Look in tech archive section, there is info there. edit: I looked it up, go here: http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8491
All the links are dead and the article about chassis is just a list of pics of trucks. really no tech info. that's where i started.
On my 39 I boxed the frame, added a 4 link and run coil overs. If you want pics let me know Keith in Missouri
Definitely! I'm particularly interested in using junyard swap 4 links from cars or trucks with longer arms. My lincoln has cross members that run a good 50 to 60 inches out in front of the rearend. I'd like to take advantage of the hot rods from hell type 4 links that are based on nascar design. but that cost $2000! considered the best 4 link in the industry. i figure if i can find long stock 4 link members from a truck or something i might be able to pull even the brackets and weld them right in. the only other 4 links available for my car are aftermarket universal units that run $350 and you still have to measure and put them in from scratch. so yes i'd be very interested in your pics and build... 49Lincoln
Why run 4 link? I like the Chevy truck trailing arm style suspension. I've even scaled it down for smaller cars. Clark
This is great! More pics? What Chevy trucks have these arms? Longer is actually better in my case I think - I have 50 to 60 inches to play with between cross member and rearend. Are you running a panhard? I really want to hear and see more about this. Thanks for replying. 49Lincoln
On the same subject - if anyone else reads this post later - here some great ideas about using what you already have in a leaf springs car to use for hardware with a 3 or 4 link system: "use the existing forward leaf mounts for the forward mounts of your lower trailing arms, then whip out some brackets that either bolt or weld to the leaf spring plate on the axle. then you need to put a cross member in between the frame rails approx 18-24 inches in front of the axle so your uppper arms can mount to that (this is for a triangulated or wishbone three link). then weld on some tabs, or tab, to the pumpkin. pick where you want to mount your bags, for more lift and better ride mount them between your lower T arms and frame rail, but you could also mount between axle and frame rails. for the front all ya gotta do is just make some cups like any other A arm front suspension. relocate the shocks (if youd like to run shocks)." 49Lincoln
That suspension is based on the mid 60's Chevy trucks. Nascar uses the same thing. The problem is most of the Chevy truck arms rot cause it is 2 C channel welded together. Yes longer is better. I'll have to take pics of the 56 Chevy truck frame I have in the shop now. I beam is the best thing to use. It allows twist. Tubing does not and might cause breakage. Yes...you have to run a panhard bar. We've done this suspension with bags and coil overs. I'm sure coil springs could work too. Clark
Whats the difference between the early 60;s trailing arms and the 67-72 I see people talking about for the same purpose? Thanks for the pics Binderrod.
I think the only C-10s that had the trailing arms were the 67-68. Clark, could you post pics of how you mount the trailing arms to the rearend? THat setup looks sweeeeeeet....
The only trailing arms I know about on Chevy trucks is this style. For the front of the bar I use eurethane leaf spring bushings from a 4x4. I've used a couple of different makes. Got them off ebay dirt cheap. One of these days I'll do a tech article on this. Clark
soloma...I like 2 1/2" I beam the best but it's hard to find. I've also used 3". It looks a little big until you drill it. Clark
I have a '72 parked outside that has the trailing arms. I don't know what year they were first used, but I thought it was earlier in the 60's. Most 1/2-ton Chevy's of the era where trailing arm. Most GMC's of the same years were leaf sprung. Either could be ordered with the other.
My 65 Chevy has traling arms and coil springs, and my 65 GMC has leaf springs, I think most of the 1/2 ton Chevy's and GMC's came this way,(1960? to 1972?) but could be ordered with either as an option, I think Chevy started having trailing arms in 60. Dan
Standard equipment on a '72 Chevy was the trailing arms. Standard equipment on a '72 GMC was leaf springs. The Chevy could be ordered with leaf springs and the GMC could be ordered with trailing arms. Assuming your '72 was a Chevy it apparently had the leaf spring option. I've also seen at least one example where someone when to a lot of trouble to convert from trailing arms to leafs.
[quote='29MurrayTub]Maybe a good use for the Twin-I-Beams (axles) from a 60s to 70s Ford pickup. .[/quote] What is the length of one of these axles?