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$100k 32 3 wnda Wow

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Skimmer, Jul 12, 2006.

  1. FORDOLE500
    Joined: Jan 27, 2003
    Posts: 335


    I bought my 5 wd from that guy and he has a few more cars, 1 3 wd body thats just beautiful.
    Joined: Apr 9, 2002
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    It's nice to see a survivor like this. The car was really the find of a lifetime. I'm happy for its new owner.

    I usually stay out of discussions about the value of things. It's just supply and demand. And if the buyer and seller are both happy about the selling price of something, why get upset?

    The way I look at it this: You can complain all you want about how the most sought-after parts in the world of hot rodding have gone up in value as long as you're willing to sell your house for what it was worth in the 1940s.

  3. Bruce Lancaster
    Joined: Oct 9, 2001
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    Bruce Lancaster
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    We haven't had a "Scary Deuce prices" thread in WEEKS--I had assumed the market must have crashed!
  4. 49coupe
    Joined: Nov 4, 2005
    Posts: 569


    A guy up here paid just over $100K for a completely stock 32 roadster, so I guess it's not totally unrealistic. I guess the issue for restorers is finding a competely stock, unmolested original is almost impossible. I know of a Dearborn winner, all stock, '34 3W near me that would probably demand close to that price for same reason. Even if I had the $$, I couldn't own a stock one; sits wrong, goes like shit and doesn't stop worth a shit either. Let the Ford V8 guys have some fun too...
  5. Kevin Lee
    Joined: Nov 12, 2001
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    Probably is to a lot of people.

    klaz is right. It is likely THE finest deuce that has been up for sale in years wordlwide. So I don't really think it's stupid money - and I don't have 75 grand to offer for anything. It's simple. That car is worth more than your car... to many people searching for a 3W.

    The same way your car was worth more than a bare chassis and body. Or worth more than my car to someone searching for a hot rod in general.

    Always cool cars - and always the same goofy arguments.
  6. krylon32
    Joined: Jan 29, 2006
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    from Nebraska
    1. Central Nebraska H.A.M.B.

    With 3W dashs bringing 2500.00 and arm rests bringing 1000-1200.00 maybe it should have been parted out. Hell it didn't even have a 25 louver hood. HOTROD THE BEST AND SELL THE REST.
  7. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
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    The value of the untouched 3window in question only matters to the new owner. Sure I'd like to think it will stay the way it is, that is why it has that value, and it has no effect on the pile of '32 Vicky parts I have. Guess I've been in the hobby for a while I remember when the first restored Duesenberg topped $100,000.00.
  8. Bruce Lancaster
    Joined: Oct 9, 2001
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    Bruce Lancaster
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    And on and on with the parts prices--really good fenders or running boards are way up in the thousands; I don't even want to know where exactly. Hoods are shooting up...minor bits like gauges and door handles are shooting up...things you can hardly see on a finished car like crossmembers and pedals are getting scary...
    Worse, even if you have the money, the parts aren't necessarily there; The restorers of the seventies and the hordes of streetrodders ever since then have found most of the good bits and assembled them into cars...many of the parts that turn up now are just from the groups of people churning the cars, streetrodders improving old restorations by replacing the silly old junk with good modern Chinese replicas of high tech 1972 Pinto parts...
    You can pound the aisles at Hershey with a wagonload of money now and not count on finding what you need.
    I pulled together a lot of parts to make up a deuce over the last 30 odd years, and I think assembling a reasonable attempt at a semi-original deuce has become nearly impossible even without worrying about the cost.
    And note that the ready availability of both good (Brookville, Drake) and bad (fenders, hoods, lots of other stuff) reproductions of everything has not slowed the rise in ANYTHING. The cost is already far over the hill for most--I own very little deuce stuff that I could possibly hope to replace at current levels. And the flip side of that is that if you find any '32 or major chunk thereof that you can pay for, you will NOT regret what you paid even a year from now.
  9. 392_hemi
    Joined: Jun 16, 2004
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    I thought that was economics, not marketing. Marketing is when you put lipstick on a pig and get more money for it as a result.
  10. Kevin Lee
    Joined: Nov 12, 2001
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    Would you say that trucks (excluding the RPU) are an exception to the rule? Unless I'm not paying attention it doesn't seem like those have gone up like passenger car stuff has in the past two or three years.
  11. 392_hemi
    Joined: Jun 16, 2004
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    True, but I expect that will change very soon.
  12. Bruce Lancaster
    Joined: Oct 9, 2001
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    Hmmm...seems like I have these damned coupe parts in the way of my truck...I wish someone would help me getemoutofmyway...
    Isn't the HAMB kinda pushing the trucks as current fashion? Seems like there's a LOT of noise around here about '32-34 trucks, though most are barely recognizable...
    I personally like the open cars, the pickups, and the tudor as the best looking deuces...some of the rarer ones look like they needed a bit more wheelbase to work right in proportion.
  13. Kevin Lee
    Joined: Nov 12, 2001
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    The Tudor is a very close second to my favorite. Coupe parts: I'm busy reading up on defense against Opossum attack.
  14. Bruce Lancaster
    Joined: Oct 9, 2001
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    Bruce Lancaster
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    The possum is a MUCH less dangerous predator than I thought.
    About two weeks ago, my gigantic vicious Sonoran Mastiff attack dog (6 pounds...) went charging off into the darkness behind the shed, and there was a terrible outburst of yapping--by the time I got there, the possum (twice the size of the dog!) was belly up with eyes glazed over. The dog was obviously VERY impressed with his victory--we inspected the "kill" and went home. After supper, the possum was long gone, but I put out some cornbread for the splendid performance...possums really do play possum!
  15. ShakeyPuddin55
    Joined: Dec 22, 2004
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    I'm also one that's not surprised either. It's way out of my reach but I can understand how rare it is to find a complete and mostly original car.

    If you bought one for 50K that was missing a bunch of bits and pieces, it could take years and years and lots of $$ to locate all original parts. This is one stop shopping for a Holy Grail hot rod.

    I bet the guy who purchased it didn't buy it for an investment, but rather for his own personal enjoyment.
  16. Muttley
    Joined: Nov 30, 2003
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    I'm glad I could care less.....Model A's are just fine IMO.
  17. DRD57
    Joined: Mar 5, 2001
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    I stand corected.
  18. SinisterCustom
    Joined: Feb 18, 2004
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    HAHAHHAHA! Yeah, no shit!
    These threads rate up there with the VW ones.
    Always end up the same.
    DeuceRoadster posts pics of his car.....3WLarry agrees, others argue back and forth about the $$$$......and on an on an on........

    I need a drink!:p
  19. 3wLarry
    Joined: Mar 11, 2005
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    from Owasso, Ok

    ...ahahaha...ain't it the truth?...:D I'd join ya in that drink, but I quit today...:rolleyes:
  20. lolife
    Joined: May 23, 2006
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    I want a hot rod, not a collectors car. So I bought a fiberglass body. If I smash it up, I don't care. People spending 100k just for steel are morons. They will never drive it. They will tow it everywhere and pimps will slobber all over themselves.

    To me hot rodding is driving. People who build a shrine, should be deducted life points, and only allowed to wear cocksucker caps.

    "steel is real, glass lasts"
  21. Deuce Roadster
    Joined: Sep 8, 2002
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    True ... But I say they are NOT WORTH the $$$ ... :D

    Go back and read the thread ... I said 100 grand is STUPID $$$
    at least for me ... :) and 95% of the folks who have read this too ... A lot of folks here do not even own a HOUSE ... worth a 100 grand ... and I mean own it ...

    If I was just starting out in the old car world ... I would have to start with something besides a early V8 FORD ...
  22. SinisterCustom
    Joined: Feb 18, 2004
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    I was just givin' ya a hard time Deuce!:p Calm down.:D

    I'm quitting tomorrow Larry.....problem is, tomorrow never comes...hahahaha!
  23. sean72
    Joined: Dec 20, 2004
    Posts: 452


    That 32 was very nice, $100K nice??? Here are a few pics, including a inside shot.


    Attached Files:

  24. Aman
    Joined: Dec 28, 2005
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    from Texas

    You know, there are a ton of guys on here that own A's and they have to be grinning ear to ear. I know I am. Folks, fact of the matter is, they aren't making steel originals anymore, kinda like land. The demand is going to continue to drive the prices up. If you have a 28-32 (and more) Ford you have made a great investment no matter what you paid for it. I think the only group of cars with the equal rate of return on investment are the tri five Chevys. A lot of people want them and will travel across country and pay big $$$ for em happy and show this thread to your wife if you've been getting ragged about "spending to much time on the car". Next thing ya know, she be helping you. I found out it was best to involve the wife somehow, mainly in color selections cuz I suck at that. Good thread.;)
  25. fur biscuit
    Joined: Jul 22, 2005
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    fur biscuit

    the Pre-WW 1 motorcycle guys used to be really big on originallity. To me you cant beat a genuine unmolested car or bike. The history is impossible to surpass.
  26. what a joke!

    But hey, its the L.A. Roadster show Right?

    (shakes head)
  27. You bet your boots I showed this thread to the wife.
  28. fab32
    Joined: May 14, 2002
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    I bought my '32 5w in the 70's. I looked at about 5 before settling on the one I have. They ranged in price from$800 to the $3000 I paid. I felt so bad about paying what I did I kept from telling anyone for about 6-8 years knowing I would get laughed off the planet if word got out. This is a no rust car on the origional frame, a '57 chevy rear, a moredrop front axle (so I'm told), uncut front bones, complete garnish mouldings and door hardware, had a new 283 270 hp (dual quad) crate engine and Borg warner 4 spd./Hurst shifter, origional seat w/black roll and pleat (no door or headliner upolstery), 4 perfect steel fenders and running boards, and the roof was filled (I'll kill the bastard that did that modification if I ever find him), and a dash full of curved glass SW gauges. It was/is a stock height top which will see some height reduction if I ever get to it (I'm thinking either 2" or 3 1/2 "). I told my son when he was about 15 that it would be his someday and now that he's almost 40 I catch him drooling over it when he comes to visit. I've been collecting parts for a loooooong time. Probably should get to doing something with it before they take my license away:eek: :D I keep letting other projects get in the way and it just sits. I gather from the recent threads it might be worth more than I paid so I'm glad I bought it when I did. Actually Deuce Roadster told me you never pay too much for '32 parts, you just sometimes buy them to soon.

  29. hot rod pro
    Joined: Jun 1, 2005
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    hot rod pro
    from spring tx.

    hope you have some thick skin.

  30. That's chump-change when you stop and consider just how many 323w's there are in that condition left on the planet.

    Compare that to the prices RESTORED muscle cars are getting...
    I mean, you can find a "rare" GT350... throw money at it to restore it... and get MORE than that for it... and it doesn't matter WHAT condition the ol' Stang was in to start with.

    I think many of you are confusing "worth" with the term "bang for the buck".

    That '32 is WORTH that to someone... but it's not going to give the new owner the "bang for the buck" that a homebuilt hot rod would give him.

    If built right (not as easy as some may think) the homebuilt hot rod may even give the guy more "Kudos" and "a-strokin' " from all his peers than that '32... so, to some... it's a "waste" to spend that much CASH on something like that.

    When you're talking about "a-strokin' " I'd venture to say that he's gonna get a lot more "a-strokin' " from guys in the '32 crowd for THAT "survivor" that any one of those original steel '32 3 windows that have been painted, SBC'd, Stockton' Wheeled... and TCI'd...

    So for THAT reason... the Survivor is going to bring more CASH than the gussied up one...

    Supply and Demand...


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