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Technical Anyone else have this problem? Rebuilding my 53, but old parts are cluttering my garage...

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by oilslinger53, May 23, 2020.

  1. oilslinger53
    Joined: Apr 17, 2007
    Posts: 2,500

    from covina CA

    Any you guys have trouble scrapping old parts that nobody else seems to need or want? I’m replacing all the little shit as I rebuild my car. Unfortunately it’s starting to clutter my garage. I hate putting still useful, 60-70 year old parts on the sidewalk for the scrap man. I’ve sold some things, and gave other things away. But I’m getting cluttered. I hate scrapping working parts, especially less common station wagon, and sedan delivery parts. But MAN, I just don’t have the space to hold these things...
    Anyone in the L.A. area hoard parts?
    kiwijeff, bchctybob and ramblin dan like this.
  2. el Scotto
    Joined: Mar 3, 2004
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    el Scotto
    from Tracy, CA

    My side yard is a junkyard and I finally got tired of it. I have had some luck selling, but some things no one is interested in. Even things I thought would have interest nobody wants.

    Eventually I’m gonna try a H.A.M.B. freebie ad to see if someone wants this stuff before I scrap it.
    nochop, bchctybob and catdad49 like this.
  3. southcross2631
    Joined: Jan 20, 2013
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    Not in L.A. but the same situation . Posted the parts for my 65 Comet wagon for free on several sites finally hauled them to the land fill.
  4. I have had luck getting rid of parts on Craigslist. Either selling or the free section. Just sold some bucket seats, a 15gal fuel cell, and a mid rise intake manifold for a small block to a guy building a "Vette cart". I don't have space to store a lot of extra crap either.
    bchctybob likes this.
  5. 2935ford
    Joined: Jan 6, 2006
    Posts: 3,844


    Same issue here. Some stuff is just not worth hanging on to........but.....the minute I toss it......I need it a few days-weeks later.......... :(
    bchctybob likes this.
  6. 41rodderz
    Joined: Sep 27, 2010
    Posts: 6,540

    from Oregon

    I have been a collector of fine art for decades .:rolleyes::oops: With projects , tools , too small of a garage and parts whereever there is an opening , your title has been my life .:D NO MORE!!!!:(But I enjoy the hunt . NO you don't !!!! YES I DO!!!!:oops: I cannot even agree with myself . :D
  7. ramblin dan
    Joined: Apr 16, 2018
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    ramblin dan

    I hear ya. Going through the same issue. And then I'm finding another issue is arising. In order to get to whatever you want to work on you have to move a bunch of junk before you can even get started. And the moving of the the stuff is almost more of a hassle and time consuming than what you want to accomplish. I need a vacation.
  8. fabricator john
    Joined: Mar 18, 2010
    Posts: 310

    fabricator john
    from venice fl.

    previously cherrished antiquities ,,,,,,,,,, comes with the territory ,,,, CLUTTER is a 4 letter word
    wives use that word
    fabricator john
    miss you dad
  9. squirrel
    Joined: Sep 23, 2004
    Posts: 56,992


    about 10 years ago, I hauled 50,000 lbs of clutter to the metal yard....

    The new pile is only about 20' x 20' right now.
  10. Boden
    Joined: Oct 10, 2018
    Posts: 747


    I got a 53! What parts are you selling?

    Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
    scotty t likes this.
  11. It has been said: a car disassembled takes 3X the square feet of that car parked in the garage.....I Have Demonstrated that for myself!
    41rodderz and bchctybob like this.
  12. bchctybob
    Joined: Sep 18, 2011
    Posts: 5,437


    Hell yeah, same problem here. But it gets really bad when you have to turn down cool stuff just ‘cause you don’t have room for it!
    I’m at the point where I don’t have room for my “selling it at the swap meet” pile.

    Sent from my iPad using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
  13. DDDenny
    Joined: Feb 6, 2015
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    from oregon

    Not judging you but are you sure it's not all the other stuff often seen in photos of (car) work areas, things like bikes, lawncare equipment, bed frames, scrap lumber, etc.
    That stuff belongs in a garden shed or the dump, sure, it may cost a little money and/or energy to come up with a solution but I see this quite often and it just seems like such a simple concept.

    LOU WELLS and Just Gary like this.
  14. leon bee
    Joined: Mar 15, 2017
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    leon bee

    I wanted a Holley carb out of a box yesterday, I knew right where it was. When I looked at the shit piled on top of the box, decided I didn't need it that bad.
    ramblin dan likes this.
  15. 4 pedals
    Joined: Oct 8, 2009
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    4 pedals
    from Nor Cal

    I've been in a de-cluttering/cleanout mode for about 3 years now. It's been a gradual process as some life events have happened along the way.

    I've had my barely on-topic 64 Camino for 30 years now. Over time, I've collected a lot of stuff for it, used parts I've taken off, things I bought that I thought that I could use and cores for rebuilding. My oldest son has a 65, and benefited from my stash numerous times.

    Now I'm to the point where I know what I want the car to be. Most of those pieces are on it now. I'm building what should honestly be the last engine I build for it, at the rate I put miles on it. I don't need 5 other blocks sitting in my shed. Any part that I don't have a specific plan for and is readily available can go away. Air shocks I took off 20+ years ago? I don't need them. Original wheels and hubcaps for my 70 F100 parts chaser? Those I'm keeping. Don't know why. I'll never put them back on. 307 heads? Scrap. Used cam I don't ever intend to run again? Sold.

    My son bought a place of his own earlier this year, and with his help, I'm slowly paring down what's worth keeping. If he doesn't want it, it can go up for sale or for scrap.

  16. Mr48chev
    Joined: Dec 28, 2007
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    It may not be your style but when the swap meets around LA open up again I'd haul a load to a swapmeet and stick reasonable prices on the stuff and the first guy who offered me money got to haul it off.
    I've done that a lot over the years and usually generated enough cash to pay for what ever I bought with cash left over. It it is a lot closer to fun selling stuff when you don't give a rip what you actually get out of it as long as you get something that you can go out and spend.
    I was making a list a while back of stuff that I had had around for a lot of years that I just flat didn't need and seriously doubt that my kids have any interest in.
  17. oilslinger53
    Joined: Apr 17, 2007
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    from covina CA

    Mostly parts nobody need. I got an oil pan for a 54 235. Parking brake cables. Some uprights, stock intake and exhaust for 235, rebuild Rochester single barrel carb from a mid 60’s truck I decided not to use, hood springs, a steering column and box that works, but is a little sloppy because the worm gear is worn. Sedan delivery/station wagon gas tank, power glide ball housing retainers off the top of my head. Most of this stuff is just give away if someone wanted to pick it up. Except the carb. I gotta sell that, because I paid to have it rebuilt
  18. 41rodderz
    Joined: Sep 27, 2010
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    from Oregon

    Now I feel better.:D Never had 50,000 pounds of metal.
    oilslinger53 likes this.
  19. 41rodderz
    Joined: Sep 27, 2010
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    from Oregon

    I have had an about face recently, as I am just tired of stepping over and on stuff I am realistically never going to use. And it’s not about making a profit , breaking even or taking a loss. It just needs to go.
    oilslinger53 likes this.
  20. That’s a worry!
    I’ve always thought, if I don’t know what’s in the box in the shed,I obviously don’t need it.
    On the other hand ,it’s a great feeling to find something you didn’t remember you had,as long as you haven’t gone out and brought another.
    oilslinger53 likes this.
  21. squirrel
    Joined: Sep 23, 2004
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    My problem, after cleaning up, is remembering all those things I used to have, and searching endlessly for them. Eventually I might remember when/how I got rid of the them.
    Joined: Jan 24, 2010
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    from IDAHO

    If I Can't Recall That I Have A Part Or Tool Do I Still Have It?... 100041991_10164033648515093_8230113716683669504_n.jpg
  23. Onemansjunk
    Joined: Nov 30, 2008
    Posts: 328

    from Modesto,CA

    I gave a 1940 Ford pick up project away, re-pop grill and all. My friend was all excited. Grabbed the new grill,be back in a few days to pick it up!!! Been two years—- ???

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    LOU WELLS likes this.
  24. Model A Gomez
    Joined: Aug 26, 2006
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    Model A Gomez

    I have what is supposed to be a 5 car garage but was cussing yesterday since I have so much clutter. The wife's car gets a stall, motorcycle and yard equipment take another stall, 29 coupe gets a stall, 30 V8 A I'm working on gets a stall and the last stall is parts for the V8 A. I have a 30 pickup in the driveway that I moved out about 15 years ago for a few days, use it as a daily driver and it is beginning to look pretty ratty. About ready to paint the front fenders on the project so they are on a stand between the car and my work bench and I have to move them to get to the tool box. I'm getting old and giving away parts that I thought I needed and have laid around for years, I figure if I've had them for 10 years and not used them I probably don't need them.
    oilslinger53 likes this.
  25. With the pandemic resulting in Brenda's business being closed I decided it would be the perfect time to do what I had avoided for the past 10 years and that was a major clean up in the garage, I had more junk that needed to go.

    I am still having problem's with trashing good parts so I have started a pile of parts to take to the swap meet, If I ever get a chance to do that again and they will be free for the taking.

    I am also a pack rat and that makes it harder to throw out usable parts. HRP
    oilslinger53 likes this.
  26. foolthrottle
    Joined: Oct 14, 2005
    Posts: 1,517


    19 garage sm.JPG Years ago I was shamed into cleaning up my garage, I had a huge pile of stuff to haul away, the problem was, that just became the new location to find what I needed.
    oilslinger53 and ramblin dan like this.
  27. oilslinger53
    Joined: Apr 17, 2007
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    from covina CA

    The whole “I’ll need this thing after I finally get rid of it” is seen as an old mans cliche, but it is absolutely true.
    Barrelnose pickup likes this.
  28. oilslinger53
    Joined: Apr 17, 2007
    Posts: 2,500

    from covina CA

    Once I get back on the road I might just load everything up in the cargo area and go to Pomona. I live like 5 minutes away from the fairgrounds.

    Might just park in a general admission spot and leave the back door open, with a sign that says “take what you need” while I walk the parts areas.

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