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HD powered Reverse Trike

Discussion in 'The Antiquated' started by '52 F-3, Nov 19, 2019.

  1. pumpman
    Joined: Dec 6, 2010
    Posts: 2,674


    Your project is really coming along. I think it will be cool as hell when you're done. Can't wait to see the refinements.
    '52 F-3 likes this.
  2. Don't know how much of a Harley guy you are, I have some experience with them, was a part time H-D partsman and own a '02 TC myself.

    Two pieces of advice if you were not aware. That model, 2003 TC88 motors have spring tension cam chain tensioners, very subject to wear and failure. Starting 2007 m/y Harley started putting hydraulic tensioners on baggers and Softails, Dyna models had them in 2006. Longer life.

    I've seen the tensioners on the spring tension go bad all over the board, very low miles up to 50k. Pieces of Delrin and metal will separate and circulate in the motor when they go bad.

    Harley makes a retrofit kit in the Screamin' Eagle line, P/N 25284-11, it's on page 81 of the Screamin' Eagle 2020 catalog, there are other parts you will need with it, all told you are looking at about 650 for everything. It does include an improved oil pump, higher flow and scavenging also. I recommend this, in fact before I was let go when the dealership I worked at closed I bought the parts to upgrade my 2002. I'm on my second set of tensioners. replaced the first set when I blew up the motor at 15k. Also, replace the inner camshaft caged needle bearings with either Harley's S/E
    brand or aftermarket Torringtons, the OEM bearings are junk, needle/plastic spacer/needle, you get the idea.

    And that red oil filter? Personally I run Harley Davidson oil filters designed for the TC motors. While an EVO oil filter will physically fit they do not filter down far enough in microns to meet requirements of the TC's. Originally H-D specified 10 microns, that changed to 5 microns about 2005 or so. Some aftermarket filters may fit but they may not meet the micron rating required by the motor.

    Oil, a good quality V-Twin oil. H-D. Amsoil, Red Line, Mobil One come to mind. I started running H-D Syn-3 due to ease of getting it, previous to this I ran the standard Harley mineral oil, 20w-50.

    Harley does make a heavy duty clutch plate kit and they also offer a heavy duty clutch spring for use with the stock clutch if you have that need. I also like Barnett clutch components, they have been around a lot of years, I used their products in the late 60's in my race and street bikes.

    PM me if I can be of any assistance.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2020
  3. '52 F-3
    Joined: Sep 30, 2007
    Posts: 937

    '52 F-3

    thanks to all for comments,

    Shovelhead, thanks for all the info. I'm not a Harley Guy, but have a good friend that is and he gave me a 2004 HD touring service manual. I'm just looked up cam chain tensioner, can they be replaced by simply removing the cover?
    fyi, when I replaced belt drive with 530 chain sprocket I re-adjusted the chain tensioner. Also, I'll take your advice I will get all new HD oil/fluids and filter. and PM with more detailed questions...
  4. ROADSTER1927
    Joined: Feb 14, 2009
    Posts: 3,241


    I would replace the system with a gear drive kit and be done with it. I use S&S kits here in my shop and do lots of them. I love your project! Gary
    '52 F-3 likes this.
  5. ROADSTER1927 suggested a gear drive kit. That is an alternative if your crankshaft falls into less than .003 runout on the pinion end. Service manual will show you how to measure that. My crank was found to be .003 runout upon teardown after I had a camshaft ball bearing fail at 15k, subsequent damage took out the bottom end bearings also, at that figure I will stay with the chains as I'm not stroking that bike.

    The tensioners are located on both sides of the cam plate. Have to remove the plate together with the camshafts, that procedure will be documented in the service manual. 2003 and 2004 are just about the same engine, there was a big change between 2002 and 2003 due to the left side main bearing changing from a double Timken taper bearing in 2003 to a caged roller in 2003. The caged roller while easier to set up is not as durable as the Timken, in fact H-D and some aftermarket companies make a kit to use the older style with some machining being necessary. If you are going to do a stroker crank at sometime in the future that would be a good upgrade.
    '52 F-3 likes this.
  6. Billy_Bottle_Caps
    Joined: Oct 16, 2007
    Posts: 276


    Killer Project man!
    '52 F-3 likes this.
  7. '52 F-3
    Joined: Sep 30, 2007
    Posts: 937

    '52 F-3

    my Harbor Freight roller did a good job rolling rod very consistently. ready to try to cover with sheet metal....

    fenders 3.jpg fenders 2.jpg
    Deuces, brEad, Okie Pete and 2 others like this.
  8. '52 F-3
    Joined: Sep 30, 2007
    Posts: 937

    '52 F-3

    Cleaned up a 34 Chevy dash and roughed in. Also neither me or Rex are impressed with my fenders progress. I'm too invested to stop now, hopefully will look better once I switch from big hammers to little ones.
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  9. I thought of something else. The mufflers on the donor cycle are not stock, can't really tell what they are. Your air cleaner is the stock H-D. the black plastic covering the back of the "football" chrome air cleaner cover indicates that. Looks that your bike has fuel injection, that would be Delphi supplied.

    What I'm getting at is tuning and modification of the stock intake and exhaust systems. You can change the mufflers without a tune to the engine management system as long as you don't change the air cleaner. And the opposite, you can change the air cleaner as long as you don't change the mufflers. You cannot do both without a tune, you will run too lean, the system cannot compensate for that. Even the later model bikes with oxygen sensors follow the same rules, those can compensate a small amount but not that amount. If it was carbureted, it would be a ten minute job to change jetting. You could change it to carbureted but that is a bunch of work.

    Harley Davidson used to support tuners for them but they have discontinued the ones for the earlier bikes like yours. Vance and Hines and others make tuners that fit your bike, Drag Specialties is one source. Do keep a record of the VIN number or if you have not scrapped it yet keep the downtube section that has the FMVSS label with the VIN in case you fry the ECM, you still need the base program to run the bike.

    Also, don't trash the takeoff parts especially the anniversary badging. A lot of that was VIN restricted, in other words if you have a non anniversary badged bike and want to put that badging on the only way you can get it is to supply a VIN of a bike with that package. Not to mention the parts like the radio also have a market.
    '52 F-3 and ccain like this.
  10. lostviking
    Joined: Dec 23, 2019
    Posts: 106


    Really like this project. Kinda like a Morris. I've dreamed of doing something like this and using my shovelhead motor. Stroke and bore it to a 96 first.
    My idea was to put the motor in sideways though, without the HD tranny. Then build a custom clutch/bellhousing that bolts up in place of the primary. Now I could use a small drive shaft and not have to deal with chains or sprockets....or course that would mean using a rear that accepts a drive shaft :) Like I said, just pipe dreams.
    Looking forward to more of your actual reality taking shape.
    '52 F-3 likes this.
  11. '52 F-3
    Joined: Sep 30, 2007
    Posts: 937

    '52 F-3

    Thanks for idea Cliff R, actually after someone read your post they offered up this 59 grille for a very fair price (thanks Art) I can't wait to start making the surround fit the grille. It's better than I could have imagined..
    edsel 2.jpg
    thanks again ShovelH; I think i'll be using stock mufflers and air cleaner/intake at least initially. also plan to use as much of the Harley parts/trim/decals/badges etc... as look good.
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    LostV, I initially had the same idea, (like a Morgan 3 wheeler) but ended up going this route.
    morgan 3.jpg
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2020
  12. Okie Pete
    Joined: Oct 29, 2008
    Posts: 5,644

    Okie Pete

    How about using a spare tire cover ring for fenders ? I know everyone and their cousin has done it .
    '52 F-3 likes this.
  13. '52 F-3
    Joined: Sep 30, 2007
    Posts: 937

    '52 F-3

    made a little progress on fenders and grille surround.

    20200116_182952.jpg 20200116_192440.jpg 123.jpg
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2020
    Deuces, brEad, Okie Pete and 2 others like this.
  14. Cliff Ramsdell
    Joined: Dec 27, 2004
    Posts: 1,370

    Cliff Ramsdell

    Grill is shaping up. Will you be running a hood/engine cover on the trike? Top half or full cover?

    Cliff Ramsdell
  15. '52 F-3
    Joined: Sep 30, 2007
    Posts: 937

    '52 F-3

    Thanks. No hood, just a strut rod or two.
    Okie Pete and Cliff Ramsdell like this.
  16. Cliff Ramsdell
    Joined: Dec 27, 2004
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    Cliff Ramsdell

    Is that fender light one of those cool looking rocketeer looking lamps? Gonna run a pair?

    Cliff Ramsdell
  17. kevinrevin
    Joined: Jul 1, 2018
    Posts: 189

    from East Texas

    This thing looks wild. I'm along for the ride.
    What are those front tires? I've never seen that tread pattern type.
    '52 F-3 likes this.
  18. '52 F-3
    Joined: Sep 30, 2007
    Posts: 937

    '52 F-3

    They're a Dual-Sport rear motocross tires :)

    Been working on structure under skin, I really like this 3/4" x 3/4" (1/8 wall) square tube. Also couple of current pics...
    grill6.jpg grill7.jpg
  19. Cliff Ramsdell
    Joined: Dec 27, 2004
    Posts: 1,370

    Cliff Ramsdell

    She’s looking good. Still moving forward?

    Cliff Ramsdell
    '52 F-3 likes this.
  20. '52 F-3
    Joined: Sep 30, 2007
    Posts: 937

    '52 F-3

    haven't had much time to work on trike, but was able to buy some headlights on eBay i'm pretty excited about, there off a 1961 Chrysler Imperial.
    imperial lights 1.jpg imperial lights 2.jpg
    Deuces, Okie Pete, e1956v and 3 others like this.
  21. '52 F-3
    Joined: Sep 30, 2007
    Posts: 937

    '52 F-3

    nothing exciting, made some crude fender struts and mounted mud flaps. They are kinda springy when mounted, gonna add alittle more structure, just not sure what kind yet...
  22. '52 F-3
    Joined: Sep 30, 2007
    Posts: 937

    '52 F-3

    Got these crazy headlights in a location I like, and started mounting. They're huge and damn heavy, and are going to take a little more time to mount than "regular" pair of lights. I'm guessing their polarizing, either like'em or hate'em.... I think they fit the build perfect myself.
    headlights 4.jpg
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    Last edited: Mar 6, 2020
    Deuces, brEad, Okie Pete and 4 others like this.
  23. BamaMav
    Joined: Jun 19, 2011
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    from Berry, AL

    Dig the funky lights, but the tread on those tires looks awful. Too blocky.
    '52 F-3 and kevinrevin like this.
  24. Greg Rogers
    Joined: Oct 11, 2016
    Posts: 902

    Greg Rogers

    Very interesting. Good job! I'm following along!
    '52 F-3 likes this.
  25. kevinrevin
    Joined: Jul 1, 2018
    Posts: 189

    from East Texas

    Go, man, go! I'd like to see some different tires up front, more like the ribbed sprint car design from way back instead of the diggers there now. Just my thought.
    I like the look with the lights. They fit that front end just right.
    '52 F-3 likes this.
  26. pumpman
    Joined: Dec 6, 2010
    Posts: 2,674


    Really dig this build, but is this going to be a mad max kinda of thing. Not that it is a bad thing. As said, I dig it, just curious.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2020
    '52 F-3 likes this.
  27. '52 F-3
    Joined: Sep 30, 2007
    Posts: 937

    '52 F-3

    Plan was to work on my sheet metal skills and build a low budget "Ed Roth" inspired thing. I agree it really has a Mad Max type vib. (even a little rat-rod(cough-cough)'ish). I think once it has interior and a paint it will look completely different...
    Okie Pete likes this.
  28. flatheadpete
    Joined: Oct 29, 2003
    Posts: 10,591

    from Burton, MI

    Kinda dig this thing...but I'd run just one headlight per side...just my opinion. The tires are rad!! Great out-of-the-box thinking.
    '52 F-3 likes this.
  29. '52 F-3
    Joined: Sep 30, 2007
    Posts: 937

    '52 F-3

    FlatheadPete: I consider using a single headlight per side, but think the pairs are a little more of the "Ed Roth" look I'm going for.

    Removed grill etc... final welded, sprayed some flat black inside and did an initial cleaning of headlights. Had to take a couple pictures out in the sunlight....Rex still don't seem very interested. It's also got pretty heavy, I added to more 2 mounting points (total of 5 using 8, bolts)

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    Deuces, brEad, Okie Pete and 2 others like this.
  30. pumpman
    Joined: Dec 6, 2010
    Posts: 2,674


    Dang, the grill looks cool as is. Are you going to repaint it?
    '52 F-3 likes this.

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