Four door 1955 Chev in iconic color is wonderful! 1 more car I promise, Rex Winter Dry n windy Lubbock TX
UPDATE, the vintage FED, fuel tank and body. This project is going well so far. Already struggling with the fuel injection though....time. Mike..
Wow! You guys are all detail masters. Mr. Baker, those Double Dragsters are downright devilish in their details. I've been trying to step things up a bit with every build, but have always been a "paint detail" guy instead of adding plumbing, linkage, wiring, etc. Anyways, this one's almost done. My favorite part of the build is when it goes in the display case!
Stay healthy everyone ! Pinstriper40 your painting rocks! Progress on my can of worms sedan, found front mounted blower, set the engine back and more body work.
Just wanted to take a second, and say thanks to all of you for sharing your builds. The details are amazing. I need to check this thread more often. I don't have the patinence or skills of you guys. But I've built model cars since I was 9 or 10 years old. I've have kept most all of them. But some are in pretty bad shape, and stored in their boxes. My 1/8 Big Deuce model fell off the shelf years ago. So I'm going to try and restore it, and some of them back to they way they were originally built. I may post a few on here. My models still look like a kid built them. Same kid, just a much older! lol Ron.....
A few of mine, built over the last year or two. With the amount of bench time now available due to the current situation over here in the UK, I think a few more should get done soon. First up, a B17 Flying Fortress. I collect kits as well as build them. Part of my collection covers the old wooden kits that dominated before plastic kicked off. I also like to display built kits alongside the boxes and period accessories. I've tried to build a few wooden kits, without much luck. They take a whole lot more skill than I have. I also have an original 1940's Testors paint set in my collection and I've wanted to build a copy of the plane on the boxtop for years now. Not an accurate model, a copy of the one on the box. To get around my lack of wooden kit building ability I wailed into an Airfix plastic version instead, sanding all the details off, filling the engine cowls, painting the glass areas, building a new turret and hitting the smoothed over model with something like the box top colours. Here's the paint set... The 1.72 scale plastic model, smoothed out and covered with hi build primer... ... and the finished plane! Possibly more suited to this forum, here's Revells recent Willys Gasser. Box stock, nothing added. Paint is rattle can red over white primer, then clearcoated over the decals... And to finish, Monograms Hurst Hairy Olds. A recent reissue with the base made by hacking up the box the kit came in and adding it to craft shop card... Adding a bit of cushion stuffing for tire smoke gets this for a picture... Thanks for the opportunity to post these builds. Stay safe everyone. Tony.
Stellar work, Tony! Love that B-17! My kind of build! As a UK modeller you might appreciate my build of the first Airfix air plane kit, a genuine “BT•K” Spitfire... Not to get too far off track, though, so, back to cars. This week I received freshly plated chrome bumpers, taillights, and continental kit ring for the '58 Ford Fairlane 500 “taildragger” custom I'm working on...
That's a first class build there John. I have a pair of built BTK Spitfires I restored years back. Both bought as part of job lots of old kits bundled together. They don't have the sharpness of your build, the blue one got a good cleanup and a bit of paintwork to help out the worn decals, the cammo one got repainted, working around the existing decals. The bagged kit came to me via ebay. The price hurt a bit!
"Hay Yum Yum can you pass that 3/8 wrench. ?" " Not now I am trying out the car chairs !" Will this bench fit ?" " I like the color!"
Well, YumYum hasn't realized yet the blower is in front of the motor. Not sure yet if Lug Nut has it figured out yet. Lug Nut says..."Oh come on YumYum, bring me that darn I can tell you what a Potvin does.
Finished... Or... "Good enough, I've got real cars to work on"... This was for a friendly facebook monthly model building competition. I flocked the interior for a carpeted look, added bmf trim, and only swore 5 or 6 times. The best part of the build is when it goes in the display case.
UPDATE on the Vintage FED motor. Thanks for the help of members here, maybe the stack fuel injection is figured out. Here a sneak peek; Lots to do yet, just enthused that things can move forward now.
I have a big thing for the AMT kits, especially 58-62. That Ford is a beauty! Where do you get your chrome done?
Whattaya mean "may"? I'm sure many of us would like to see them, I know I would. You've got tons of interesting stuff.
UPDATE: Further on now with the stack injection, and magneto is started. I realize this type magneto is more modern, I just don't want the old style barrel on this motor. The car itself is a really simple and functional design, my goal though is to make a correct and juicy motor in a small scale! Oh yeah! here the newest pics; For now, the magneto is just dangling around, it will get further attention. Next up though is the throttle linkage. Slowly this intake setup will probably be more than 100 individual parts. The upper flared, short stacks are already finished. Thanks for your interest, much appreciated. Mike..