Does anyone else out there end up with a boatload of nuisance injuries while working on a project or is it just me. I have been working on a project that includes a large framework of square tubing covered with an extensive wood shell. After 3 weeks of work I have several utility knife cuts, innumerable welding slag burns, lots of infected wood splinters, a 1" burn on my forearm from leaning on hot metal, ground off the tip of my thumb with the grinder, embedded a Phillips screwdriver tip in my pointer finger palm joint. I halfway joke to my wife, "If I haven't been bleeding or on fire some time during the day it was a bad day in my shop!"
And I thought I was the only one! Seems like every time I go to do something lately, there has been some blood shed involved. My once leathery skin now skins and tears away at any bump on a solid object, most times I don’t even feel or notice it until I’m bloody like being in a bad bar fight. I wear gloves when I can, but there’s just some things I can’t do in gloves. My poor hands are scared up something pitiful. This getting old ain’t for sissies, lol!
Yep. Finished work this afternoon and bumped my arm on something going to the house and wife asked, "why is there blood running down your arm?" @ 71, seems anything that bumps my thin skin results in a blood letting,
I know ever since I started loosing hair on my head I've developed a cranial magnetism for hard and often sharp objects.
It's a constant..I've yet to figure out how to accomplish working in the shop without cuts, scrapes, burns, etc., it's not limited to just cars either, same thing happens when doing house renovations. It hasn't stopped me, or for me to even consider stopping, it's just one of those annoying things that happen, that comes with the territory. No gain.
Yep, only now those ugly black bruises just pop up out of nowhere. When I was younger, shit that looked like that was always accompanied with severe pain, now they just show up like magic. Younger days did include several trips to the emergency room, ALL garage related. Crushed finger ( that sucked for weeks!), numerous gashes on rusty stuff that required stitches, blood infection due to wedding ring being melted onto my ring finger by molten welding slag, and the usual 'Get this shit out of my eye, please" trips. BTW, gold is an excellent heat, fire, destruction conductor. It's a damn wonder my hands still work at all.
My wife and kids stoped asking where all my cuts and scrapes on a daily basis come from. my wife thinks I’m an idiot, my kids think I’m super man. Maybe that makes me a super idiot ?? I dunno I get hurt a lot ! Lol
Do I hurt myself or cause bloodletting ?... I have a first aid kit next to the bench. You know you're a hazard when you have used a shop towel and duct tape.
if not for working on old cars I would never have discovered that if you have electrical tape and some paper towels you never have to get stitches again.
Hahaha The holy grail. I just bump stuff and I bleed. Thin skin. Gotta be real careful. I wouldn't win a beauty contest for sure. I try to keep my system full of Bourbon to keep the covid away. Seems to work. My wife says you seem to spend a lot at the licquer (sp) store? I say well, he's a friend of mine so..........
I can't almost go out into the shop/garage without bumping into something. I have bruises I have no idea where they came from. Time to take up knitting? I am Butch/56sedandelivery.
Started wearing mechanic's gloves for all but small work that required me to feel things better. Been years since I had all those cuts, scrapes, etc. Not that I don't occasionally grind through a glove with my angle grinder, or get a hot weld chip down in a glove. But the days of lots of them are long gone.
Go on blood thinner and then you'll have something to complain about. Sometime it seems the pores of my thinning 67 YO skin start oozing without any apparent injury. Bruises are standard equipment. Lynn
I also started doing that about 10 years ago. My hands end up much cleaner and aren't as beat up as they used to be.