I know this is pre-1965, and one is, another is close. What I'm curious about are cars we knew existed, but either online information is wrong, or no records, etc. Here's one example: In 1964 my Dad (rip) bought his first new car (short version he got a cancer diagnosis...but thankfully survived until 88). Lynchburg Va had a Rambler dealership and he bought a Tarpon which was a prototype. Hopefully I'll find a picture. He had it maybe 6 months, Mom hated it. Too small, tiny back seat, no trunk lid, 4 speed, no ac, etc. He traded it back in ordering a 65 Ambassador 990 4dr, same 327 motor. Other (hope this doesn't get deleated) my mother in law bought a new 68 Chevelle SS427 4sd (wished I had it, but I do have her Nova and 55 BelAir she bought new). Apparently rare, or special order? Another car I've had well over 40 years they claim (car club) was never produced (it's a '66). Mods...please don't delete. Curious others stories of cars supposedly never made? Thanks! Sent from my SM-S320VL using Tapatalk
Apparently the Tarpon was a pre-production prototype for the Marlin. Not sure how your Dad ever got a Tarpon as the manufacturers generally don't let prototypes escape out into the public domain. Are you sure he didn't have a Marlin?
The '68 427 Chevelle was real. They were putting big blocks in the Chevelles as far back as '65. The very limited production '65 Z-16 396SS cars.
No...not Marlin, which were made 65,66,67. I have a 64 American. The Tarpon was on same chassis. It was small, bucket seats, tiny back seat (brother was 15, I was 11) barely could fit. Tibbs Motors got it from a fellow from Lynchburg who got it from factory. Many years ago I met two guys from Kenosha who said prototype room they called the white room as they were always white which this was. 327 Rambler "mid block", Holley 4bbl, 4 speed w/overdrive. Spinner wire basket hubcaps. 14" wheels. Red shag carpet. Dad and I loved the car. Brother not into cars at all. Mom hated it. Sent from my SM-S320VL using Tapatalk
Good friend's brother ordered a 67 Chevelle SS 396 4 speed. He let my friend drive it and we would double date. Of course, my friend didn't hold back once we got out of his brothers site! Always scared the girls![emoji38]. I'm thinking it was 350hp (possibly 375, I'm thinking those were solid lifter motors?) I know it had a posi! M.I.L.s 68...427 she was a little lady but hot rodder at heart. We replaced cam/lifters, put a Holley 800 double-pumper, headers on it. Sure wish I had it...red/black vinyl. Sent from my SM-S320VL using Tapatalk
This might be of interest: http://wildaboutcarsonline.com/cgi-...=1&totaldisplayed=30&categoryid=9990419959522