had the nickname stovbolt for about 35 years as in stovbolt chevies but have partially moved on still have a 35 chev picup project that i'm looking for a drivers door for any thing 35-37 will work had one lined up in california but the shipping was going to kill me so am holding off do have a 34 door that i should be able to rework to fit if nessesary been rodding for about 40 plus years with the odd layoff for raising a family but getting back into it slowly have a 66 comet thats pretty well done as far as i'm going with it and have a 65 fairlane sport coupe thats in progress and do every thing the old fashion way by the seat of my pants kept hearing about this site through a canadian rodder site that i enjoy very much a lot of guys on there that i grew up with and lots of them seem to be on here so i figured i'd see what it was all about
got the e-mail to intro myself simple names Al 56 live in Kitimat british columbia just an old rodder hoping to get much older and finnish a few projects and maby start a few more heh old habbits die hard hopefully i'm to hard to die heh heh!!!! this with what is above hopefully will sufice for now as i tend to go off in the mouth from time to time so you'll just have to bide your time i'll be BAAAAACK Al
Welcome from a chevvy fan in Ohio, U.S.A. I have a basic 1954 chev 210 2 door with a smallblock for kruin' that i've been working on for about 10 years, i don't think their ever complete
nope never are don't think i've ever completely finnished any of them just drive the wheels off and on to the next one thanks for the welcome chevrolee
Hey Stovbolt, Welcome to the HAMB! If you're ever in the Seattle area (WAAAAAAAAAAAY south of ya') PM me; we'll dispose of a carbonated beverage or two. -bill
heh whats that i see a 59 t-bird highboy diferent must say and thanks for the welcome guy's already have it in the favourites
Hey I hope you don't go getting any of my PM's and Visa versa. Suppose you can never have too many Stovebolts, now can you???