Looking for anyone who might have a smaller belly tank sitting around that they aren't going to get to. I'm looking for a 75 gallon -160 gallon tank, something that i can use to build a go-kart for my son to ride around in and take to car shows. Thanks Everyone. The closer to Wyoming, the better.
I have one of the (P-51) 160 Gal. Tanks. The same style Bill Burke ran at Bonniville in 1946. you can see pictures by just tapping in Bill Burke's Belly Tank. Was used for a furnace oil tank after the war so there is a small quarter inch pipe fitting welded on. There is some rust holes towards the tail. The fill lid, rear pipe plug, as well as the bracket for attaching to the aircraft are still in tact. Length 10' 2" width at largest diameter is 29". Could be made into a motor cycle engine runner at the lakes. If interested text me at 360-270-9163. I can send pictures thru the cell phone easier then this site. Location is central Oregon.
Myles I sent the pictures off hope they came thru. The tank hangs in a 12 x 30 RV barn used for car building. Got another shop for wood working, Have to do furniture building to support my bad car habit. I'm glad I could find the old pictures as the tank now hangs over a 48 Ford pickup which is being Blessed with a 472 Cad engine. Can't move the truck as it waits a front timing chain cover. Can not wait to make smoke. Being 74 helps get out of the tickets we used to get at 18 the police would issue us to cure our bad habits. Not many years ago I was charging up a hill with a short stroke 350 chevy with 10.5 compression, thorley Headers and dirt track mufflers in a 1971 4 x 4 PU. Bark bark. A cop had a guy pulled over part way up the hill. He looked me over well, until he saw the white hair. Just shook his head.