Is the hot ticket new wood or welding and adding supports where the wood once was? I can't wait to get rid of my floppy coupe blues. Where's the best deal on wood? Thanks
Old boats are made of wood, I would replace or support anything u can with steel. However, some wood pieces are very odd shaped so u can pick up individual pieces of wood if u need to at: Here's a post from Dodgerodder with his wood subframe replaced with steel.
I am going to try 1"x1" steel tube. First I am going to mock it up with pieces of wood that I hope will then be usable for a pattern. Maybe hold it together with glue gun glue. I have a 29A and the frame is "z'd" 4". So the previous owner cut away the orignal reaar supports I've seen tubing ysed to reinforce thiis arean provide a structure for gas tank and battery at the same time. I've never done this before so must ber inventive. best wishes RFuture
anyone think it would be to tough to make the top wood for a sedan out of 1" square stock?I'm missing 3 pieces of wood for mine..........