Hi All, For those following along with my Lincury Merc project, it's been stalled by "work" for the time being. I will get back at it in mid-August. I've been in Anaheim, CA for the past two weeks; hold-up in a hotel, and working a split shift for work. Basically, I'm in Cali and I have no life. Leave too late for lunch, too early for dinner...my shift is 12pm to 8:30+pm. BUT: I knew this was the hotel for me when I pulled in and saw a '62 Caddy 2-door convertible with Bellflowers parked in the lot...with cobwebs on it. Hasn't moved since I got here, but it's clean and complete, with NO RUST. I wonder who owns it... I do have a couple observations for the rest of the world as far as my Michigainian impressions of Cali go: 1) It's Michigan hot here in CA right now. 95+ degrees and humid. Same as back home. A/C is a must. I hear this isn't the norm for this time of year in Anaheim. All the locals are bitching. It still sucks. 2) Way more "classics" on the road driving during the week here than back in Michigan. It's been a treat to see all these cars being driven around. On any given day I see AT LEAST 4 cars older than 1965 being driven, and I only drive a couple miles between the office and the hotel. In "The Motor City" around Dee-troit, the classics come out, but it seems like mainly after 5 or 6 PM, when their owners get home from work to take them out. Here in California, going to work at 7 AM, it's not unusual to pass a '55 Chevy Nomad, a '64 Impala wagon, a '32 Roadster, a '57 4-door Studebaker (parked in a shopping mall lot), some nice early 70's Ford & Chevy trucks, '57 Chevy's, etc., being driven as everyday rides. There was a rough (and I mean rough as in paint-faded) '64 Chevy Malibu 2-door wagon parked in a Starbucks lot here. Here it might fetch $2000, back in MI, it would be a 5 grand ride as is. Makes me sick. I want to take them all home... Hell, I was on my way to the hotel from John Wayne airport last Sunday afternoon and a flat-black roadster passed me on the 5 in the fast lane...not used to that... 3) The roads are WAY nicer than back home. Lowered cars should have no problem, I have yet to see a crater (pothole) that would make a low-erd car driver cringe. Put some of these cars back home, and their owners may convert to the SUV crowd. One newer car I saw on 22" rims had to have tires that were less than an inch thick from rim to road. You could never get away with that tire and wheel combo in Michigan! Some of the California driveways (around Anaheim, at least) are way too steep though (to keep control of rainwater), just tonight- an 18 wheeler was pulling out of a warehouse district, and the driveway was so sloped & peaked that his trailer feet dug into the pavement, leaving all 8 of the Semi's drive wheels spinning in free air. Wow. In short, we Michigandiers may have the attitude of "We Don't Care How They Do It In California", but they (Californians) are set up to do "it" much better than us... Tomorrow I am venturing out to Laguna Beach, to take a peek at Tay Herrera's shop: www.tarrera.com An intricate metal engraver by trade, he's having an open house (by invite only), and he's the brother of one of the trainers I've been working with here in Anaheim. Tay has been doing custom metal engravings for the past 25 years, and his work graces bikes built by the likes of Jessie James and many others. He's pretty low-key about his talents, but his work is AMAZING. All done by hand with a hammer and chisel. Should make for an interresting time... I'll post pics afterwards. Mercman1951
If ya come a thousand miles north, we got 8-9 chopped Mercs. Cad engines, FEs and 460s. Sorry we go off on a bad foot, I'll put ya up and buy the beer.........OLDBEET
No wrong foot here, (not sure you got the right guy?) We've been tradin' ideas for a few years now...YOU and the other WA guys have been nothing but helpful...I can't thank YOU and a few others enough for the info you give. You have NO IDEA how bad I WISH I could make it up to see you guys...I'm sooo close now, yet sooo far...due to the schedules down here I can't get too far away in a weekend, so there is no way for me to stop in. I made a promise to myself: I'll come back on my own terms, probably to see Seattle with the little woman...when that happens- Oldbeet, I'll be knockin' at yer door...thanks for the hospitality...can't wait to meet you some day (and it WILL happen)! Man...so little time, so little $$$ Thanks, Mercman1951
So little time. so little money......I retired and dropped about 3k a month....makes things change, dougnt........OLDBEET
For those reading this thread, OldBeet has never, EVER been anything but encouraging and helpful to me in the past 3+ years I've been on the board. A very helpful, stand up-gentleman. His posts have truely kept me going. He must have me mixed up with some other low Life Merc guy... in his last post...at least I never knew I got on his bad side...if he had one Oldbeet is a great teacher, and Merc guy... Mercman1951
Ha Ha, do you mean cobweb custom painting or real cobwebs? Interesting post. Sounds like I've taken the road conditions here for granted. Enjoy your visit.
Hay Kev sounds like your haveing a good time even if your working, you better try to find a show to go to while your there cruise night or something and send pic. C-ya Chris
I remember it being on Saturday Mornings!!!! Corner af Adams and Magnolia... 5 a.m.- 8:31 a.m. Best Damn unofficial cruise...! No goofy d.j.s... no stupid trophys... Come in grab a coffee and a doughnut... B.S. with the best and the worst...! Be amazed of the variety, quality and quantity of cars that show up every Saturday morning!!!! Laguna Nigal Has Tues evening cruise at "Fudruckers" 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. then Wed at the "Weiner Schnitzel". There's actually a free mag at the grocery stores that'll tell you where and when the "Cruise" are... check it out...! The best thing that happens is when you're gassing up and you start a conversation with a guy over his car and you find out that you've talked with Reeves Calloway, Jim Busby, Carrol Shelby, Jay Leno... Way Cool scene...!
When I came out here 5 years ago from WV, I couldn't beleive all the old cars either. Unrestored, original, driving cars. Hell, someone that lives in my neighborhood is driving a faded old mid-50's Metropoliton, red and white, looks like original everything on it. The weather has a big effect the car scene... it's easy to drive a old car when you don't have to worry about it rusting away.
if your going to laguna beach (the actual beach part) go early, it's VERY crowded but there's always a nice view there. if it's the laguna beach next to aliso viejo your ok. funny thing is that laguna was always next to the beach until a few years ago when some semi rich fucks want to have the cool zip code, now laguna beach streches on the other side of the hills (by me) and it's nowhere near the beach (hence i'm in laguna HILLS). i'm going today to laguna BEACH help a friend at his moms house....................your right, it's fucking hot and it sucks.
If you are gamblin man I may be havin a poker game tonight down the street from anaheim areound 9pm...... FONZI 714-412-3022
If you still in So Cal on August 2nd, the NHRA twilight cruise can get interesting. Alot of street rods but some very nice traditional cars show up too.
That explains why you never called me back this week. Hope you're digging it, and have a safe trip home. Jay
If you wanna see some chopped mercs, go to the Drag N shop in Santa Fe Springs. Its about 30 miles away but worth the trip. That guy Joe is doin some bad ass stuff.
Sorry Jay, I thought you knew... To answer a question that was posed: For work I work for AT&T. I am in charge of the department that puts the cover advertising together for the CA, MI, OH, IN, WI, & NV phone books. If you have an AT&T (formerly SBC) phone book in your house, my folks put that cover advertising together... The cars are a hobby, since after working 6+ years in a body shop I got burned out on cars. You HAMB guys are awesome. I had an offer to get picked up and taken to breakfast on Sunday morning (thanks Bad Bob!), Unfortunately I didn't get back from Tay's shop until late...too late to call Bob back (I assume.) I also had people telling me where to go close by for shows & such. THANK YOU! I think I'm gonna hit up the Petersen Auto Museum tomorrow. The open house at Tay's new shop was cool. Lots of cool people. WAY too much food. I have some info regarding his work and TV scedules, so if you are interrested, PM me. I've included a couple pics as well as a nice sunset I got tonight as the storms rolled in: The bike pics were taken by me of the coolest bike there (I thought) and owend by an employee of Exile Cycles... Later- Mercman1951
so much car stuff goes on in soCal throughout the year, you can afford to pick and choose (otherwise known as being a snob??) what events to attend. the "I dont care how they do it in California" saying is absolutely retarded.
actually that bike is owned by Joe Magliato. He's a iron work guy, fences, gates, etc. That is the bike he built on that show Build or Bust. cool guy. some of his work here, http://www.bigironart.com/ anywho, have fun while you're down here, and the weather does suck right now. hope you liked the earthquake and the stormin today.
Mercman, Left to go to breakfast in the shoebox,looked clear.Sat down to eat and WHAM! Storm hit! Of course I haven't replaced my door windows yet,so got nice and wet on the ride home.Oh well,it's just water.Let me know what you thought of the Peterson Museum.I love the garage display with the Merc in progress.
I spent a week in Anaheim, with a trip to Laguna Beach. Yer right about the cars, I saw shitloads of hotrods cruising. Could'nt find a carpark at LB!! Saw a Camaro (yeah I know, dirty word!) in a mall carpark running drag slicks! Could'nt get away with that here in New Zealand! Haha.....