The guy with the Tub done on Overhaulin is now a HAMB member.He is a great guy,who really appreciates his car!He takes it everywhere,so does his wife.I turned him on to the HAMB at the Back To The Beach show,and he's finally on.If you PM him,i'm sure he'll answer any questions about the car or the show.Bad Bob
Well photock1, you are one lucky dude. By far the best Overhauling episode to date. Plus I dig the Y block mill....just slightly better than the Mazda motor it had
Photochk1 would be me, the wife... but, I can pass on any messages to Matt. Thanks for all of the support. We were starting to wonder if any of the Overhaulin fans had an appreciation for anything other than muscle cars....
i dig the idea behind overhaulin in general, but im not a total fan of what foose DOES to some of them. the man is an artist and after seeing THAT car, he does seem to have some taste... looks like i need to try and see this episode. . . SOON
congrats on the ride...i normally aint a fan of tubs, but damn, yours is fuckin far the best episode yet.
i was not a fan of all the muscle cars and pretty cars they were cranking out, but after seeing your episode, i did a 180, i got a lot of respect for foose after that show because he set you up right and he really stayed true to building a car for you, not just any assembly line rod. walked by foose' signing autographs at BTT50's , dont care to stand in line for a autograph i dont need or say hey to another joe. wouldnt mind standing around shootin the breeze or see'n him in action to pick his brain n such. wish i coulda had a up close and personal with his ford pickup too, that looks smooth, not my style, but smooth. lance
Foose does a nice job on all of them... He's a genius... ------- The tub is one of my favs. Congrats to you guys.
Amen. That is a darned nice truck. I like the mods to the front wheelwell openings, and the hood pancake... nice subtle mods, that you don't notice at first and don't detract from the overall vehicle. Ben
Yeah, they did "steal" it and we had my husband going in circles. He's got too much going on to sit around and stew, so it was pretty easy. I do agree that they need to work on some new pranks; they're going to come up against the wrong person one of these days. My husband wasn't as nice to them as he looked on t.v. either. They cut out a TON of footage. We drive it as much as we can. Took PCH all the way up to Ventura for the Back to the Beach show, and we're going to the Central Coast sometime in September for another show. We never wanted to be "trailer queens" against the advice of some folks. Yes, it's a Foose designed car, but it's still a car that just begs to be driven....
Sweet tub, I dig what Foose did to it. It turned out better than I thought it would, was afraid it would get too "street-roddy" with a ton of billet junk. Pm me when you guys get up here to the central coast, would love to see the car in person. I'm up in Morro Bay, we could show you the sights, lots of great scenery! Have fun with the tub, sounds like you are!
That car is awesome, and the episode was cool too. I'm glad that the hot rod episode was the first one to not make it, since they had to make parts instead of catalogs, just to show the "civilians" watching at home what all is involved. Welcome to the HAMB.
Thanks for the invite, know the scenery is gorgeous, as we moved down from Los Osos a few years ago. Hopefully heading back up that way in the next year or so; we've had it with So.Cal. OH builder Ben is a Los Osos local... I'll get you more info on the show we're hitting when I get it.
TV shows are just entertainment to me... I think it's gay to get all fucked up over Jesse James or American Chopper... It's a fucking show and I like watching shit with wheels get built... I even watch that truck overhaulin show on the freekin Country Music Network... But I do think that Overhaulin' crosses the line towards reality and passion. What Foose does is truely remarkable and inspiring. EVERY car he builds comes out way better than I think it's going to no matter how many times I watch the show. And the episode with that tub was one of the first I saw. It's still about my favorite TV episode period... I'd watch that again before I watched Sopranos or Lost or whatever the fuck. And beyond the TV thing... The tub is one of my favorite TUBS of all time as well. Cool to have it on the hamb and congrats all around.
I was woundering if Matt ever gets to drive it? Everytime I see you guys,you're always with the kids. Is it YOURS or his? And why are you DONE with So Cal.?
A lot of Foose's stuff is over the top for me but the guy has talent but the best thing I dig about him is his respect for some of the ol skool stuff. Did a hell of a bang up on the tub. hey photochk1 Welcome buddy to the HAMB
I was just wondering is it really free? It seems one would have to pay taxes on all the gifts that are donated. Clay
I have to ask something....first of all, great car and glad to see it driven....I know that this show was over the 1 week limit and I also noticed that it's the only one where they did'nt fire the engine up on camera with the owner...did they need a little more time???
Yes. I talked to Matt Saturday at the Queen Mary show.He said they weren't done in time. The wiring wasn't done,or the drivetrain.