Please forgive my ignorance, I know a four speed was offered with the 409, it’s part of my dream car, but which transmission was it? Muncie? BW? Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Not so bad if you have fingernails Standard bore 409 truck engine with some used 409 / 409 HP pistons, ran a best of 12.22 3860 lbs car.
The Muncie was introduced in 1963, and that year only had a smaller diameter front bearing retainer with the bell housing having a smaller register diameter also.
Bob Walla on the left and Ken Walsh at 42 Dragway Aug 23-25 2019 they are as 409 as it gets! Even in front engine dragsters, the 409 guys know how to put on a show! I even own a pair of Bob Walla heads, going in my 30 Chevy coupe! Love those boat anchors!!!
Well said! I lived in the Oak Cliff section of Dallas at the time, I knew a mechanic at Marsalis Garage that had one, Awesome is an appropriate term!
Way back in my teen age years the son of the Chevy dealer 20 something miles se of me would drive the year before's model with the hottest engine that came in that model. in 65 he was driving a 64 409 that had all the tricks plus a few more. I remember he got in a street race out on "the road" and lost to an out of town car and we are all back at the burger joint hang out and his sister slides in the lot sideways in her Corvette jumps out and tells him to hand her is keys. She does the you and me now thing and they go out and race and she blows the guys doors off in the 409. Pulling out of that same lot a few week later in my little box with wheels I was driving then I felt my car shake and jump and down and looked over and there was a wicked looking 63 409 beside me that was obviously a heavy hitter. Just the concussion from the exhaust shook my little car.
Just provoking thought.............So if a 409 is a boat anchor, does that make a banger a paperweight?
Hello, Despite the availability of Mickey Thompson’s Shop (and all of the Pontiac glory available) on the Westside of Long Beach, it sure seemed that most of the hot cars were 409 Chevy Impalas and Biscaynes. At nearby Lions Dragstrip, when those models were available at the local Chevy dealers, they showed up in droves, starting in 1960. This made it difficult for older stock cars to be competitive, giving way to the new kids on the block. The odd thing was, there were very few that we saw on the cruising streets where we were enjoying our teenage stuff, almost weekly. But, the topper of all time came in June of 1962. We helped our friend select his first car. It was a whopper of a car. A 1962 red Chevy Biscayne with blackwalls and small dish hubcaps from the dealer’s showroom floor. It had the look of the era correct street race car, with a big 409 and 4 speed as part of the package. It looked like a mild, meek businessman’s sedan for daily driving. But the big 409 gave other options for daily cruising. This was the fastest car in Bixby Knolls by far. The look said it best, small hubcaps and all… This look and that small 409 emblem kept all comers at bay for several years. Jnaki The 409 Biscayne was available at the local dealer(s), whereas, the Impala 2 door hardtop model had a waiting list a mile long. So, from a businessman’s simple car to one of the terrors of the street, this Biscayne was fast. Our friend was just starting to learn all about the 409 and what it was capable of doing. He learned how to shift the 4 speed, get good starts off of starting line and become the best in the neighborhood. That is some title to have and he wore it well. In driving the 409, it was obvious that a new motor gave us all that we could handle. It was very fast, had power to move with the slightest touch of the throttle, and it looked good doing it. The 4 speed was just perfect for smooth speed shifting. It was the start that gave our friend the most trouble. With so much power, my under powered 58 Impala always got off of the starting line first. Starting with the C&O Stick Hydro and the modified 348, it held the lead ½ way down. I knew when to show the brake lights for the victory. It was a legend in our minds as we were part of the learning process for our friend. He liked all of that power, but he never took it to Lions to race against the myriad of 409’s that showed up, (weekly) like it was the last attraction on the Westcoast. These 409s ruled and were very difficult for anyone to be successful against them. BOAT ANCHORS? Back then, NOT on your life… 2018 Hello, In 1961, when the newest 62 Chevys came out in the fall, of course we all went to see them, including the big 409 models. I did not own one, although the thought crossed my mind when one of our friends was in the market for his own, first car. We visited the top Chevy dealers in (3)Long Beach, and one in Lakewood. We wanted to see the cars on the lot, plus see which place would give the best deals. Of all of the 1962 models we saw, the best deal, the fastest delivery and the coolest car for immediate drive away at the same cost, was a red 409 Biscayne 2 door sedan. The new 62 2 door Impala hardtops were the hit of the times and sold like hot cakes. So, someone at the dealership decided to create a different model with lots of power to quickly sell off of the showroom floor. It was sitting there waiting for a young kid with his saved money for his first car. Power? It had the same 409 power for any situations. It is not the exact car, but it could have been with the Long Beach Douglas Aircraft Warehouse Buildings in the background. We all immediately liked the Biscayne over the Bel Air 2 door hardtop. Plus, if our friend wanted a 409 powered 4 speed, 2 door Impala hardtop, the wait was going to be a long one. As dealer options go, the sales guy threw in some extras for the Biscayne at no additional charge. Plus, he had the detail shop give it a Classic Car Wax coating that just came in for sale at the dealership. Now, the red Biscayne was ready to roll out onto the local streets. Jnaki It was a first teenage car that was the envy of everyone, even for an owner of a black, pristine, fast, 58 Chevy Impala. Another friend convinced his dad to buy a 63 two door Impala as soon as they came out, but the look of the red 62 Biscayne had already won our hearts over.