So the roadster thread has me wondering, how many here are "old" and what do we drive? I'm 60, drive a 36 chopped sedan, no fenders. Not an old mans car, If this topic falls off it's cause the old guys are still sleeping!!
Well, I'm 61, be 62 in Seprember, and Ive got a '32 2dr as a daily driver in the summer, and an SS454 pu that's a daily the rest of the time. I've got a couple of projects that may or may not see completion (steel '32 roadster, '32 5w, '48 PU, and just bought a '27 T roadster), but whatever I don't get to there's a lot of hot rodders in line that will finish them. Actually, if I live to be 135 I've got lots of time, so I don't see a problem, and don't call me OLD. Frank
Hello there chopped! It's 6:00AM which is a sure sign of a Geezer as I am already up! Also, I further qualify as a Geezer as I have been receiving my SS checks for several months now. For the younguns, that means I am at least 62! As to the cars that I drive, well let's see. I have a '48 Cadillac convert powered by a 500" Caddy with TH400 and disc brake rear. It has air ride suspension and is generally just a good old man's car. I also have a '63 Dodge Polara 500 comvert with 383" and Torqueflite trans. Then I have another '63 Dodge, this one a 440 hardtop. It has a 440" with 4-speed. Just finishing this one. I also have a '63 Pontiac Bonneville hardtop with 389" and 4-speed hydro. Lastly, I have a '40 Ford Deluxe tudor that is the first car I ever bought. It, sadly, languishes in my garage because all the other cars take up so much time!!! I am getting close to working on it, however. For new cars, we have a Chrysler 300C and what a car that is. The new hemi engine is fantastic! We also have a Dodge Magnum wagon when the occassional need arises to haul some stuff. That's all the stuff this old guy has to offer.
I'm 65 and have a banger powered Zipper Lakester, extended cab 29 Ford Pickup powered by a B engine with an original CRAGAR head and a mildly customized Navigator. I enjoy reading posts from 25 year olds telling me how it was in the '50's!
I'm 56 ,,,got up at 3:15AM an took a whiz ,,,went back to bed,,, I'm up at 6:00 most of the time,,,anywho,,, I drive my hot rod 32 fords,,,and depending on my mood it will be the roadster or the ol' mor-door,,,HRP
I'll be 60 in July---Been up since 7:00---(old mans aches and pains). My ride is a 31 roadster pickup.
On the down hill slide of 63. 32 3 window hi-boy. Sold my 41 Ford coupe. Run nitro R/C cars, trucks and some fliers. Usually up by 4am. Happy hour is a nap !! Age is a number .. don't mean shit.
57 early to rise...........31 vicky drag car project 65 bbc biscayne, 62 nova drag car powerstroke 4x4 daily .........old and proud
OLD ... is a place in your mind ... True story ... In 1990 I bought a new Chevrolet Silverado pickup. I drove the 100 or so miles up to visit my Dad ( who was 70 at the time ) and he looked at the pickup and said how much he liked it. About 2 weeks later I went to visit Dad and there was a 90 Silverado pickup sitting in his yard. I asked him about the Silverado and he told me ... I got it from a OLD GUY ... who lost his license ... he could not pass the eye exam. The man was 85. So OLD is the guy 15 years older than you are ... I am 58 ... so the old guy age must be 73 32 Roadster ... ownership of 30 plus years ... 32 3W ... project .
Like HOTRODPRIMER, got to get up in the middle of the night for a whizz, then get up a couple of hours later, (Iforgot what for now). but as soon as I can get these ole bones working, I'm going to take the 32 five widow out for a jaunt, and tomorrow maybe take the 29 on 32 rails roadster out for a spin, to get a little sun on this ole bald head. At least with the roadster, when I get some bugs in my teeth, I can take them out, wipe them off, put them back in, and look like new again. Try that you young whippersnappers!!! It ain't so bad to be 62......
I will be 60 in July and I drive a 40 Ford with a 392 Hemi turbo400 tranny and a Ford 9 inch. Had a 41 Ford coupe with a 53 merc flathead when I was 16 and been doing this since. You can see from the time of the post I sleep in a little must be due to going to work at 5:30 every morning. Daily driver is a Quad cab Hemi ram 1500.
i'm 46 so it looks like i have plenty of time to get my roadster. might have to settle for a reproduction. i hope not. if anyone has a roadster project and would rather have a nice comfy tudor let me know. just a body swap.
Thanks ya! I'm 56, been sitting around holding grand baby's feeling kind of old, hell ya made me feel young again! Think i'll get up and work on the rod.
I'm 57 and I drive a 53 Hudson two door Hornet that's chopped 3", nosed decked, shaved handles and running a Buick 455/400 combo. Oh yea and A/C need that, it's supposed to be 113 today. I also have a 60 Plymouth Savoy 2 door slant 6 w/3 speed, briiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight red, chromies w/bullet caps and www.
I'll be 62 in October. I feel 20 years younger when driving a hot rod. P/u or roadster, it doesn't matter. My mother is 91 years old and walks down to the mail box twice a day for the papers and the mail without a cane or walker and she's a girl! You gotta believe...right now I believe I'll take a nap.
I'm only 64, s o I don't qualify here, I'll come back and check this post and see how your doing in another 20-30 years my mom is 88 and doesn't need to renew her drivers license till 2010
58 and building a 36 ford 5 window 502 big block 700 r and a c-4 rear where are all the Honda's there is subsitute for cubic inches
I happen to be 62 and just retired, getting my 3rd s/s check in about a week. I have several project cars and also may never finish them but at least I have something to pass away my time. I work on them when I want and rest when I get tired. I enjoy the build more than the car itself so when I finish I drive it a short time and sell or trade for something else that interests me. I do however have a couple that I will never sell that have sentimental value.
Old age is ONE year older than I am That means 69 is OLD 52 Chevy Convertible 62 Vette Mild Custom BB
Old? What's old? You are only as old as you think. My wife has a cross stich piece in the bathroom that says: The secret to staying young is to find an AGE you REALLY like and stick with it. I'll be 59 next month and I'm building a 48 F1 pickup with some surprises I'll let you know about as it goes along. There's a flathead on the engine stand and a C4 under the work bench for the roadster project and I'm looking for a Ford banger motor for the Bonneville race car I'm planning in my head. Need I say anything else? Oh, yeah my grandmother lived to be 99 and I can be as ornery as she was. I think 40 years is enough time for the projects I've got stored in my head. My memory doesn't strike me stupid on the hot rod stuff.
Sixty-two years of age here...63 in November...I'm currently building a '55 Caddy Coop DeVille...only the second Caddy in my life...own a '40 Studebaker coop with 130,00 miles on a 400" SBC and still get 21 mpg on the hiway, and a radical chopped '57 Chevy that gets a ton of miles... Age doesn't slow an old man only means the car better get built faster to be able to enjoy it for a few years! OH, BTW, being on this board keeps most of us, at least, thinking young! R-
Well kiddies, gather 'round and I'll tell you a tale about hot rods....... I was born in February of '37. That makes me 69, for those that can't figure it out. I'm in the midst of a '29 A roadster with flatty power and will be starting on a '51 Ford Vicky this September. Therefore, roadsters are for old men. In the summer, that is. Then in the rainy season, we'll use the Vicky. Age is only a number. "I may grow old, but I'll never grow up" Best wishes to all the old guys on here. DJ
I'm 42 but some days my kids, life, work, taxes, gardening, washing dishes, making dinner, getting the kids to bed, finishing my work and then going to bed to do it all over again tomorrow make me feel much older. Oh yeah, cars... who has time for cars?
I am 51 but my brain still thinks it's 19. I drive a 32 ford roadster 34 coupe 40 coupe Well I don't drive the 40 right now, I broke it. It will be back on the road someday. chuck