Happy Canada Day...??? Is that anything like our Independence Day (4th of July)...or Labor Day??? Then, that's the reason HackerBill hasn't written me... R-
Make that "Happy Dominion Day" It was changed to Canada Day because the Froggies don't have a word for Dominion. And happy Independence Day to our friends South of the border.
ahhhhhhh canada day....getting paid to stay home!!!!!happy canada day to all my fellow hot rod and kustom crazy canuckistan brothers and sisters....cheers eh!,,,craig
Happy Canada Day y'all... um, eh? (I've only been in the States for a few months and it's already creeping in) I'm dragging a few "honourary Canucks" down to the Atlanta Brewing Company for a good ol' Canadian celebration (piss up).
HAPPY CANADA DAY!!!!!!!!!! I look forward to pissing up with you. won't it come back down though? I better not wear my sandals today huh.
I'll make sure to get myself a case of moosehead tonight for the special occasion (Says the guy with a light canadian sounding accent)
You don't want to wear good shoes... the advert for the party says it's a bottomless glass... could get messy.
Yes indeed, Happy Canada Day and a nod to the south and the best neighbours anyone could hope for. ...
WOW Decon......you have much to be proud of....your Grandfather was/is a true hero! cool stories//cool bike My Grandfather used to run liquor for the states in the 30's..ha hah ha
Cool story Decon. Great photo. No rum runners, lunatics or mass murderers (or women's undergarment makers) in my family... booooring.
My great grandpa was a pool shark, who won enough money to get a loan to buy a farm...and then my grandpa used to have a 47 indian motorcycle that he used to speed everywhere and would just drive on the yellow line and escape from the cops. Very cool story though decon.
Yeah he was cool guy. I am proud of him. He had a pretty good mechanical gift too, thats why he got the bike even though he was in the infantry. He transferred out of the cavalry just so he could be sent up to the front crackpot! Thanks for the nice comments. Now, back to the patio for some pre-fireworks lounging.