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Where are their brains???

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Gumpa, Jul 15, 2006.

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  1. Well that's different. If the DF had the chance to apologize and became an even bigger dickhead, sound like he had it coming.

    I was in a college town with a buddy of mine and we walked past the local biker bar. We stopped to look at the bikes and I was explaining the differences between Panhead and Knuckleheads when this mountain of a man came out fo the front door. "YOU, with the face - you fuckin with these bikes?" at about 110 db. "Nn-n-n-nn-no sir, just showing my buddy this Panhead" I nervously spit out. He comes over to me and says in a real pleasant voice, "Let me show you mine". Well, we saw his ride, he insisted we come inside and have a drink. 5 hours later my buddy and I staggered out and on our way home, having made friends with Spider, Stick, Dirty Bob and the whole crew. Good thing I wasn't stupid eonough to sit on a bike.
  2. You paint a gruesome picture there.... Rubberized seat backs huh? I suppose that's better than a fat sweaty ugly chick in rubber in the back seat!!:eek:
  3. breeder
    Joined: Jul 13, 2005
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    last forth i had the 53 down here at the farm....we got all tore up and the next day i was out and lookin around..noticed 50 good scratches and paint chunks missin on my fender....then it hit me... i was leanin on the car[ kinda rocky;) ] and i had my clip in the pocket kershaw knife on my pocket!!:eek: :D i didnt care..more reason to paint the car///course if it had been painted i would have hung myself!!!:eek: :p
    \moral of story...remove all items from jeans when your drunk!!!:p
  4. Car shows suck DeLuxe!!! Especially small local free shows. Ya' sometimes pay an admission fee and are held hostage all day long in the hot sun protecting your investment from vandals :mad: .

    Dumb ass sightseers fresh outa' church on a Sunday afternoon are the worst. Unleashed young'uns running wild right in front of the parents mauling all over your car (guess that's one reason why I never had any kids, at least that I know about). Then there's the dumb questions :confused: , and I mean dumb, that you're asked. So I'll just make up an even dumber answer.

    Ever see someone put their foot on top of your chrome bumper while you're talking to them? I look down and normally say, "You know better than that". Or the folks that ask to sit in your ride. Ya' say OK, open the door to let them in and the dumb ass stupid ignorant dummy doesn't have enough brains to step over a painted running board.

    Maybe I'm just a Grumpy Old Man ;) .

  5. Muttley
    Joined: Nov 30, 2003
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    Extreme?!?!?!? That beating might save him from getting shot by the next guy who isnt nice enough to just to throw punches.
  6. Pops
    Joined: Jul 10, 2006
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    from Tulsa

    'We were having a picnic lunch a couple hundred feet from the roadster.
    A bus load of Japanese tourists got out and several of them wandered over to look at the roadster.
    They were polite and stood back, but there came a point where they had to touch the car.
    Just lightly and only on the upholstery, but we found it interesting and no big deal."

    The post by C9 brought back a memory of something I haven't thought about for a long time. In 1983 my friend (in his 38 Ford Coupe) and I (in my 39 Chevy Tudor) went to Sedona, AZ fot the Oak Creek Canyon Run. Part of the trip included an overnight stay at the Grand Canyon. We were at one of the senic turnouts. We had parked nearest the road away from most of the tourists, leaving them the parking spots nearest the view. We, and the wives, were enjoying the scenery when I heard a big bus pull up and stop in the middle of the parking area. When I turned to look, a bus full of Japanese touriest began to get out. I couldn't believe my eyes when they all rushed around the bus, clicked away at out two rods from every angle, got back on the bus and moved on without ever looking at the Canyon from that vantage point. Unreal. We still get a good laugh when it's brought up.

  7. flynstone
    Joined: Aug 14, 2005
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    i have side pipes goin down the right side of my 27 roadster about middle of the door one nite at bobs this guy comes up to me and says you should put a gaurd over them so no kids cant burn them reply was they will only do it one time unless they are stupid..........he walked away shaking his head
  8. breeder
    Joined: Jul 13, 2005
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    FRIGGIN TREE HUGGIN LIBERALS!!:mad: :p then when some [im not goin to watch my own kid's] dink kid gets burned, it will be all YOUR fault!!!!end of the world is near!!:( JESUS IS COMING!! [look busy]:D seen that on a t-shirt and just had to type it!!!:D

  9. Tourists can be more than interesting.
    More than a few European tourists have pics of themselves sitting in the roadster.

    A friend of mine owned the powder shop in Centra California where I used to live.
    He had a Harley-Davidson Servi-Car on the roof of the shop. (The three wheeler.)
    It had been in a serious garage fire and was only good enough to finish out it's days rusting back to the earth while enjoying it's last days in the sun on top of the shop.
    The shop was on the freeway heading to Sequoia National Park.

    Japanese tour bus folks would see the three wheeler and his small collection of complete, but unrestored cars and implore the driver to go back where they'd shoot pics.

    We have a lot of Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Hoover Dam and Laughlin bound foreign tourists going every which way on the local highways in spring and summer.

    Kinda fun to run the roadster out to some of the tour stops - one in particular had a helluva hot dog stand - and see what we could see.
    Most times Harleys, a few hot rods and almost always tourists from the parked nearby tour busses and once in a while hard-core European bikers spinning their way across the country.

    When I say hard-core, I'm not talking Harley here, these guys with a gal on back most times, loaded with luggage and stuff were cranking some of the corners with knee hung out and almost dragging.
    Touring European style to say the least.

    We've met some interesting people while running the roadster and it's easy to talk to the biker folks since we all love mechanical things.

    Sometimes the car gets touched and sometimes not, but the interesting part is almost all the tourists, especially the UK folks and others from the continent will ask permission to take a picture of the car.
  10. Aman
    Joined: Dec 28, 2005
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    from Texas

    I guess we all have stories about the typical show's kinda a paradox when you think about it. You build this really cool car, that very few people in the general public have seen or own, and when they want to get close to it..we freak out. It's like you have to stand guard to protect your property. Oh well, it's part of the game I guess, however, it doesn't excuse the inconsiderate folks that you will encounter. I think the adults are worse than the kids.
  11. Of course the adults are worse than the kids!!!

    Isn't it adults that are the parents and/or guardians (frequently grandpa & grandma) of the young'uns that are unleashed and out'a control. I blame the adults for the kids bad behavior.

    I wonder if the kids do the same stuff on their furniture at home? Probably do, their furniture is probably from "Rent To Own". $15 a week for the rest of their life. When it's used up, deliberately miss a couple of payments so it'll get repossessed. Then just go out and get some more!!! No credit checks, no payments 'til 2007.

  12. toledobill
    Joined: Apr 9, 2003
    Posts: 369


    All this reminds me of the Detroit Autorama when Ed Roth was premiering the "Beatnik Bandit II". I was admiring it when some little nine-year old boy ran up and knocked the 35-pound chrome stanchion holding the rope over INTO THE BANDIT!!!
    It bounced off the right front of the grille surround and the stanchion fell to the floor. The father grabbed the kid, looked around to see if he was going to be arrested, and scooted off to another part of Cobo. I saw it all, so I walked over to where Ed was greeting the public and told him about it. I said that it didn't look like the kid had taken a chink out of the new Bandit, but that I could probably identify the creep and his little vandal. Ed gazed calmly at me, went over to the Southwest corner of his display, looked at the corner of the Bandit, and then merely righted the stanchion and went back to meeting the public.

    I guess after you've had your rides mauled by the public for 40-plus years, you get calluses on your emotions.
  13. Automotive Stud
    Joined: Sep 26, 2004
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    Automotive Stud

    There's a local radio show dedicated to promoting car shows in my town. Last month they had a guest (a lady) who was promoting her show. You should have heard the hosts when the lady is saying "oh, spectators love it too, bring your kids and you can take pictures with them in ALL the cars!" LOL

    I can picture some soccer mom and her kid spilling ice cream in some poor guys seat, not wiping it up, and not even concerned about it.
  14. Hotrodderman
    Joined: Jun 18, 2006
    Posts: 186


    Had painted running boards once. The kids scratched the piss out of them so they could look inside the cool old car. My roadster has rubber running boards and it seems to ease some of my pain when I catch them standing on them.
    Once I told a kid to get off of the car and he proceeded to walk toward the front of the car on running board and on to the fender. Still have those scratches in it.

    I seem to like my old Chevy better cuz the paint sux and I don't worry so much.

  15. MIKE-3137
    Joined: Feb 19, 2003
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    I have a lot more fun with my DP90 painted 37 slantback at shows than I ever did with my other "painted' cars. I couldn't go get a coke at a show for fear someone would scratch them (accidently or in some cases on purpose).

    Not to mention the fact that my 7 year old son never remembers to step over the running board getting in and out. Just kids though, every time I think about how nice shiny paint would be, a bicycle handle bar goes down the side.

    I may never put real paint on it!
  16. best one I ever saw was the drunk who was looking at my 34 chevy coupe. When he leaned in to get a better look at the motor, he lost his balance and put both hands on the header to stop his fall. Problem was, I'd just stopped after a fifty mile stint. It took his big head a minute to realize his pain, however, his little head realized it alot quicker...he pissed himself right where he stood. I guess in this case, you could say I didn't mind him "touching" my car.
  17. Squablow
    Joined: Apr 26, 2005
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    All young chicks have my permission to touch any one of my cars at will. If getting a fingerprint on your car is going to piss you off, then you're missing the point.

    I can fully understand about having kids stand on the fenders and doing stupid shit like that. That's taking it too far. But if a 16 year old girl wants to have a closer look at your car, and puts a handprint on it, what's the big deal? If your paint is forever damaged by someone leaning on it, then you aren't a very good painter.
  18. Gumpa
    Joined: Jan 19, 2006
    Posts: 601


    That is a whole lot of "Silent Revenge" as my wife likes to call it. I almost pissed all over myself reading it. LOL. By the way you coming up for the show in two weeks? Gumpa
  19. 19Fordy
    Joined: May 17, 2003
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    My favoritte is the person who leans in your open window while smoking a cigarette with an "ash" 1/2 inch long.
  20. bcarlson
    Joined: Jul 21, 2005
    Posts: 935


    I have a feeling that I'm going to be more worried about people getting lock-jaw from touching my truck, than worried about someone damaging it for the first couple years after I get it going... :rolleyes:

    That's the price I pay for being car-broke. ;)

  21. Kilroy
    Joined: Aug 2, 2001
    Posts: 3,229

    from Orange, Ca

    Do not touch signs are for people with small penises and high blood pressure...

    People who actually DRIVE!! their cars don't worry about fucking HAND PRINTS...

    Guy should be thankfull...

    Probably the closest any hot young chick has gotten to his WANG in years.
  22. MIKE47
    Joined: Aug 19, 2005
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    from new jersey

    Let me know what show you're going to next, I'm gonna park next to you. MIKE.
  23. hatch
    Joined: Nov 20, 2001
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    from house

    I love it when kids check out my car...I put em in it and let em grab the steering wheel with their sticky jelly encrusted fingers, and stand on my tuck and roll with their dogshit smeared shoes,..... and get a picture if their parents have a camera handy.....maybe someday they will build something and do the same for the little kids. Anal retentive carguys make me sick.....they should leave their "creation" home where it belongs, next to the trophy room.... They apparently aren't having fun with it out in public, problem solved.
  24. Petejoe
    Joined: Nov 27, 2002
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    from Zoar, Ohio

    A 16 yr old girl can touch my car whenever she likes.
    I never wipe a car down at any car show.
    Take your do not touch cars out in public and you'll get pissed everytime.
    I think those who can't stand fingerprints should throw the cover back on their cars after they pull into their spot at the show.
  25. chrisntx
    Joined: Jan 20, 2006
    Posts: 1,799

    from Texas .

    When my kids were little (fifteen years ago) I built my 35 Ford pickup from the frame up. For the paint, I used medium blue porch and deck enamel. I knew it would chalk and fade in a couple of years and look old. I wanted a paint job that would allow kids to enjoy my truck and no one would get upset about the finish.

    I was always happy with the results but NO ONE understood---they all kept talking about painting it shiny.
  26. luckydevil
    Joined: Jun 20, 2005
    Posts: 615


    I couldn't have said it better.
  27. LOL!!!! Lock-jaw indeed. Maybe those with cars like ours should have spectators sign a waiver of liability to touch the car!!!
  28. RokonBob
    Joined: Jun 18, 2006
    Posts: 27


    Fingerprints aren't the issue. It is a lack of respect for someone elses property.
  29. Kilroy
    Joined: Aug 2, 2001
    Posts: 3,229

    from Orange, Ca

    That's complete and utter BULLSHIT...

    The girl was showing the ULTIMATE respect to the man's 'Property'...

    She took her time to come over and check the pampered piece of shit out...

    She's at a car show with quite a few bitchin rods (I hope) but she stopped to check that one out...

    I mean really...

    Why the fuck GO to a car show if you want people to stay the fuck away from the cars...

    The DWEEB spent all day wiping down his PURPLE PEOPLE EATER and shining the BLING only to put that fucking RUDE-ASSED sign on it and INSULT all the people he's trying so DESPERATE-ly to impress...

    He's like that fucking COCK-TEASE cheerleader in high school...

    'Hey everybody!!! Look at ME!!! But keep you disgusting fingers OFF me!'

    I FUCKED her...
  30. 52pickup
    Joined: Aug 11, 2004
    Posts: 833

    from Tucson, Az

    holy shit that made me laugh so damn hard...

    any who, people in general dont have respect for other peoples shit, but theres nothing you can do about it, really. if you tell them to get off your car, theyre just going to walk away and tell their buddy what a fucking prick you are, and probably key the shit out of your car , should they ever encounter it without you around... its jsut the way the world, or our country at least, is anymore
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