Hey guys! I just pulled the trigger on a 53 and a 54 Pontiac! I'm still deciding my plan for these cars, but I was hoping you could help me out on decoding the cowl tags, or pointing me in the right direction. Also, where might I find the vin plates on these cars? Can you tell anything else about these cars from the pictures? Here's my 53: Here's my 54: Thank you in advance for your help! -Nick
The '54 is the entry level 2dr sedan - 3 speed, no radio or clock. The '53 is one step up in trim level. The serial numbers are on the shiny tags spot welded to the "A" post on the driver's side.
Awesome, I'll look for the serial number tags. Thank you. What does the trim 70 and 71 indicate? Also, both are paint code 09. What color does that correspond to? Also, the 54 has a straight 8. Was that the common engine for these? Thanks! -Nick
find the serial number and make sure it matches the titles before you buy? 53 Cheiftan 2dr sedan deluxe, gray cloth, Cirro gray paint 54 Cheiftan 2dr sedan, gray cloth, Cirro gray paint
Thank you! What does the accessory code "B" indicate on the 53? I'm going to have to file for lost titles for these, as the owner lost them many years ago. (Bummer, but not a deal breaker). -Nick
Possibly bumper guards? Have the owner file for lost titles, since they're his cars. Much easier for him to do!
find the serial numbers, and we can tell you spiffy facts like what assembly plant built them. You already know the rest of the info they will tell you (year, 6 or 8, and transmission)
C= California (south gate) P= Pontiac MI S = syncromesh transmission X and Z are the years 6 and 8 are the engine
Awesome, thank you! So, do these cars have an actual vin stamped somewhere? What number is used to identify the specific car during the title process? -Nick
That number on the stainless tag is the car serial number, which was used by many states later as the "VIN". The term VIN has a specific meaning, and wasn't invented until about 15 years after these cars were built. Some states used the serial number for the title, some used engine number, some used both. I don't know if a partial serial number was stamped on the frame on Pontiacs...it was on Chevys, but under the floor, so you can't see it easily, and I think it started in 1955.
I don't know what you know, but the 54 grille and the trim under the passenger window (with the dip) are very desirable. Don't let them just walk off.
Nice! Glad to see these saved. As you probably already know, Washington has a 3 year wait for titles. After inspection. If the guy had them registered within the last 10 years, I believe, have him go to the licensing dept and get replacement titles ASAP. Buy him lunch, bribe him, whatever it takes. Much easier than taking the time to go through the state inspection and wait 3 years. If they haven't been registered then it's a hurry up and wait game
I suggested that earlier, I'm glad someone else offered more (local) info, so you realize it's something you really need to do. Now, while you can.
This is good advise. However, if you can't get titles, all is not lost. After inspection they will put you on a 3-year "registration only" probationary period. The registration will be in your name and you can drive it. At the end of 3 years you can apply for a title. If you want to sell one of the cars during the three years, it's doable but complicated. You transfer the registration to the purchser and formally give him power-of-attorney over the vechile. The purchaser can drive the vehickle for the remainder of the probationary period, and then at the end of three years use the power of attorney to transer ownership from you to themselves. The trick is finding a buyer who's willing to do that, since it seems sketchy even though it's legit. I actually did this years ago when selling an old Corvair--I was amazed the buyer consented to the deal. So anyway, as scott and squirrel are saying, you'll do yourself a big favor getting this sorted out now. And lastly, those cars are cool! Good on you for grabbing them.
2door post with sticks......great find. Keep the 3 pedals at all costs. Stock bodies and trims, slight front rake, 9” Ford rear, 455 poncho power, 15” Torque Thrusts, discs all round.