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Where are their brains???

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Gumpa, Jul 15, 2006.

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  1. Johnny1290
    Joined: Apr 20, 2006
    Posts: 2,834


    Man I hear ya about the respect for your property thing. That said, lighten up, Francis. People who yell at kids for being kids suck. There's nothing cool about bullying children and teenage girls, for crissakes.

    If you can't handle the BS with a good sense of humor, maybe you should leave the car at home and just enjoy the show.
  2. Mutt
    Joined: Feb 6, 2003
    Posts: 3,219


    I gotta admit, Kilroy, that is worth posting twice.....:D

    Car shows suck.

  3. 50dodge4x4
    Joined: Aug 7, 2004
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    I went to a car show with the prez of the club once. He has a real nice 33 ford coupe. The guy worked all his life to have enough money to get this car. He has had it for a couple of years now and is ready for a "more down to earth car".
    Anyway,we were at this show, my heap was parked next to his prize, made his look even better then it did before. He has those cute little "DO NOT TOUCH" things he lays all over, on the running boards, over the doors, under the hood, you get the idea. So we are sitting guard behind his car when a couple of old guys came up on the other side of the car. These two guys are running their hands around the window! My buddy flips out and yells as he comes running around the car "What the hell, are you guys blind or something?!" The one guy says "well, actually, my friend here IS blind, sorry about touching your car.." After that everything was OK, seems the blind guy used to own a couple of 33 ford coupes. His buddy thought maybe my friends car was chopped and the blind guy was trying to determine how much was chopped from it. The three guys talked for almost an hour. After the two old guys left my friend told me he felt like an ass for yelling, then simply cleaned the car.

    Back when I first got my 35 Dodge running, its first trip was to Back To The 50s in St Paul. The car had some new bare steel, some primmered spots, some heavy rust areas and a few places that still had paint on it. Wasn't hard to see what was and what wasn't done on the car. So my wife and I are sitting behind the car taking a break when this guy in his early 30s came by with his 7 or 8 yo boy. So the father rapps his knuckles against the back of the car saying something about real steel, so his kid winds up and punches the back od the car like he is some kind of prize fighter going for the knockout. Man, that little fucker hit that car HARD. We could hear the knuckels crack and the kid is instantly screaming in pain. Of course the guy is worried about his kids hand, I was looking at the car! As the father is looking at the kids hand and trying to get him to quit screaming, I looked him in the eye and told him that I better never see him or his kid touch my car again. He grabbed the kid and took off.
    There were a lot of people that liked to beat on the fenders of that car. They were always asking if the fenders weresteel or glass as they beat on them. My reply was always "steel and if you do that again I'll bust your hand." Last week I even had someone beat on the front fender of my 39! I can handle touching, but I'm ready to kill when they want to beat on it. The sad part is every fender on the 39 has some dents in them, ever seen glass fenders with dents?
  4. Muttley
    Joined: Nov 30, 2003
    Posts: 18,501


    I hate everyone, weather they touch my car or not..........well you guys are ok.

    On second thought you guys suck too. :D :D :D
  5. Russco
    Joined: Nov 27, 2005
    Posts: 4,329

    from Central IL

    Had guy a couple months ago at a cruise in showing his buddy how close my alt clearance to my steering box was stick a fucking pocket knife blade in between it and strike an arc! However the guy was cool enough about it to come find me tell me what he did apologize and stick around for me to fire it and make sure it was still charging.but the worst ive seen was a few years ago I built a pretty high end 33 speedstar coupe for my brother and while at the Mother Road Festival downtown Springfield,IL the car is sitting there with drivers door open and some 12 year old ghetto kid rides up on a bike jumps off the bike and hops right in the car like its some fucking ride outside the Aldi's store
  6. Damn, dude... that's a sign-out line!

  7. jakdupkustoms
    Joined: Jan 17, 2006
    Posts: 227


    favorite words I hear every show wow look candy paint. If you say you like people to touch your paint job, you obviously havent spent a long time color sanding and buffing. so your paint job probably doesnt look all that hot then who cares. I know people are gonna touch my car and im ok with that, I dont like it but shit happens, what are you gonna do? nothin. Yes I wipe my car down Im always wiping hand prints off it. No harm really done. I dont like the fact some idiot finger fucked my ride, but you gotta deal with it. I wish there was a solution for all the fuckin idiots out there but there isnt. You gotta deal with them and roll with the punches, If I see someone touchin my car I politely ask them not to and answer all the stupid bullshit questions they have like what kind of car is it and what motor does it have? Then the next nice car they see they will maybee give a little more respect. I like my shiney car and I dont want somebody else to fuck it up for me.
  8. JimSibley
    Joined: Jan 21, 2004
    Posts: 3,956


    I myself think a car should be for showin, drivin, and touchin. My cars have won shows as big as Goodguys, and as small as local lil ones. They have also been on the covers of ,and featured in most magazines. it does not bother me for a little kid or a girl that doesnt know better to touch them. That is just my opinion, but then again I can fix the paint myself, and a lot of you guys pay big dollars. Mine just costs time, time and materials.
    Joined: Apr 17, 2005
    Posts: 1,349

    from New york

    Sold that one.....The roadster i have now probably instills the fear of catching something if one were to sit in it......:D
  10. 2002p51
    Joined: Oct 27, 2004
    Posts: 1,362


    I don't believe anybody should touch anybody elses stuff. It ain't yours so keep your hands off. I can deal with the fingerprints at shows and I will politely ask people not to do that if they insist on running there grubby, french fry stained mitts all over my car. But if you let some people touch the car then the dickhead with the cell phone on his belt or the 27 keys hanging by the stupid little miniature mountainclimber thingie is gonna lean in there and F something up! My car has chips in the paint and bugs in the radiator but I still don't want anybody but me to touch the damn thing!
  12. BrandonB
    Joined: Feb 24, 2006
    Posts: 3,507

    from nor cal

    THAT is some funny shit. I'm still laughing.
  13. A sign, especially one written in the passive voice, ain't going to stop a 16 year old girl from touching a car, anymore than sex education and drug awareness programs will keep her from getting stoned and knocked up.
  14. McGrath
    Joined: Apr 15, 2002
    Posts: 1,414


    Well said Hatch.

    Arrogant pricks that won't let people anywhere near their cars do little to promote the hobby. They need to have their own private shows consisting of other Pricks just like themselves.

    The cars on the HAMB may still be traditional, but the attitude sure as hell isn't staying the same. We seem to have acquired a large number of members who posess the "Goldchainer" mentality.

    Other than Hatch, C9, JimSibley, and a few others, this thread sounds like a bunch of rich assholes standing around at a Pebble Beach concours event, bitching about the low-lifes that somehow got through the gates...
  15. TagMan
    Joined: Dec 12, 2002
    Posts: 6,320


    I was at a car "show" (display, really) and was walking towards my car, when this kid in his late teens with a dog on a CHAIN leash, goes over by my car. The dog raised his leg and pissed on my wide whites, with the chain about an inch from my fat fenders !! The kid started laughing with his pals, when I walked up behind him and growled as low as I could "I don't think that's very fucking funny !!". The kid turned around and went pale, stuttered an "I'm sorry" and walked away as fast as he could. I threw a little water on the tire and laughed it off.......too many inconsiderate assholes to get upset with all of 'em.

  16. Good point on the dogs.

    I used to go to the Fillmore, California 4th of July car show every year and every year people would bring their dogs in on a leash.
    The majority of the pooches were small breeds.
    For some reason, most of the time the little dogs were doxies (dachshunds.)

    It was sad watching the little dogs trying to stand or walk on the blistering hot asphalt.
    Some days at the car show were 100 degrees and there were a lot of people.
    The dog is down amongst the legs, can't see what the hell is going on and is running in semi-panic mode.

    I have doxies - four of them - and they're neat little guys.
    I wouldn't abuse them by dragging them along to the car show and making them walk on the hot pavement.
    Leaving them home in the air conditioned house is the thing to do there.

    Kinda cool you caught the asshole kid with the dog pissing on your tires and laughing.

    It be good that the real world reaches up and slaps these idiots in the face once in a while....
  17. Sam F.
    Joined: Mar 28, 2002
    Posts: 4,225

    Sam F.

    COLD COCKED who? the KID?!??! :eek:

    the funiest thing was when my cousin(15 at the time) was out here visiting for the summer,we went to the street rod nationals,, walking around in the exibition hall,, there was this real nice 55 chevy at a powerwindow booth,,he walked up to the car and opened the door and looked in side as the tinted windows were rolled up,.,,this older man working the booth came up yelling and screaming at the top of his lungs.

    i like the "unless you are nude ,do not touch my car" signs...
    ..i have threatend a few owners in the past to see if i could!
  18. My favorite Do Not Touch sign...after Katrina

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  19. OLDSKEWL61
    Joined: Feb 8, 2006
    Posts: 565


    was that chick cute grumpa in some states 16 legal........ha ha
  20. RokonBob
    Joined: Jun 18, 2006
    Posts: 27


    Man, what a bunch of whiners! You guys should leave your keys in the ignition so they can get in and start it up and hear how it SOUNDS! What the hell, if you don't mind 'em rubbing their meathooks all over it you might as well let 'em get the whole experience. "Hey, what's this knob do?".
  21. 52pickup
    Joined: Aug 11, 2004
    Posts: 833

    from Tucson, Az

    "Man, what a bunch of whiners!"

    listen to yourself

  22. That's why Greg is a ruler.:D

  23. So what you're saying here is that you're one of the keep off the car sign guys?

    Don't take it so personal, it's just a discussion with a little bitching going on like any other conversation.:D
  24. Gumpa
    Joined: Jan 19, 2006
    Posts: 601


    I am no Gold Chainer. I for one have to save for everything I want for one of my projects. I have to do all the labor I can because I can't afford for someone else to do it. That means it is a Labor of Love that I own. I think of it a member of my family or at the very least a prized possesion. I have no problems with people looking or critisizeing it at all. I would have had no problem at all if the young lady had said can I look inside, I know the guy would have more than happily opened the door and let her drool all over the car while we checked her out. She was a skinny, flat chested kid. Her girl friends were nicer looking. What I said is, If it had been my car I would have lost it. I could see all his hard work and I read the sign myself that said it had 28 coats of laquer. I am not even in the same league as someone that puts that much labor into a paint job. His board told all the modifications and all the things he had did and the stuff he had done by someone else and who they were. This guy really loves this car. So in Retrospect I felt real bad for him.
  25. Thirtycoup
    Joined: Jul 21, 2002
    Posts: 1,197


    i got one for ya.... my father-in-law and i went to a car show several years ago, he was about 78 then i suppose. i noticed as we were walking around that he would occassionally "touch" a car but i didn't say anything. we happened upon a sweet 32 plymouth coupe, deeeep roof opening.....and it was crammed right to the ground. my father-in-law grab's the driver's door handle and open's the door and then closes it and say's " hmmmpphhh...suicide doors" i was looking for the owner to come by any second!! LOL
  26. happened a few times yesterday , yound girls pressing up against the door to look inside or under the hood , i swear i saw the old Ply smile , kids on Bikes and skateboards are another deal though, I tell to get the hell OFF the bike and WALK it and NOT to get close to any cars while holding it.
  27. Johnny1290
    Joined: Apr 20, 2006
    Posts: 2,834


    Speaking of bikes, one year when i was at Paso I saw this freaky lookin' hippy lady riding her bike around where it was totally crowded, just a stupid place to be riding, not walking, your bike. So naturally she falls within inches of some guys good looking, shiny paint car. Nobody gave her a second glance as the owner and pals checked to make sure her bike didn't hit the fender or bumper.

    I didn't offer to help her either, tho, as she had a freaky buddy with her and I figured it was her own fault for being a moron, but I should have.
  28. Hotrodderman
    Joined: Jun 18, 2006
    Posts: 186


  29. Gumpa
    Joined: Jan 19, 2006
    Posts: 601


  30. Chebby belair
    Joined: Apr 17, 2006
    Posts: 854

    Chebby belair
    from Australia

    Years back I was at a run where a guy had rushed to get his a-bone completed and arrived with still tacky (enamel) paint. Permanent bug splatters on the car and all. I still laugh when I think about it.
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