HAMB Folks Been a lot of talk of failed magazines...well Rodders Journal is having a sign up and save sale..ya get a smoking deal on a subscription and a T shirt...check it out.. https://www.roddersjournal.com/shop/supercharged-sub-sale-us/ https://www.roddersjournal.com/shop/supercharged-subscription-sale-international/
I do wonder...I signed up for the BOGO offer last year..if I sign up will it start when my old subscription ends....hmmmmmm
I highly doubt Rodder's Journal will follow the ever growing list of defunct automotive magazines, they have a huge following along with many lifetime members. HRP
Not a problem..I love and continue to support printed media...and this is one of the best ever...I look forward to seeing it in the mailbox..I’m re-upping.. Come on folks...no better time than now to take advantage of this offer..
I have 5 Rodders Journals unopened in the original packaging somewhere in my mess of magazines. Never got around to reading them in my short term of subscribing.
I just re upped...had em add it to my current subscription when it ends...deal ends tonight...Hell the T shirts half the cost this fantastic publication... Preach...
Right, but those Lifetime Subscription runs were to raise working capital for expansion and new endeavours. (I'm a lifer as well). They still need Lifetime guys to buy the other merchandise and products to maintain cashflow because they're not getting a yearly subscription from us anymore.
For us US and A folks... https://www.roddersjournal.com/shop/supercharged-sub-sale-us/ For you other folks... https://www.roddersjournal.com/shop/supercharged-subscription-sale-international/ Too good of a deal to pass up...
Forgot to mention sale ends this Friday at 11:59 eastern standard time.....get it while the getting good...who can’t use another T shirt....and a killer magazine delivered 4 times throughout the year...