Acetone is the same as alcohol for cleaning out rusty wounds, isn't it? Well? Long delays are also part of my garage traditions.. My longest time between the injury and the trip to the ER is about 48 hours. The 90 year old that took my BP on arrival wanted to call me a dumbass so bad, she was gritting her teeth. My quickest trip was about 3 hours, but I was almost done with the job when I spewed blood. I prefer to think it was my increasing maturity that made me go to the ER quicker that time. One of my proudest moments was after crushing my thumb, really crushing it. The assistant whatever that examined me first asked a couple of questions, looked at it, gagged a bit, and said quietly " You don't fuck around when you get hurt, do you?" Am I the only guy who threw up Miller High Life in the ER while laying on my stomach getting my back stitched up?
X38, I can unfortunately relate! I appreciate the new term: cranial magnetism - I am going to be using this going forward!
Most times it is a busted knuckle and carefully placed head bang. Right now I’m nursing slag burns but that could have been avoided.
I feel your pain! Literally....this bruise I got just walking past my 34 and the outside door handle reached out and bit me! The photo was taken 5 minutes ago....the "bruise" was obtained 3 years ago! Holy shit!
You need to stop and take two for safety. Before starting a task, look it over, think it through. I/e self inflicted knife cuts can be avoided, so can welding slag burns, etc It's not always comfortable nor convenient to avoid injury, but necessary.
I practically have a first aid station set up in my shop so I don't have to tun into the house every time I cut myself. My hands & arms are a kind of log of my injuries.
yea i thought it was just me!! i'm 72 and have been noticing my skin cuts just looking at it. i have just about cut off my thumb a while back on a table saw and don't have any feeling in it any more. i have so many scars on my arms they look like 20 miles of bad road. i figured when i was young i would have old man hands when i got older and now i do! i will not say how bad my head looks because it may make some of you cry. the funny thing is, people tell me to stop doing the things that might cut me and i tell them, it's what i do making penance for all the great cars i have got rid of in my youth.
Dang! Beat me to it...I was heading for that pic when I found your post! Your husband is a VERY lucky man! Hillaryous! Ray
It happens so fast these days that often I don't even know I cut myself. I see something with blood on it and I have to examine myself to find the source of the blood. Usually I cover the injury with a paper shop towel, and if it bleeds a lot, I will use electrical tape to hold the towel in place until the bleeding stops (usually pretty quickly). I usually don't see the new bruises until i'm in the shower, then I try to figure out at what point in the day they may have occurred. I have blood equity in all my stuff, some more then others. It does seem that as I get older, that blood equity grows faster, I think maybe my body is trying to tell me that I'm still alive. Gene
Slow down a bit fellas...I suppose professions and job experience plays a part in this... My work in aviation was heavily ppe'd and emphasis on safely doing stuff was always part of day or weekly instruction. I have been fortunate...I have injured myself many times, had Horseshoes up my ass on a few select incidents...but still have all my digets and eyes... I do however note when at home my guard can be lowered and sometimes you pay for it... I have worked with many who bypassed safety as pussy shit...that's their mountain, I'll climb my own... The Shop/Garage is actually a very dangerous place...we must as noted, think about safe approaches and give some thought to what your about to undertake as it could kill you and yes that includes your lungs... The Gloves are so varied these days...they may in fact be one of the most important things in the shop...
Try being on blood thinners...... I bruise like a grape. Every bump turns black like a bruise. Then, there's the real good one's that get the WTF? are you ok?.... Then there's the cut's...... When I leak out, it's a panic mode....... Just be carefull......
one of the very best people I have ever known, and his wife too, both now deceased, used to say....”Old Age Ain’t For Sissies”.......he was correct....but another cliche’ also applies...”it beats the alternative”. Ray
But the kicker is- I'm not even the double nickle yet..... All is great, until I bleed...... = Airplane bathroom scene with the guy shaving.........
"only enough blood to supply one at a time" [a male thing] Luckily he has the opposite of hemophilia . We were just sitting down having a coffee, and I noticed dried blood on the back of his hand. He didn't even know he cut himself, it must be a car guy thing.
yep....on blood thinners because of my heart issues....always catching my self bleeding from little scrapes and stuff I didn't feel......
Building or working on Old Cars is loaded with serious danger (all it takes is a die grinder)...There was a Sign At MDC Canada that hung near the Main Entrance as you walked into the Plant that said "You can get another pair of Safety Glasses but You're on your Last Set of Eyes" ...Stogy's danger zone... My apologies it's a bit piggy...seriously... Note a couple of things that we should consider more often...a dust mask and a vacuum...yes vacuum instead of the old blower...less shit in your lungs...more life to enjoy Hotrod/Custom... It's just me and my organized chaos...some of you have young' even more careful... Honestly I have a really nice space...I'm still trying to find it......funny I'm just thinking about the Fancy Dancing many of us do in these spaces that many times have all kinds of just a little to much...but ya gotta have it...CLUTTER...oh thing you know you're on your way down fingers crossed... I'll take one more when I tidy it up... Safety Tips...minimize and give thought to where and how you run airlines and cords...Tie your Laces...and loose shoes can cause issues...flip flops your on your own... Remember what @woodbutcher says..."Have Fun, Be Safe...
I,m pretty lucky as far as avoiding scars go. Do have a few small ones from my years as a carpenter but that was 40 odd years ago. My problem is after cleaning myself up after a few hours in the garage i then have my neat clothes on and decide to go back for just 5 minutes and come back out with a grease mark or tear or paint spot in my neat shirt or trousers.
Opposite for me the older I get the less injuries I have. On one hand, I'm much more careful, on the other missing a finger, Hiyoooo!!!. I do get nervous when I'm done with a project, no matter how minor, and I'm not leaking.
I rub my body down with baby oil after taking a shower and before dressing in my work clothes in the morning. I put it in my hair too.. To me keeping your body in good shape is part of being a hot rodder. I want to be able to climb all over my car. I do sit ups, push ups, crunch's and bicycle.
There is not a week that goes by where I walk in house and wife says " did you bang or cut your head again" . Got scars everywhere especially head and hands.
I always put on my goggles after I get dirt in my eyes and I've been known to let the smoke out of my thumb with a soldering iron.
We have a massive safety program at my work. We maintain power plants so danger every day. Lots of safety audits and reports weekly, conference calls, and training sessions. As a result I have been way more careful in the shop. I find myself thinking about how NOT to get hurt before I do anything. It may take one minute to avoid an incident. . . But only takes a split second to have an incident