X-Frame NASCAR Chevy details. Rex White/Louis Clements car: A different’62 Bel Air: None of the interior shots are Rex White’s car.
Rootie, the first photo looks like an IMCA race around 1963/64. And is that Gordon Wooley in the K.E.Y. sprinter? I'm not sure about the other photo but that looks like it might be Jean Marcenac in the beret working on the car. Thanks!
Look close, I don't think it's a Ford. Look at the grill and the front springs. It's an Essex '29-'30
I don't have any specific info but I believe it's 63 so Wooley would be a good guess and possibly Barton in the Lempelius 52. The other car is the Brady (previous Thorn) 25 that Fonder drove in 49. The fellow wearing the beret is in this shot I think and his name may be Englar (?)
He was generally considered to be from Lebanon Pa. which may be close by (?) He was one of the original (1930s-40s) Penn. Posse.