get it to mount to the shackels.Looking at the spring I would have bet that we would never get it to spread that much but it did!!
I've heard mention of a special spring spreader tool thats used to remove or install the A spring and others I guess. Note you need it to REMOVE as well or you'll snap off a shackle as the outer plate is pryed off. Those suckers got some strain on them! Don't ask! (OK...I was given a perfect A rear spring by a friend but had to pull it off the A rearend....nearly ate the damn thing when it snapped!) I believe it fits into the crook of the spring eye on either side and you turn it like a turnbuckle to spread the spring. Should be easy to make with real thick all-thread rod and some close fitting pipe...and 2 plates cut to fit against the eyes and welded to the ends of the tool.
On my 31 sedan I'm using a 10 bolt with the stock A high artch spring. I welded the spring hangers on top at 49.5'' center to center. All I did was use the bottom spring only, to line everything up when welding. It was a pain to get the shackels in, but I was able to do it by my self. When I fially get to put it together I will do the same with the bottom spring, then install the other springs, C clamp them next to where the spring bolt goes and bolt/clamp everything together. I whould go out and take pictures for you but my rearend is STILL at the rearend shop . Seems either it was bent before (it had a bad axle when I took it apart) or after when I welded spring hangers,ladder bar brackets, and shock mounts. Damit, and I took my time too letting the welds cool before welding agin, and wleding about an inch at a time about 90* from each other. Hope this helps.
I used a 10 bolt also and we got the spring in tonite. Put the hangers at about 47-48" b/c we couldnt get the main leaf to stretch out to 49". Then we put the leaves back on and clamped & bolted the spring back together. Got the car sitting on the ground and it looks sic. You could see the spring outside the body but i like it. Gives the car a more mechanical feel rather than all nice and smooth. But now i barely have any wheel wells. Oh well, cant always have it your way. And everyone, thanks for your input. -John