I haven't been over that way since the above post. It's a slam dunk that it'll be a while before I do. At least until we get the "all clear" about the virus.
I see that this bus is so small that it only had one heater. The ones I rode in the early 60's were larger and had another heater under the seat which was the next one back behind the wheel well. When it was cold the first 3-4 kids on the bus crammed into that/those seats where the heat blew and the rest of us froze our hinnies off. Oh, yes. I just went back through this thread. In January of 2019 you went and looked at another old bus. I sure hope you snagged the first aid box out of that one. Not that you will ever need a first aide box, but if cleaned and repainted it would look so cool in your restored bus.
So cool. I've always loved those shorty buses. Way too much of a project for me, tho! I can't wait to see it on the road.
I got the first aid box. I got everything out that bus so there isn’t much left besides the shell. It’s a shame cause most of the body was aluminum. Not just the roof like mine. Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.