Welp! Getting ready to Clean and convert the rust inside the body... Its worse than I thought! Someone shoved mesh, wood, filler, trash, rocks, Alien life forms, into the lower quarters! Plus there is daylight! And I hope I can find a place that still makes the rear window wood! Macs, and Fordwood.com is it! If they are still in business! Couldn’t be a 34 and have metal back there Dag nab it! Oh well, I’m just gonna clean up the patch as best as possible and seal it with some roof sealer, and cover it with paint it’s just a traditional old-school ride anyway!
Ugh, love when unskilled people "fix" things. Will you please post a couple shots of the whole car? Hard to get a feel for the car based on your avatar.
If your gonna slather that mess with roof tar and call it a day , do me a favor , Don't sell it on the Hamb.
33, the rear window wood is all flat stock, no compound curves. A man with your talent should be able to make it! As for the prior body work, the screen is something that they did back then. I have seen newspaper, cardboard and tarpaper used as fillers. My suggestion is that your car deserves the best, so do it right.
Too bad for you to find the quality of the past repairs, but you have to know that roofing tar and screen repairs in no way make your ride traditional or old school. That is a great car with cool family history. Don’t do sh*t repairs on it.
Found out what the screen was for! Filler for BIG holes! Gonna have to cut it out now!! Dammit!!! At least I have new skin patch panels, gonna have to fab the inside though! My Type “A” personality wants to tear the whole car down! But it will never get back together, so Im gonna just cut out the bad spots, and graft new pieces in there.
i think you need to get a hold of Dolly and ask her what the hell was she thinking! good car yet though, you'll fix it. i agree the back window stuff would not be a big deal if you have some wood skills, if not i have read nothing but good things about "brads wood shop", Oregon i think
I’m gonna see if my dad has an old scrap fender I can use for the patch pieces, so that way I have old metal going on old metal, and then if I need to use a curved piece here and there I can use the curved part of the fender,?because the inner fenders got some rot too! I’ll figure it out! I’m just kind of pissed, because I wanted to drive it soon, but I don’t want to drive it full of holes, and be unsafe.
Well,,,,,to be fair,,,,it is an 87 year old car,,,right ? Those repairs look to be ,,,maybe,,,50 years old ? I think you have been lucky so far . How many vehicles from this era were never repaired at all,,,and just rotted away entirely ? We’ll never know,,,,,,the most of them have been scrapped ! I think you have a solid foundation to start with,,,!better than most . Man,,,,,you are gonna have a sweet ride with that Flathead when you are done ! Tommy
You Are right! not bad for pert-near 90! Im just whining, because I really don’t want to pull the body, its never been off the frame. Maybe I can undo it and jack it up in the back, wedge some 4x4’s to clear the frame a few inches. We will see! Pops says don’t cut anything till he comes down from the hills to look at it! That might take forever, Though! Should not have told him!
LoL,,,,you might be right,,,,! He wants to make sure you do it right I guess,,,,,LoL. Man,,,that is something to be proud of,,,,almost 90 years old and still very sound condition. I think you will have a car that will outlive all of us . And that Flathead looks great ! I’m very proud for you ! What part of the country are y’all in ? Tommy
So did it fall out or did you have to tear it out???? At one time that was just an old car and probably not even worthy of the poor repairs it did receive. I’m pretty Sure that expanding foam spray cans weren’t around back then but if they were the guy could have saved some time and effort. Fast forward to today and that same car is worthy of quality metal work and patches welded in properly. A friend of mine paid some big money for a muscle mopar. It had the best closing doors any of us had ever seen. Mostly because the inside bottom of the doors were filled with FG resin about 3” up to hold the doors together. We figured the made a form out side and cast the door bottoms then sculpted the rest to perfection.
16th pic. down. Now this just ain't right. Great project, looking sooooooooo good, but something is really wrong here.--------------------------------------------No build space EVER is this clean. You sure you ain't putt'n us on ? just mess'n with ya, nice build so far.
Since you have to replace the rear window wood maybe you could consider changing to a roll down rear window.
I tore it out like an idiot, in a fit of rage! At least the Bondo and metal was merged! But... it revealed the gaping hole!!
So we can guess the patch is almost as old as you are and it hung in there . Not too shabby for a quickie repair on a busted up old tin can.
I think it's great that back in the day someone did whatever they had to do to keep that car alive. If they had waited for a first class metal worker to fix it, the car would have gone to the scrap yard.
Ie: screen. I can remember our neighbor using screen and bondo for repairs on a 53 Chevy. The screen was bent/shaped to cover the holes then mudded over. Too poor to pay for replacement panels, if you could find them, and considering the salt used on the roads, anything in the bone yard was more than likely just as bad or worse.
Great looking project. It will look awesome finished. Definitely looks small park next to your wife's rig. Keep up the good work and keep the pics. Coming. Thanks for sharing!!!
Well after much thinking and contemplating, I decided to come up with a compromise with this rotten metal issue for now. I’m gonna take the rear fenders running boards gas tank out, and work on the quarter panel holes, there is pinholes in the rockers, and the Cal section but I’m not gonna worry about that right now. Because then I’ll just have the car completely apart in 1 million pieces. Of course Pandora has a way of showing up… So here’s some pictures of it before I tear it apart! This car has never ever been off the frame, so I’m trying to avoid that for now we shall see????? Mr. 8BA waiting patiently.... So I don’t get distracted I’m going to finish the top bows today, they’re almost done just got to sand and paint them. Then it’s teardown time boys and girls!
What a nice looking rig , will be watching to see this come along .this was rough around the edges too. img010 by harpo1313 posted Feb 16, 2010 at 10:40 PM img011 by harpo1313 posted Feb 16, 2010 at 10:40 PM