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Folks Of Interest Sneaking around junk yards

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Boden, Nov 5, 2019.

  1. Some years back when gas prices got real high a pair of guys snuck into the local yard. They started drilling holes in gas tanks to recover gas left in them. After a few tanks one blew up severely burning one of them. The guy nearly died. They snuck in and left with lights and sirens. That will learn ya.
    Boneyard51 and olscrounger like this.
  2. Budget36
    Joined: Nov 29, 2014
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    Still not a good idea, I know my neighbors pretty well, I'd still go bang on them if I came home and they were lurking around out back.
    Boneyard51 likes this.
  3. Truck64
    Joined: Oct 18, 2015
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    from Ioway

    I looked that up - they used them on some pretty high level secret squirrel missile bases, too! Then, that's what's great about the internet, a little reading come to find this kimd of thing goes way back.

    Geese saved some Roman fort from invaders or somesuch. Plutarch, who lived a long time ago, wrote about them, the thinking then was that guard dogs can be bribed with a steak, or maybe poisoned. Geese are naturally paranoid and will go off at anything they think is suspicious. Pretty cool.
    Boneyard51 and Hnstray like this.
  4. krylon32
    Joined: Jan 29, 2006
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    from Nebraska
    1. Central Nebraska H.A.M.B.

    Never snuck in but spent a lot of time scrounging thru Paneitz Salvage in Fairbury Nebraska. He always let me drive thru the yard so I could have my tools. When I left he always checked the truck bed and looked under the seat. I guess some of his customers were guilty of trying to steal from him. I never violated the trust he had in me and I think that's why he sold me many bargains over the years.
  5. Atwater Mike
    Joined: May 31, 2002
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    Atwater Mike

    Geese. Yeah...and their turf is so slick a perp can't walk or run on it!
    GOOSECRAP is the slickest shit nest to owlcrap known to man.
    My former son-in-law got 3 geese for his yard...besides biting my grandchildren, (ages 1-5) the goose crud was like 90 weight gear oil, all over the steps, patio, and up to the back door!
    The whole family was relieved when my daughter booted HIS butt out. Along with the geese!
    They have their does he. :p
  6. Budget36
    Joined: Nov 29, 2014
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    Nitromethane has him on a list.
    Bigblue61 likes this.
  7. Atwater Mike
    Joined: May 31, 2002
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    Atwater Mike

    My old bud Larry came over one day (1957, I was 15) and asked if I needed a '32 shell/grille for the roadster I was building...I said, 'Heck Yeah!' (my Mom was standing behind me, or I woulda said 'hell'...)
    The whole thing was 10 bucks. I readily handed over the cash... Perfect shell, perfect teeth, even the upper trim was perfect. It was black...

    Years later, Larry confessed he'd taken a load of iron to Markovitz & Fox, the local steel yard. This shell was leaning against a building outdoors, so Larry slipped it inside the truck, behind the folding seat...
    Got his cash for the scrap, and high-tailed it outa there.
    Coupla months went by, and he saw my roadster...
    Karma came thru, I took the shell over to my bud's house with the Model A Coupe he was working on, to try it on there...He hung it up in the garage, front door wide open. Next day it had vanished.
    The Creator of the Universe musta returned it to its rightful owner...
  8. dang !! 25 9 inches!!!!! And Dana !!You musta been a mess !!!
    And your arms had to of been sore !!!!!

    sorry man !!
    My mind went there and nearly pissed d myself laughing lol !!

    lumpy 63 and Boneyard51 like this.
  9. There was junk yard that started in 1946 in Colchester, Connecticut, owned by Tony Galatro. People were always going into his yard, and stealing parts, and vandalizing cars. No fence to speak of. He was the typical junk yard owner. He seemed as mean as a snake, but when you got to know him, he was a friend. A bunch of us, his junk yard dogs went to his 80th birthday party. One day I was at his yard waiting for him to show up, which he usually did by noon on Saturday. about 1 o'clock he finally showed up, and asked me why I didn't just go into the yard. I said, Tony, this your yard, and I don't go in unless you are here, and tell me it was okay. He said it was okay if I went in, but I respected his property. This is a lesson for the young crowd. Besides now-a-days the junk yards have to worry about the insurance aspect. Times have changed, but not always for the better.
    Thor1, Algoma56, Boneyard51 and 5 others like this.
  10. 51 mercules
    Joined: Nov 29, 2008
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    51 mercules

    There was a junkyard on Van Buren in Riverside,Ca we used to sneak in and play in when we were kids, didn't steal anything just played.. No dogs just a mean goat.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2019
    Boneyard51 and Old wolf like this.
  11. jnaki
    Joined: Jan 1, 2015
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    Many years ago, Terminal Island was a Navy Housing and Airport/Sea Landing Complex. Down the street, a block or so, was a fenced in yard with a huge pile of transmissions, rear ends and old motors. It was a huge pile ready to be taken to the scrap heap. The local So Cal hot rodders knew of this place and it was a common thing to wait until very late at night or early in the morning to "raid" the scrap heap for parts.

    The Navy had nothing to do with this side of Terminal Island. It was being used for scrap from the shipping companies in the areas closest to the Wilmington/San Pedro side. This scrap stuff started after the WW2.

    On scouting trips, you could see what was on the pile and if your LaSalle transmission was missing a piece or had a damaged plate, gears or whatever, it was a quiet trip to the scrap heap. Yes, there were patrols, but the idea for them was the pile is so huge that no one in their right mind would come into this scrap yard and take parts. He did not know teenage hot rod enthusiasts with little to no money looking to get some valuable parts.

    Plus, the huge pile was just minutes away from our house via the Terminal Island Freeway. It was on an empty location with no one driving or walking around the whole area. It was an island and the only people were the tuna fishermen getting ready to head out for an early morning job, but that was located a few more blocks down the shoreline.


    There were plenty of stories of these huge piles, but it was a haven for gears of all kinds, motor parts, and who knows what else. It was a scouting trip first, then gathering tools necessary for removal, and dark clothing. Even the socket wrenches were wrapped with old strips of t-shirt material to keep the noise to minimal levels.

    We were walking tool chests. Those over the shoulder, green Army Surplus “ditty” bags with straps, from our Boy Scouts storage boxes worked wonders for the parts to make the trip home.

    Now, there is a giant, certified, scrap business that is the largest on the West Coast.
  12. Bigblue61
    Joined: May 25, 2015
    Posts: 68


    WOW, I didn't realize that. That's interesting
  13. Gman0046
    Joined: Jul 24, 2005
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    All thieves suck regardless of their age.
  14. Boden
    Joined: Oct 10, 2018
    Posts: 747


    I’m not a thief. I didn’t steal anything.

    Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
  15. toml24
    Joined: Sep 23, 2009
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    Many years ago there was a "junkyard" behind a car museum in Buena Park, CA. These were cars that were no longer worthy of being displayed. But, the cars were visable from the westbound 91 freeway. So, after many months of building up my courage, I drove out to the museum with camera in hand. There were many signs stating "No Trespassing", but I kept going. Finally I was in the area directly behind the museum and started snapping photos. I was petrified that I was about to be surrounded by a very angry security detail, but, thankfully, they never showed up. I was committing a trespassing crime and was very releaved to get off the property. I don't recommend trespassing but the rewards can be fantastic.
    Boden likes this.
  16. I have had permission to be in a junkyard and almost gotten in a mess.
    I asked a guy if he still owned the Fordillac he owned in the late Fifties, he told me yes go take a look in the family yard. I was about 19 at the time.
    So I did the first man's brother got wind of me being in the junkyard and jumped me wanting to know why had been in there without his permission.
    I told him the story that I was given permission by his brother.
    At which point he went wild "That's not his car or his yard you stay the FU#K OUTTA THAT YARD!"
    Thank god my dad heard this and didn't hold back on jumping me and what a piece of shit he was.
    Of course then he was mister charm.

    Always get permission but be careful
    Boneyard51 likes this.
  17. alanp561
    Joined: Oct 1, 2017
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    Nothing stings more than rock salt:oops:
    Boneyard51 likes this.
  18. dan31
    Joined: Jul 3, 2011
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    You would rather "pile on "and call a 14 year old kid a thief then read the original post? ,
    I think THAT kinda sucks . Have you ever posted anything that wasn't negative?.
    Joined: Mar 21, 2014
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    from okc

    I am not trying to get shot......
    Boden and Boneyard51 like this.
  20. 62rebel
    Joined: Sep 1, 2008
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    Seems to me that a city in Missouri damn near burned to the ground after a teenager was shot being stupid. Actions have consequences. Think further than fifteen minutes into the future.
    Boden, mountainman2 and Boneyard51 like this.
  21. Ha !! Only if you're naked ... and in close range. With clothes it hardly penetrates. You'll get scorched salted shirt holes ... so to speak. Gun range test at a gun show.

    Yeah, I live in Texas. We also get to shoot machine guns, and tank rounds. Rent-able at events like most other states have carnivals and fairs and sh*t. We shoot things.

    I shot thru a refrigerator, a car, a box truck, a bus, a steel plate and finally thru a cinder block wall with a Vietnam era M48 tank ... 90mm shell. Best trigger pull ever !

    Also got to shoot a 20mm Vulcan machine cannon, a 50 caliber Browning Automatic Rifle and a 22 caliber Uzi mini machine pistol. Part of a shoot 4 weapons for 500 dollars event at the National Machine Gun Show held near Austin many years ago.

    Maybe better than hot rodding ? :)

    P.S. ... on large cuts, I actually pack wounds with salt. It's a natural bacteriostat and honestly ... doesn't hurt at all. Lime juice does, salt doesn't. It's a myth.
    Boneyard51 and raven like this.
  22. Early Ironman
    Joined: Feb 1, 2016
    Posts: 553

    Early Ironman

    Back in the early 90’s, my father had a collection of close to forty 53 and 54 Chevy Bel Airs. He had collected them since the early 60’s.
    Had a barn full of parts. Both NOS and what he found in wrecking yards and dealerships over the years.

    At the time I was working as a mechanic. A fellow with a 54 Bel Air came into the shop. We got to talking and he seemed like a nice guy.
    I told him about my dad and his collection of cars and parts. A few days later my dad came home from work to find this guy on his property filling his truck up with parts he was stealing.
    This guy gave my dad this bull shit story how he knew me and I said it was ok if he helped himself to some parts.
    My dad being the nice guy he is actually gave this joker a few things.
    A few years later, the big ass barn fell over in a storm. Crushing most of his collection of cars and burying everything under all the debris.

    Dad was so distraught that he torched the whole pile. 35 years spent hoarding probably the largest collection of 53 and 54 Chevy parts on the west coast burned for a week.

    Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
    woodsnwater and 41 GMC K-18 like this.
  23. 6sally6
    Joined: Feb 16, 2014
    Posts: 2,756


    Boden...........just be quiet..........let it die.
  24. A friend asked me to help him get a fender over the fence in a local junkyard at night . So fast forward 15 years and my friend bought this junk yard . So I said you better make that lower fence higher so no kid can rip you off , he didn't know what to say !
  25. GTS225
    Joined: Jul 2, 2006
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    I thought maybe he was flying an ISIS flag just to get the free federal security.:D;)

    Boneyard51 likes this.
  26. junkyardjeff
    Joined: Jul 23, 2005
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    There was a closed junkyard next to a mobile home park a friends mom lived in so I hopped the fence to see what was in there,I heard that there were cars back to the 30s and it was true so I had planned on trying to see who owned it but the next time I got by there it was all gone.
    Boneyard51 likes this.
  27. Me and a handful of old club members were getting escorted through a junkyard by the owner, went by this pond and I picked up a rock and tossed it in, out of the curiosity of how deep it was. The owner starts yelling at me about how I'm killing his frogs or something, I say why don't ya calm down it's only one rock, next thing ya know he's pulling a 25 out of his waistband and waving it at me.
    My next reply was what are you going to do with that little thing, his reply back was it'll slow you down until I can get my weirdo junkyard owners
  28. 62rebel
    Joined: Sep 1, 2008
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    Old fella named Carwile had a big sprawling yard with nothing newer than about 1975 in it, stretched out from his house across three pastures and a few patches of woods. Always, but ALWAYS stopped and asked if I could go walking around in there. He always bummed a smoke from my wife (I don't smoke, and he wasn't supposed to) and always said I was welcome to walk around anytime BUT I never abused the privilege. He passed away and his family crushed the entire place out.
    Boneyard51 likes this.
  29. 6sally6
    Joined: Feb 16, 2014
    Posts: 2,756


    The one in Ladson?
  30. Rick Phillips
    Joined: Oct 30, 2019
    Posts: 25

    Rick Phillips

    When we were kids and just dreaming of owning a cool car my brother and I used to sneak into the back trail of the junk yard and walk around and just look at cool stuff, only had the owner chase us once but the dogs a few times, those were the fun days of youth, no regrets or bad intentions either.
    Stephen Barrett, Boden and Boneyard51 like this.

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