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History What Ever Happened to..........?

Discussion in 'Traditional Customs' started by OG lil E, Apr 19, 2016.

  1. demmel
    Joined: Jul 19, 2009
    Posts: 120

    from New Jersey

    @OG lil E This is my favorite forum - should be a book at sometime. Great to see and remember some customs / and shows that have lingered in my thoughts. Making the best out of this craziness in the world and taking the time to open up those old boxes and finding the pics I took with my dad. I look forward to your next inquiry - keep up the great job!
    EVL401, OzMerc39, Sancho and 6 others like this.
  2. Thanks demmel! Appreciate the support! E
    Sancho, chryslerfan55, demmel and 4 others like this.
  3. What Ever Happened To..........? number 236.

    1956 Chevy "Teenage Idol"
    Owner: Jim Glymph
    Arlington, Texas

    This week's custom is one that came along and seemed to help usher in the comeback of Watson style mild customs. Before Jim Glymph broke out with his '56 in 1987, cars done in this style were far and few in between. After this car came along, it seems like you started to see more done in this style. It seemed to shake the memory banks of many guys that saw cars like this in the late 50s and early 60s, but they kinda forgot about them. Cars like this used to be so easy to build. All you had to do was take a clean car, shave it, lower it and add some cool hubcaps or wheels and you were in the game. Then you would take it to a painter and have him do a nice scallop job or put some strategically placed flames or patterns to cover the primer spots and you had a great cruiser--all for not a lot of money. Unfortunately, time and age has taken its toll on old cars, and building something like this is far from simple today. Unless you start with a high dollar driver, a restoration needs to happen before the "simple fun" can begin.
    Jim took his newly finished Chevy to the Leadsled Spectacular in Springfield, Illinois in 1987. Rowdie did an interview with Jim, and Jim said that it was the car's first show since it was completed. It was driven to the Spectacular two other times before in the original turquoise and white. Jim mentioned that at this show it was the first time he saw the car painted as his brother Richard had the car in Maryland for a year painting it. Jim said the inspiration for the paint job came from a car that was in Car Craft around 1957.
    On the video the car had a basic black interior that still needed to be redone. It also needed some parts to be re-chromed. Jim said after all that work was done, the car would then be done.
    The first pictures I'm posting tonight are from Rikster's site taken by Scott Pavey. I'm guessing that this was at the '87 Spectacular.

    Jim Allen 56 Chevy g SPC.jpg

    Jim Allen 56 Chevy h SPC.jpg

    Jim Allen 56 Chevy i SPC.jpg

    This picture is from a show that I don't recognize. You'll see the car still has Texas license plates.

    Jim Allen 56 Chevy a.jpg

    The next Leadsled Spectacular I saw the car at was in 1990. I didn't take any still video pictures for this car as I found quite a few different pictures online.
    These next few pictures were taken at a Spectacular, but I know it wasn't 1990. I'm guessing this was '88 (in Holland, Michigan). I don't think it was '89 as this doesn't look like Davenport, Iowa. I don't have any video for '88 or '89, so those of you that attended those years might be able to narrow it down.

    Jim Allen 56 Chevy e.jpg

    Jim Allen 56 Chevy f.jpg

    Now this is where the history of the Chevy gets a little confusing. I couldn't find anything mentioning the car was sold, but if you look closely at the last two pictures posted, you can see the car had North Carolina license plates on it. I didn't take any pictures of it, but on the 1990 video the car had personalized North Carolina plates that read "JOLTIN".
    The next round of pictures were taken at a Sled Scene East show. I can't say what year by the pictures, but I did see the car on the 1992 video. Since Sled Scene East was at the same venue every year, if whoever took the pictures doesn't say when they were taken, there is no way of knowing what year it was from.

    Jim Allen 56 Chevy b.jpg

    Jim Allen 56 Chevy c.jpg

    Here's an interesting picture. Someone snapped a shot of a pinstriper doing some work on the Chevy. It looks like he is outlining the flames.

    Jim Allen 56 Chevy d.jpg

    The next time I saw the car was at the 1994 Leadsled Spectacular. There was only a brief view and I couldn't see the plates. It would seem the car still belonged to whoever lived in North Carolina since the '94 Leadsled was in Huntsville, Alabama.
    The Chevy appeared in the second KKOA book that was published in 2003 on page 116. It was listed that the owner at that time was Jim Allen of Milford, Ohio. This is somewhat of a discrepancy since the car was at the '94 Spectacular. Ohio is a long way from Alabama, but it is possible that Mr. Allen drove there.
    You will notice that the car now has "Teenage Idol" lettered on the trunk. This is the first time you can see that in the pictures of the car. Other than that, it looks relatively unchanged from Mr. Glymph's version (at least on the outside). I never was able to find any pictures of the interior.

    Jim Allen 56 Chevy j KKOA2 p116.jpg

    Jim Allen 56 Chevy k KKOA2 p116.jpg

    I apologize for the quality of the pictures of the Chevy from the KKOA book. I took them with my digital camera instead of scanning them. Trying to muscle the KKOA book in the scanner is really hard on the spine of the book, and I'm trying to keep it from breaking and all the pages falling out (lol).
    After the 1994 Leadsled Spectacular and the '03 KKOA book sighting, I couldn't find any more on the '56. Who owns it now? Is it still in the possession of Mr. Allen? Has it been redone and looks completely different now? Anybody out there have any idea? Let's see what you can come up with.
    Here in Denver fall is in full swing. Cooler temperatures in the morning and evening are quickly turning the leaves colors and my yard is filling up with them pretty fast. If you look west you can see the tops of the tall mountains already have some snow on them. Thankfully it has stayed up there for the most part--so far. At least it is still nice enough to get out and use up some gas and check things out. I hope you are still out and about enjoying your car and getting more cruising done. Do it well you can, old man winter can't be far away!
    Until next time, stay cool! E
    Last edited: May 18, 2021
  4. John B
    Joined: Mar 9, 2001
    Posts: 1,498

    John B

    I know it was at the KKOA Spectacular in 1996 in Hamilton, OH

    There was some discussion about it on Facebook but mu memory isn't working the best this evening.
    Sancho, drdave, loudbang and 2 others like this.
  5. stanlow69
    Joined: Feb 21, 2010
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    You can tell the 88 show in Holland. There was lots of shade and the grass was very dry and it was dusty as well. Is that M. K. John pinstriping? Scan0442.jpg
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2020
    Sancho, drdave, kidcampbell71 and 6 others like this.
  6. John B
    Joined: Mar 9, 2001
    Posts: 1,498

    John B

  7. Man, you guys don't miss a thing. I looked at the pinstriper picture closer, and it does look like M.K. John. Sharp eyes Jim! E

    You have a great memory John. I'm sure that is the same Jim Allen as he was from Medford, Ohio. He had some nice cars.
    Like I've said before, sometimes my facts all just run together! E
    Sancho, chryslerfan55, drdave and 6 others like this.
  8. Moriarity
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
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    Cool car, I totally remember it. Richards cars were always real slick. I agree with the 88 Holland as I believe in 90 Richard had his red 61 Impala there. And yes that sure is my pal MK John doing the striping. One of the nicest most humble men you would ever want to meet!!!
  9. What a great looking car. Shame it apparently got restored. There's plenty of stock tri-5's to go around. ;)
    Sancho, 54delray, OG lil E and 4 others like this.
  10. Cincinnati Slim
    Joined: Jun 26, 2007
    Posts: 382

    Cincinnati Slim
    from Cincy, OH

    Jim Allen passed away over ten years ago. He always spoke highly of the Chevy and was one he regretted selling.
    Especially after he found out that it got painted red and white and was your typical tri-five "resto-mod."
    At that time it was still in Ohio I believe, either Columbus/Cleveland. Not sure. In the years since, we have probably walked right past it.
  11. chopolds
    Joined: Oct 22, 2001
    Posts: 6,279

    from howell, nj
    1. Kustom Painters

    IIRC, the 56 Chevy was either a surprise build, or a surprise paint job. I believe Gary Minor also had a hand in the build. It was modeled directly after an older custom, most likely a Watson job. Jim was astounded when Richard presented it to him! The Gettysburg pic must be 86 or 7, as my Olds didn't have the scallops on, it was in the first paint job. Bill Dawson's 4 door 56 Olds 98 is sitting next to me.
    Sancho, loudbang, drdave and 4 others like this.
  12. Roger O'Dell
    Joined: Jan 21, 2008
    Posts: 1,154

    Roger O'Dell

    ^^Buzzys 56 by Larry
  13. Thanks for all the fill in information guys! When we get responses about a car like this it really makes doing this a lot of fun! E

    Funny you mentioned Gary Minor, chopolds. On the '87 video Jim Glymph mentioned him and his brother Richard being friends with Gary Minor growing up on the east coast. E

    Sorry to hear the Chevy is no longer a custom. Definitely our loss. More importantly, I'm sorry to hear Mr. Allen has passed away. Rest in peace Jim..........E
  14. Jim Allen 56 Chevy bb.jpg

    Sorry to clutter up this picture with the circles, but it helps point things out. The white circle is chopolds' awesome sled, and the red circle is the Bill Dawson '56 Olds 98 four door hardtop. Like I've mentioned many times before, seeing a four door hardtop as a custom makes me wonder why we don't see more of them. I think they look killer!
    We covered Bill's car way back in May of 2017. It was W.E.H.T. #60. Here's a link to the article in case anyone out there wants to refresh their memory or might have missed it. E
  15. chopolds
    Joined: Oct 22, 2001
    Posts: 6,279

    from howell, nj
    1. Kustom Painters

    Bill Dawson, a really great guy. He is from Lorraine, Ohio and was Ohio's KKOA colonels for a long time. A MidWest Customs car club member as well. I hope you don't mind me telling a bit of a story about Bill and his Olds, since this thread is about reminiscences.
    Bill was going to Gettysburg with his Olds, and broke down on the Pennsy Pike. He got a ride into town, and sought out help. We had known each other slightly at the time, but sine I knew Olds' I volunteered to go out and look. He said it was pretty bad, might need to trailer it back. This is where the generosity and friendliness of "custom people" really comes through!
    Word spread around the fairgrounds about the need for a trailer. Joe Urspruch (the Ghost) had trailered his Pontiac in, and he knew me well enough to let me borrow his van, and trailer to go pick up the car. It was only "down the Turnpike a bit". Well, it was more than just a bit, it was almost the the border of Ohio. My great friend Rusty accompanied me, along with another volunteer or 2 (Can't remember who else came)
    So we drove over over 3 hours to the rest stop, loaded up the car, and took off. We had to get even more help pushing the big Olds into the trailer, from people at the rest stop. Now the adventure begins.
    Anyone familiar with the Pike knows how it goes up and down the mountains out west. The van and trailer were a bit overloaded with the huge Olds 98. Going over bumps, the roof would buckle, making an awful noise, which it did quite often. First scares.
    The van had lots of trouble going UP the mountains, I had my foot to the floor and couldn't keep up with traffic. Going down, was worse! The weight of the Olds would push the van to almost 90 MPH. I was scared to death of hitting the brakes to slow it down. Turns going down, I could feel the Olds pushing us, trying to jack knife the van. I was terrified!
    At one point, I saw a flash of bright green in my side view mirror! I truly believed it was Bill's Olds that came off the trailer, and was trying to pass us! Luckily it was only a small pick up. Another problem, was that we started out about noon time, not thinking it was so far away, and I had on my sun glasses. I left my regular glasses back at the motel. Now it was getting dark.
    Well, we made it back to Gettysburg, I was a wreck. Rusty, who had been in AAA, and worked with me, said "Pal, I haven't said this in 5 years, but can I buy you a drink? You deserve it!" Once we settled in, he told me he was scared to the point of almost being paralysed. He was afraid to tell me we were going so fast, down the mountains, in case I'd panic and lose control. He didn't think I knew, as I kept my eyes peeled to the road.
    The next morning, people had heard about the incident, and came by the motel, offering up wire, tape, Teddy Prada, even had a spare generator in his car, and someone gave us a regulator. Since this was what we determined burnt up the harness. Rusty and I rewired the car temporarily, using the parts generously offered up by the custom guys. We got the Olds running well enough, Bill didn't have the wiring permanently fixed for 2 years later.
    Custom folks are the best!
    Oh, and a side note. The next year at Sled Scene, Bill gave me the "Little Guy" award, that Mid West Customs give every year for people who support and help the custom movement, but don't get recognition. One of my most prized "trophies".
  16. That's a great story. The best stories are a wreck when it happens but make great tales in the parking lot years later. Thanks for sharing!!
  17. TrailerTrashToo
    Joined: Jun 20, 2018
    Posts: 1,365


    That spirit is still very alive.
    Help - closeup .jpg My custom at the host hotel, Lead Ain't Dead, last month. Never seen gas run down a drive shaft before...

    Instant help, jack and jack stands quickly appeared - Ran me to a parts store (Dang young folks would not even let me buy the beer...) and stuck by until it was fixed. The friendships are what this hobby is about.

  18. I've got to echo the Doc's sentiments about it being a great story. Thanks for sharing! In the future there is no need to ask about telling great custom stories as we all love story time. Please, share some more! E

    Oh yes TrailerTrashToo, I've had custom guys help me out while on the road too. Great folks out there! Glad to see guys jump in and help someone when they are in trouble.
    I followed along on your thread as you had an adventure getting to "Lead Ain't Dead". I must say that it was one of the most enjoyable new threads I've read in a long time. It looks like you had a great time and I was relieved to see that you made it home ok. Now, the question is, how long before you jump in your car and head out to another custom show far away from home? Soon I hope! E
    drdave, chryslerfan55, Sancho and 4 others like this.
  19. TrailerTrashToo
    Joined: Jun 20, 2018
    Posts: 1,365


    Thanks. Might be a while, currently attending to some family health issues. Then maybe get the cataracts done, road signs are getting a little fuzzy.

    Dewey is almost 1,100 miles form here ("here" is 25 miles southwest of Tombstone, AZ). I get the impression that Lead Ain't Dead is the western edge on Kustom event territory. I would love to find events closer.
    Slowly working off some issues on the custom - very grateful for the big 220Volt window air conditioner in my shop.
    The weeds won this round. If you will allow me one more horrible pun - A 20 Volt hedge trimmer made "short" work of this problem. Slowly working off some issues on the custom - very grateful for the big 220Volt window air conditioner in my shop.

    drdave, chryslerfan55, Sancho and 3 others like this.
  20. What Ever Happened To..........? number 237.

    1951 Mercury
    Owner: Paul Sexton
    ? ? ? ? ?, Maryland

    This week's custom is another of those cars that never seemed to make it to a Leadsled Spectacular. However, the owner Mr. Sexton did make it to Sled Scene East a number of times. According to my research he was there in '86-'87, and from '91-'94. He may have attended many more times, but my Sled Scene East videos are missing many years.
    In '86 all the video shots were blurry or in shady places so the pictures didn't turn out clear enough to show. The first really good video appearance was in 1987 during the infamous "How Cool Can You Cruise" that used to be done at many KKOA events. At that time the car had red paint on the bottom with a charcoal gray top. Both were covered with a generous amount of metalflake. You have to remember that in the late 80s about the only cars that were still applying heavy metalflake were the lowrider crowd. Seeing any custom with 'flake on it like this at this time, especially a Mercury was very unusual. The car seemed to be in the early stages of its custom life as it had a tube grille and the Connie kit added later wasn't present yet.

    Paul Sexton 51 Merc a 87SSE.JPG

    Paul Sexton 51 Merc b 87SSE.JPG

    Paul Sexton 51 Merc c 87SSE.JPG

    Since my Sled Scene East videos have a gap between '88 and '92, the next sighting of the car was in 1993. The car had some changes done to it during the late 80s and early 90s. The tube grille was changed out in favor of a '55 DeSoto unit, and the Continental kit made an appearance.

    Paul Sexton 51 Merc d 93 SSE.JPG

    Paul Sexton 51 Merc e 93 SSE.JPG

    Paul made the trip to Pennsylvania again in 1994. The car looked to be relatively unchanged. Here are a few more shots showing the great looking DeSoto grille. I've always been crazy about them!

    Paul Sexton 51 Merc g 94SSE.JPG

    Paul Sexton 51 Merc h 94SSE.JPG

    At the '94 show we finally get a clear shot of the taillights. I can't say for sure what they are, but if I ventured a guess I'd say mid 60s Lincoln Continental. A very unusual choice, but I think they look pretty good. Sometimes different is a nice change.

    Paul Sexton 51 Merc i 94SSE.JPG

    Paul Sexton 51 Merc j 94SSE.JPG

    Here is a rear 3/4 shot giving a good look at the cruiser skirts. You can also see how heavily flaked the top was. It almost looked like a vinyl top covered in Armor All and the top was wrinkling in the corners, but I assure you, it was 'flake!

    Paul Sexton 51 Merc k 94SSE.JPG

    After '94 the information findings of Mr. Sexton's car were scarce, but there were a few. I did search extensively through my magazine collection, even scouring my KKOA and KOA newsletter collection and came up empty. Luckily I did come across the next picture on the internet. I believe it was posted in the "Kustom Blues" thread by @PasoJohn, but I can't say for sure. I scribbled down a quick note about the picture, but I think it was on another list and got tossed because all the "to dos" were done. Sorry about that.
    Here you can get a good idea what a sharp Merc this was, and how rare an unchopped Mercury can be!

    Paul Sexton 51 Merc L.jpg

    After seeming to completely disappear after the 1994 show season, the car made an appearance in the second KKOA book that was published in 2003 on, ironically enough, page 51. The car had quite a makeover since the '94 photos, and to be honest with you, if I hadn't known the owner's name and had pictures of the Maryland license plates, I would have thought this was another car.
    In the KKOA book, the two tone metalflake paint was gone replaced by a deep burgundy that looked to be 'flake free. The Connie kit was now shrouded in nicely by a pair of extended quarter panels with '60 Chrysler taillights. The Buick portholes in the bottom of the quarters is a nice touch. Another subtle change was the parking/turn signal lenses were changed out from clear to amber.
    We also finally get to see what the interior of Paul's car looked like. Thunderbird buckets look right at home in the Merc. Looks like the makings of some comfy cruisin'.

    Paul Sexton 51 Merc m KKOA2 p51.jpg

    The 2003 book find is the last I know of this Merc. Paul may still own the car, but I don't recall seeing it at any shows in the last recent number of years. You east coast faithful that were at Sled Scene East over the years may remember Paul and his unchopped '51. Does it ring a bell with any of you? Tell us what you can recall..........
    The weather is still holding up pretty well here in the Mile High City, but unfortunately it can change any time now. Still time to get out and enjoy the dry roads and look at the colorful changing leaves. Better hurry though, Halloween and big changes are just around the corner, I'm sure of it!
    I'll catch you next time! 'Til then, take care! E
  21. Some different changes on this one not too often seen. Those tail lights are '55 Desoto. Maybe he got them off the same car the grille came out of....back when stuff like that could still be found in a remote junk yard. Bet that flake paint was bright in the sun!! Another fun one I haven't seen before, Ed, thanks!
  22. Thanks for filling us in on the taillights, Doc. Talk about scarce, '55 DeSoto!
    Always glad to share obscure customs. Still trying to enlighten the masses on forgotten sleds. Long live customs! E
  23. What Ever Happened To..........? number 238.

    1954 Chevy Bel Air "Ole Red"
    Owner: John Mueller
    East Brentwood, New York

    This week's custom is one that I've seen in videos from east coast shows for years, but once I started researching it, the car was more elusive than I thought it would be.
    John took a fairly rare '54 Chevy Bel Air and made it his own. The car was done in full east coast custom style with molded bumpers, '55 Buick quarter panels with molded taillights as well as a Connie kit and home made cruiser skirts. The top was removed and replaced with a Carson style top that once removed, revealed a T-Bird style roadster cover that hid the rear seat area. The car was finished off in a nice coat of bright red paint that makes the car stand out anywhere it goes. Last on the list was a serious set of flamethrowers for fun at Lead East and other shows.
    I don't know when the car was completed, but the first video sighting I found of the car was at the Leadsled Spectacular in Holland, Michigan in 1990. This was the only time I saw the car on a video at the Leadsled Spectacular. I do have a few different Lead East videos with the car doing some serious flame throwing, but I'm still dealing with my color challenged TV. I figured a picture of a red car on a red screen would be about as useful as a screen door on a submarine (lol), so I didn't take pictures of that.
    It wasn't too much longer after 1990 that the first KKOA book was published (1993), and John's Chevy was proudly printed on page 92.

    John Mueller 54 Chevy  a KKOA1p92.jpg

    I'd expect that Mr. Mueller was a regular at Sled Scene East, but I was only able to find his car there in 1992 and 1993. On the 1992 video, we get to see the car with the top off to enjoy some open air cruising. We also get a nice view of the molded front bumper and the DeSoto grille.

    John Mueller 54 Chevy b 92SSE.JPG

    You will also notice the cool hooded headlights and the rounded hood corners.

    John Mueller 54 Chevy c 92SSE.JPG

    Here we get a nice look at the T-Bird style roadster cap. I wonder how the Carson style top was stored when John was at a show and it was off the car. Note the frenched antenna in the quarter panel.

    John Mueller 54 Chevy d 92SSE.JPG

    I would imagine the cap was fiberglass. All the videos I've seen the car in when the top was off, the cap was on. I wonder if there was even a backseat for extra passengers.

    John Mueller 54 Chevy e 92SSE.JPG

    For the interior is was pretty much just the basics. The white vinyl interior with red pleated inserts looks great, and the matching steering wheel cover was very cool.

    John Mueller 54 Chevy f 92SSE.JPG

    John Mueller 54 Chevy g 92SSE.JPG

    On the 1993 video, the best shots of the car were shown towards the beginning of the video. Here are a few pictures of the car with the top on as it was cruising into the park. It looks relatively the same from the 1992 video.

    John Mueller 54 Chevy h 93SSE.JPG

    John Mueller 54 Chevy i 93SSE.JPG

    On this rear shot, you can see the only change I spotted. The Connie kit now had a picture of the Chevy with "Ole Red" lettered on it. Check out that tiny rear window! I bet it's impossible to see out of. One is because of the size of it, but I'd imagine the head support bulges on the roadster cap block the view quite a bit as well!

    John Mueller 54 Chevy j 93 SSE.JPG

    The last picture I'm posting from Sled Scene East '93 is an "action" shot. A group of the car show participants were heading out on a sight seeing trip. Video Bob was shooting out of the sunroof of his van catching shots of the cars as they passed the van on the highway. As John rolled by Bob he got on it, and let me tell you, that little Chevy could flat move! The KKOA book said it was powered by a 454, and it helped get the car down the road in a hurry. The shot is blurry, but it was the best shot I could muster.

    John Mueller 54 Chevy k 93SSE.JPG

    These next few shots are some of the better ones I came across. These were taken by Scott Pavey and were on Rikster's site. I don't know when the pictures were taken, but I know it's pre '93 as the Connie kit didn't have the mural on it yet.

    John Mueller 54 Chevy L SPC.jpg

    John Mueller 54 Chevy m SPC.jpg

    My last picture tonight is one that was posted by @PasoJohn. I don't know the history of the picture, but according to the photo stamp in the corner it was taken in 2014. I believe by that time the car had changed hands. John's Chevy was in many different KKOA Trendsetter's Midnight Auto section for sale for quite sometime. I seem to remember seeing that it had been sold, but I couldn't find the issue with the "sold" over the picture. Maybe it was in another classified auto magazine like the "Auto Trader" or "The Wheeler Dealer". If you look close you can see the New York plates that read "OLE RED" were gone, replaced by New York plates that read "KUSTOM".

    John Mueller 54 Chevy n JTC.jpg

    So this was the last information I found on "Ole Red". Who did John sell the car to? Where has it been lately? I haven't seen it in any internet or magazine show coverage in the recent past. Also, what has Mr. Mueller been up to? I wonder if he built another custom. Let's hope someone can fill us in on all the details of Mr. Mueller and "Ole Red".
    We're still enjoying unseasonably warm weather here in Denver. I've been working like crazy to get things winterized here at home, but I've still managed to get a little car fun in. Only thing about doing car stuff this time of year is that once the sun drops out of the sky for the night, the temperatures drop like a stone. Just another reminder that winter is on the way. Ready or not, here it comes. Man, I'm not ready.
    Anyway, I hope you can still get out and have a good time before the real holiday type weather moves in.
    Have fun out there! See you next time! E
  24. Moriarity
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
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    61E0106A-A594-4D0F-B8CC-1467DE115B9F.jpeg I completely remember this car, the picture you questioned was probably taken in Holland Michigan in either 88 or 90. I dug through my photos and all I could find was this overall shot of the judging area. The red chevy is 2 cars to the left of the rod and custom dream truck. One thing I remember is how the car got to the event, Inside a converted school bus. the entire back of the bus opened and the car was inside ramp truck style.....
    Sancho, Tman, drdave and 7 others like this.
  25. Moriarity
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
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    Ed I think that in your last picture that it had been chopped even more? look at the windshield height compared to the size of the dummy spot light!!!
    Sancho, Tman, drdave and 4 others like this.
  26. Very possible, but the car has always looked heavily chopped. In this picture the window looks pretty thin and the dummy spot looks like it's about the same, but you never know!
    I wonder if anybody has a picture of the bus transporter anywhere. Never heard about that before. It sounds like a piece of custom work in itself! E

    John Mueller 54 Chevy d 92SSE.JPG
    Sancho, drdave, loudbang and 5 others like this.
  27. Moriarity
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
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    believe me when I tell you that the bus was a total hillbilly conversion ( no offense to any hillbillies out there). I don’t remember the car having that hard rear seat cover when I saw it in Holland in 88. The chop may have happened when the cover got added later?
    Sancho, drdave, loudbang and 3 others like this.
  28. stanlow69
    Joined: Feb 21, 2010
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    From Mike Keys Wild Leadsleds book. What`s more hillbilly than using a boat winch to lower your car. IMG_20201013_0001.jpg
    Sancho, drdave, loudbang and 4 others like this.
  29. 54delray
    Joined: Dec 18, 2004
    Posts: 1,738

    from Fremont NE

    Am I wrong, didn't Terry Cook of Lead East fame own this car?
    OG lil E likes this.
  30. That is a possibility. Terry has owned quite a few slick sleds over the years, but I can't say for sure if he owned this one. E

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