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Projects 33 Doll Build Page

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by 33Doll, Mar 20, 2020.

  1. Runnin shine
    Joined: Apr 12, 2013
    Posts: 3,382

    Runnin shine

    Nothing to laugh about in the 80s pic. You’re rockin the correct kicks. You can tell a lot about a man’s character when you see that he cares about what’s on his feet.

    Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
    chryslerfan55 and 33Doll like this.
  2. Man o had a super cool dad...

    yes prayers for a speedy gotta get the ole sedan back up and running...

    33Doll and loudbang like this.
  3. 33Doll
    Joined: Sep 27, 2019
    Posts: 1,412


    That’s funny! To this day I still wear Vans and old school Chuck Taylors, well the updated chuck Taylors 2’
    Same look. just a little more ergonomic,
    You have to think about those things when you get older!

    Not much has changed! Just older and fatter!
    D4E37A87-3D47-4B6D-9945-786A64313F74.jpeg IMG_6853.JPG
  4. 33Doll
    Joined: Sep 27, 2019
    Posts: 1,412


    Better get back to Car topics or I’ll get shot and killed by the moderators!

    Latest day dreaming!
    You should just call me Charlie Brown from now on!
    (because I’m so wishy-washy!)

    I’m going back to my original late 60s 70s wheel tire plan! Except for I’m gonna run fenderless for a while. I decided, It would save me a alot body work and time!
    It kills me though, because I know I could sell the fenders and runningboards, and bumpers and have the money for my wheels right now, but I think I’ll regret it if I do that.

    Adjustments.JPG IMG_7441.JPG Adjustments.JPG

    Protrac 60 (275-60) tires in the rear
    Coker 155 Volkswagen tires up front
    15x10 5” backspace-rear
    15x4.5 Cookie cutters-front
    Tri spoke
    Rocket/Radir rim copies

    I think it’ll look sweet, I’m not worried about the wheel sticking out when I have the fenders on it, with the 5 inch backspace it’ll be three-quarter inch in further than the original wire rims I had on it with the original 60s, ( Not the current N-50s) Those are just too friggin wide!
    Besides I might like it so much without the fenders I might not ever put them back on!


    Stay tuned my plan might change again LOL!
  5. I’m liking your wheel and tire choice!
    loudbang and Runnin shine like this.
  6. guthriesmith
    Joined: Aug 17, 2006
    Posts: 11,052

    1. H.A.M.B. Chapel

    That will look cool! But, I agree that you would regret selling the fenders.
    loudbang, Runnin shine and 33Doll like this.
  7. I didnt realise there was reproduction Radirs,very cool! They should look sweet!
    1934victoria, loudbang and 33Doll like this.
  8. 33Doll
    Joined: Sep 27, 2019
    Posts: 1,412


    Radir still does make them if you want the real thing, about twice as much, or more than the Rocket Re-makes!

  9. 33Doll
    Joined: Sep 27, 2019
    Posts: 1,412


  10. Ahh interesting. When I was involved in body and paint on a Dragula copy a few years ago they were seemingly a problem to come by. Thanks for sharing as it is good knowledge for the future!
    chryslerfan55 and loudbang like this.
  11. Dirk35
    Joined: Mar 8, 2001
    Posts: 2,067


    I like the wheel choice. Those Rocket Racing Wheels would look really nice on your car! In my planning stages, I switched back and forth between the fully polished Rocket Racing Wheels, Vintique Wire Wheels, Torque Thrust IIs, and Steel Wheels with the mini trim ring and spider caps... but ended up finally landing on the Grey Center American Racing Salt Flat Specials.

    Keep in mind that the below post is just my suggestion and you can take it for what its worth (NOT MUCH). You should do what you want to do and what makes you happy. I'm only offering this from my experience.

    I originally had American Racing Slots on my 34, with fenders, and never liked the look of them on the 34. Running the car with fenders has always been in my plans, and Ive had them off-and-back-on in different times of the car since I got it drivable. The end state for me is that they will be on, (they just happen to be off for now cause I was working on the inner steel structure and replacing rotted wood). In my mind, its a car and I want it to be drivable in all weather at all times.

    I have 15x6 on the front and they are a little too wide. Ill probably eat the cost and get a set of 15X5 and sell of my current front wheels.

    Dont know if you really want the suggestion, but I do suggest that you get that rear tire under the fender, just from having driven in the rain and after a rain. Having ran with-and-w/o fenders, and with-and-w/o the rear tire sticking out of the fender, in my opinion, its way better with the fenders on, AND the tires under the fenders. When the rear tire stuck out of the rear fender, it threw crud all up over the side of the car any time I ran through any puddles after a rain, or if a business was over zealous with their lawn watering. The car has never had shiney paint (it will eventually), but that doesn't mean that I want a streak of road crud water all over it either.

    Here is a couple of picts to help explain. I don't have any pictures of it with the newer rear wheels and fenders, but they do tuck the rear tire up under the rear fender and it made me happy.

    This is 14X6 front wheels, 15x8.5 rear wheels with a deeper offset which pushed the tire out of the rear fender. You can see the crud on the fenders, it was ALWAYS there and I didn't like it.
    1934 Fenders.JPG

    Same Wheels w/o the fenders (always had crud over the entire car):
    1934 At the Office.JPG

    Switched the Wheels to the American Racing Salt flat Specials, 15x5 front (should've used 15X5 cause it rubs at full turn lock) and 16X8 rear with less backspacing. I don't have a pic of the new wheels with the fenders since I was working on it but I did have the new wheels and fenders on for a few weeks before taking the fenders back off to get back to work on it. But this pic does show how much narrower the rear tires are and how much changing the offset tucked the wheel in closer to the body.

    1934 Ford Sedan 2.JPG

    If you really want part of the tire to stick out of the rear fender to honor the car's history, you could do like my Model A has and have the sidewall bulge outside of the fender and all of the tread tucked up under the fender. It slings a little crud on the car, but not like my 34 that ALWAYS slung crud onto the side of the car.

    1928 Ford Sedan Rear.JPG
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2020
  12. 33Doll
    Joined: Sep 27, 2019
    Posts: 1,412


    Hi Dirk!
    first off thanks for the detailed response! I really do appreciate it!
    please don’t sell yourself short, I do value the opinions of you guys on here that’s what I love about this forum, however sometimes the ideas can get a little much, and divulge from the original plan. You’re gonna think I’m really weird, but I really like the look of your sedan with the slot mags on it better than the other wheels! I think it’s just because I’m really hung up on the nostalgia of the 60s and 70s, I just personally think that when you start going bigger diameter wheels, tucking under the fenders etc. it starts getting more street-roddish. There’s nothing wrong with that, in fact there’s a lot of great looking more modern style street rods, but I’m going for a different time. And what I remember as a child, and I remember the days of mud slinging everywhere, in the 33 Doll. We’d have to have the rear windows rolled up because you Would get mud on you!
    Call me strange, but, that’s the kind of stuff I miss. What it really boils down to, is, I am just really unhappy with the modern world, and all it’s Absolute craziness! So in order to cope with this new reality we live in, I escape through the Hot Rod hobby, Oldies Music, and more so, the past.
    At least the good parts, there was a lot of bad crap going on also. I just choose to NOT remember those things.

    The only thing I would not like about going hi-boy, is the Flathead getting all dirty! I fried a bunch of crap on my 47 Ford trying to wash the engine, forgetting that it wasn’t more like a modern engine, or you could dedrease t, and just hose it off.
    Lesson learned! Bag the distributor, bag the relays. Etc.
    I figured it this way....start off with a highboy look, run the wheels that I want, and then later on I can always change Wheel styles, etc. that’s what’s great. It’s just the initial expense of buying all brand new wheels and tires around two grand or so!

    Hope that makes a little sense there Dirk? Again thanks a lot! And I really like your sedan!

    (here’s the 47 I forgot to tell you guys about I had)
    It had a pretty cool Flathead in it, but it had those floater bearings that made a lot of racket, and it would barely move that big heavy sedan, so I sold it before the engine would take a dump.
    It really needed a small block overhead valve motor in it.
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    kidcampbell71, cactus1, Stogy and 3 others like this.
  13. 34 5W Paul
    Joined: Mar 27, 2020
    Posts: 365

    34 5W Paul
    from Fresno CA

    OT but on the Dad subject, you wrote, "There's a lot of baggage that has come with the cars...I would have traded 10 model 40’s to have had a normal father son relationship growing up..." Great perspective. We get too obsessed with these cars (I'm guilty of it) and you are so right.
    I ran into an old neighbor gal who's dad was my baseball coach decades ago. He had an uber cool '32 Tudor back in the '60s. I asked where the Tudor was and her face darkened. Her brother and her dad never had a great relationship and when her dad passed away, the '32 did not stay in the family. Oy! I just assumed the son would end up with it. But it was not to be.
    You're doing a great job, keep at it. Well, when you are back to full strength.
  14. 33Doll
    Joined: Sep 27, 2019
    Posts: 1,412


    Thanks for that!
    We had a lot of rough years and several years of not talking, divorces etc.
    But me, and my dad, along with years of a lot of praying for him, We have reconciled and are building a good relationship in his later years. he’s done a complete 180*
    And yes I’ve been spoiled a little bit with free cars, but they were kind of like payments in his mind I think.
    I always told him I didn’t care about the cars I just wanted a normal father son relationship.
    And we do bond through cars, but it’s the working on them, him showing me how to do things,the bonding, not the actual car it’s self. It took a long time for him to see it from my perspective.
    Don’t get me wrong it’s not perfect, IMG_1931.JPG
    but it’s as good as it’s going to get and I’m happy with that.
  15. 33Doll
    Joined: Sep 27, 2019
    Posts: 1,412


    Oh... I bought the 47’ for 12K by the way! It wasn’t a freebie!
  16. Ford blue blood
    Joined: Jan 4, 2009
    Posts: 778

    Ford blue blood

    You guys need to treasure your dads. All too soon they will be gone, really sad if you don't get the opportunity to thanks them for what they did to make you who you are today. I was 32 when my dad was buried on his 61st birthday. That was 40 plus years ago and I still miss him.
  17. 33Doll
    Joined: Sep 27, 2019
    Posts: 1,412


    Before I tore it apart!
    I need Some inspiration!

    I miss my garage!

    I’ll find out what the surgeon says tomorrow about working on my hernia problem, and how my appendix surgery is healing.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2020
  18. 33Doll
    Joined: Sep 27, 2019
    Posts: 1,412


    ...after I tore it apart!
    Feeling a little bummed...
  19. 33Doll
    Joined: Sep 27, 2019
    Posts: 1,412


    I was bored, looking in our library, and I forgot about these books!

    Well I
    remember now where I saw that gasser-street look.
    like this model A
    that’s where I saw it.
    It’s the West Coast California-(dumped in the front)
    rake version gasser look
    I just think it looks so Bitchin!
  20. 33Doll
    Joined: Sep 27, 2019
    Posts: 1,412


    Found a few more with that “look” I like.
    IMG_9866.JPG IMG_9869.JPG
  21. 33Doll
    Joined: Sep 27, 2019
    Posts: 1,412


    Hey question for y’all!
    Is there much of a difference between an F 100 manual drum dual reservoir master cylinder and a mustang dual reservoir?
    My dad seems to think I should switch from the single to a dual For safety reasons, so he gave me this F100. I know that most people use a 67 Mustang but I imagine the bore would probably just be, maybe a little bigger?

    Or....just stick with the single? I already bought a new one with a stainless Bore.
    He loaned me all his flaring equipment
    IMG_9898.JPG IMG_9899.JPG
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2020
    chryslerfan55, brEad and loudbang like this.
  22. patsurf
    Joined: Jan 18, 2018
    Posts: 1,668


    YOU aren't going to be making the brk line buy brk lines!-it's not the fuel system!
  23. 33Doll
    Joined: Sep 27, 2019
    Posts: 1,412


    I don’t know what you’re talking about! Hot rodders cut, plumb, and flare and build brake systems all the time!
    In fact the brake system on it now my dad built years ago!
    It’s a special double flare set up you use for brakes.
    Adjustments.JPG Adjustments.JPG

    Attached Files:

  24. :p:p:p:p:pPhttttt!
    ! !
  25. You're joking, right ???
    chryslerfan55 and loudbang like this.
  26. Ford blue blood
    Joined: Jan 4, 2009
    Posts: 778

    Ford blue blood

    Either that or he is looking out his Plexiglas glass belly button.....
    chryslerfan55 and loudbang like this.
  27. greaser
    Joined: Apr 30, 2006
    Posts: 866


    Use the dual reservoir master cylinder for safety. Good to have 2 separate circuits.
    chryslerfan55 and loudbang like this.
  28. patsurf
    Joined: Jan 18, 2018
    Posts: 1,668


    sorry!! -thought it was easier/safer to buy them--learned diff now,i guess!!
    chryslerfan55 and 33Doll like this.
  29. 33Doll
    Joined: Sep 27, 2019
    Posts: 1,412


    All fun and games aside!

    My original question:
    Is there a difference, or much of a difference between a
    68-74 F100 Truck and a 1967-73 mustang/car manual drum master cylinder?
    I’m thinking maybe just the bore size-or reservoir might a little bit bigger?

    I was told as long as it’s for
    MANUAL-DRUM brakes, that would be fine.
    The 33 has 40 Ford 12” front 10” mustang rear Brakes i’m thinking it should be fine?
    loudbang likes this.
  30. partssaloon
    Joined: Jan 28, 2009
    Posts: 747


    68-72 F100 is 15/16 inch bore #71264
    67-70 Mustang is 1 inch bore #73323
    Otherwise they look identical

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