Been a lurker for some years now and figured it was time to join up. There's a great group of guys here with a ton of knowledge so I'm grateful to be a part of. I've got a '56 Belair that's been in the family for quite some time and thought you guys might appreciate it: 496, 4 speed, 9 inch and a bunch of other goodies.
Welcome to the HAMB from Illinois. We love visiting the high desert and low desert east if LA in January and February. Won't be able to make it this year due to travel restrictions. Really like your tri-five.
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. I gotta say, after looking at the rules and guidelines, I started doubting where I stand as far as "traditional" goes. I've got a fancy aluminum radiator, modern aluminum heads and a host of other modern go-fast parts. I've consciously stayed away from AN fittings, conspicuous modern ignitions, and other sore-thumb items that blatantly disrupt the traditional vibe in an attempt to put something together my dad might've done if he'd had the time and funds. To make up for any potential breach of forum conditions, I'll include a pic of my brother's blown 327 T, haha. Another relic rescued from Idaho and built by my dad in the early '60s and decidedly traditional. Anyhow, thanks again for checking 'er out and to rv56: that shop is in Victorville but I live in Apple valley.