I'm guessing after getting those sweet valve covers there was no money left for paint or a grille shell. A man after my own heart.
...the conversation is going something like this..."It sure is easier to work on this with those darn full fenders off"... Credit to Photographer, Owner
...Hamber @Mikel50's resurrected 70s built Coupe which has oodles of Vintage Inspiration tucked in with it's later era added features...He knocked it out of the park Half Fenders just Ice the Cake, Oh Yeah... ...What a precious moment..and those Caps are one of my favorites... These pics are Framegrabs from Mikes Video shared by @AndersF in Mikes Build Thread recently at the link below... https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/barrows-coupe-aka-“first-born”-1930-model-a-1970’s-build.1125715/page-7#post-13706179 Thanks Anders I enjoyed that and watched a few more...Those Tornados get Cool Hotrod without a doubt...
...Something to Celebrate...Hamber @Mikel50's Next Trip in Hotrod Very Cool and Congrats... No build Thread yet but look forward to Rock N' Rollin... Credit to Photographer, Owner
https://kustomrama.com/wiki/Jimmy_Summers ...This is Jimmy Summers https://classicmotorsports.com/articles/old-yeller-ii-amazing-underdog-story/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/silodrome.com/documentary-max-balchowsky-story/amp/ ...Max and his Missus Ina also a Mechanic... Fred Vogel, I had trouble locating a period shot of him but what I did see of him, I'm thinking not...that said the Fred Vogel I did see was a racer in those Old Yeller style races... So, I am going to say Jimmy Summers... One thing of note is the shot you are referring to the Front Bumper had a V initial which Fred Vogel added after taking ownership from Jimmy...Max raced for Vogel apparently... Anybody else have any thoughts?... Credit to Photographers, Owners
...I have to say that is one of the more unusual treatments to the Windshield area I have seen to an A Bone...is that a modern inspiration or a historical one? Is it a split or Vee'd windshield, does it open similar to a stock windshield... I see that as an late 50s to mid sixties Custom nod to the wild that was Rodding and Restyling... I envision a very graphic paint job to make it all come together...and the Hemi should get it back and forth with plenty of attitude... Thanks for sharing...1/2 fendered...works for me...
Pretty sure it came from a 37, and it does have a split frame, just not in it yet. Already glazed. I bought the car in 1969. It had probably been cool in it’s previous life. When I bought it, it was horribly channeled, the floor was made from probably stolen road signs. [emoji23]. The frame was hacked to hell, still have it (can’t toss anything). The rear wheels were cut out with a torch and a flat panel leaded over the opening. Whoever did the windshield, did a great job. It’s all leaded in. The rest..... not so much. Also have a 40 dash inside (got it from a friend when he decided he wanted a new one, when we built his 40). Getting ready to put the Hemi back in now. Have kept it all these years because the windshield is kinda unique. Still struggling with how to paint it.
Think Ratfink... The 60s Thread and Wild Paint Threads might help...I think it begs for something pretty loud...
Thanx for finding those. I recognize his Deuce but don't know much about his life other than the crazy cool sports rods he built.
Very cool thread, lots of inspiration! This "nasty hotrod" actually is a four-fendered feast... I appreciate seeing it in color! How crowded it is in there with a roll bar and heavy channel!
Good points. I remember as a kid in the late '60s at a car show, looking at a car with cycle fenders on the front - it also had leather fringe riveted to the bottom edges. I wondered aloud why that was there and got a splash of water from one of the gang with the retort, "You don't get that in the face when you go around corners, dummy." Learned several things that day about cars, thinking ahead, and being choosy about who I consider "friends".
Good Eye Nitro...We have had a few slip ups in this regard...I'm not too critical however and yes I would love to see more of this Beast... I'm glad you're enjoying the Thread...apart from sharing the History, inspiration and appreciation are all part of the goal...Thank You...
https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum...gone-by-part-2.1154030/page-409#post-13462765 ...Shared by @HEMIDAV...a pic highlighting being young and making a Hotrod out of whatever you could get your hands on...AND he got the girl... Credit to Photographer, Owner
saw this in an ad the other day https://dallas.craigslist.org/dal/pts/d/corsicana-37-ford-coupe-old-drag-car/7172819976.html
Dayumm that's cool and priced to sell at that...time to scan The Klass files... Update...I checked Altered and Gasser Class at George's archive...nadda...
...I never tire of seeing this series of pics showcasing Women in the Hobby... Credit to Photographer, Owner
...Hamber @HEMI32's Hotrod...this was built by his Father who bought it in 1954 for $40...it has went through many changes over the years and this pic above is a favorite of mine... Credit to Photographer, Owner
...A pic from a series posted by a Hamber some time ago whose name has slipped my mind...Just one of an awesome bunch of images taken at the strip... Note the period details such as the Headlight position, bobbed and guarded fenders...priceless... Credit to Photographer, Owner