First up thanks to Cragar for going above and beyond by A. Loaning out his compressor for 3 weeks B. Also his gas heater! (its winter here for those that don't know) C. Doing all the Lace and Candy! Some of which while I was at work. I owe bigtime! Also thanks to Ash for helping spray the white. Now these are just teaser pics till I get the car assembled so enjoy. The candy was finished on Saturday, everything still needs blocking and buffing but it does look good if I don't say so myself! This takes red steelies to a slightly higher level And finally gotta have the dash to match... Unfortunately being winter here I might have to wait a few days till I get a sunny one to push it out and get pics, but you get the idea.
HEHE...well I guess I'll just have to reKandy the EK's roof for the picnic now! Can't have you showing me up! (already have!) Looks Awesome....can't wait to see it in person. Cheers Maiki
Go on Mai ki-ki recandy the roof lets turn it in to a comp to see who can come up with the wildest EK roof I still have a few idears should be fun just have to keep it from Devilrods wife
Gonna go a fda job this time....deep deep colour at the edges fading inot the middle, and flames over the bottom half of the car....tis the plan. And if Sam brings down his Ek van, be fun fun fun at the picnic. =]
Ohhhhhhhhh Brett! Seems as tho you've got yourself one hell of a sweet tooth! I'm TRES jealous!! You and Cragar wanna come take a vacation to lovely SoCal and paint my Poncho in candy red??? Pretty please? Oh and congrats on the sweet gift.
All that Kandy and its not even a holiday or having to worry about your teeth rotting out. Mega Sweet
If you need a hand at all mate, let us know. I'm sure we could get some passport stamps to cross the river to help you meet the September deadline. And congrats again on the new arrival!
nice DR. makes my EKs white roof seem, well, white... it's sunny now, go get some shots outside.......
Thanks Wayne, even if its just to laugh at me swearing at it, it still helps. My biggest problem will be spare $$$'s just about used up the money from the Fairlane! But where there's a will there's a way! I still can't believe the help and things that have been done by my mates for me to get it this far. Its coming up way better than any of us expected.
Hey Mr. Candyman, can you fill us in on what kind of car that is. Looks kinda like a 57 Chevy but I know it's an Aussie make, right? I don't know shit about your cars so maybe you can educate me. I love the paint job and would love to see the old pattern painting come back over here. If you can shoot candy colors and do lace patterns, etc. you've proved yourself as a painter in my opinion. Maybe you should take a vacation and come to Texas and shoot my 30 Ford coupe that color, bring your surfboards and some shrimp too.
Brandy SoCal is warm this time of year so count me in I would do anything to get out of this cold hole at the moment even pick up my sprayguns again
Candys pearls and flake is all I will paint now days and loving it as Devilrod found out I would have gone a lot wilder if given the chance
Bitchen, do you have any shots of different stages of the roof process? How much time do you have involved into the roof? looks good, Joe
Aman, its a Early 60's 'EK' Holden (GM) Here's mind..did have Kandy roof, but it faded off...time to redo now I've be re-inspired! =]
Thanks Mia Ki-Ki your car looks great. I've never seen one before but, I can see why it's the one to hot rod. Well, when your freezing your ass off down there, just think about Texas. IT's in the high 90's here, sport fishing is at it's best,it's hurricane season, the beach is kickin with all those hot babies laying everywhere. Things get worked up in the Gulf and the waves can be pretty good at times, nothing like what you have around there I'm sure, but none the Over and Out.
woohoo! Brett wants me to stripe it. Already did the heater a year ago. hope my brushes work on shiny paint. They seem to kinda like the tooth of rust and primer. Congrats on the baby girl. Pete
Yeah sure, come to SoCal and I'll keep you busy.......then head to Texas. You could pay for your trip as you go......what a killer idea! Oh and if ya brought Brett, I'd keep him floating in yummy rummy. I might even let him swim in my pool and curse there.
Sweet. You should get your wife to make a shammy suit for the new baby and get it to crawl around on the roof for you. Congrats on a fine looking roof and the new member to the family.
All up total time on the roof was around 6 and a half hours. First up Cragar laid down the base coat silver. Making sure the last layer really stands up. Then a coat of clear to seal it a little. We then laid out the 2 panels which took around 1 and a half hours, then laid out the lace. 2 light coats of a silver/black mix then lift the lace. Followed by 2 quick coats just around the edges of the panels to help give some definition to the edges. Then unmasked. Followed by Candy red added till happy with the darkness of red. Followed by more coats of clear to give some serious depth to the paint.