christmas quiz. when was the buegler pinstriper invented - what year what drive line invention shares this date when did you see the popularisation of this device in mainstream motor vehicle prodution
You got a pic of back side .How the tool is centered on wheel.I had a plan to make something to stripe my wheels, but yours is a better mouse trap.
Very cool, nice job. I love the look of striped wheels. The set I have going on my coupe were done by Mitch Kim. More hot rod content: WWW.IRONANDSTEELE.COM
NJDon, I know you already know, from the responses to your post, that you have just come up with 'the better mousetrap' of product lore. Unless you were born into riches --- such as we have only seen possessed by the likes of Scooge McDuck, and others too numerous to mention; my suggestion is for you to get cracking with an application for a patent and, then start producing these gizmos for sale. All the rest of this process I will leave to your imagination, of which, after seeing the device pictured, I can only assume you have in abundance. Money, as I have heard all my life 'is not everything', but as Talluh Bankhead so wittingly put it, 'having had money, and not,' she preferred having it. Good Luck with your gizmo. I think you have something that might set back the sales of pie plate wheel covers for some time.
B.A. King, I screwed up trying to upload too many picture. Here are some of the jig. I had most of these parts in my scrap area and just modified them. The rod is hardened and ground stock and the cone shaped aluminum piece I machined two of them to balance motorcycle wheels, that's why I left the rod so long. One thing to caution: mark the jig and rim so you position the jig in the same place each time. I did one stripe, removed the jig, did another wheel until I had all 4 rims with the 1st stripe . Then I moved the Beugler tool over to do the next 4 stripes and so on. I found one rim to not have concentric circles so out came the paint thinner and started over.
fortynut, I'm 70 and retired, no interest in starting a business. If anyone wants to copy my idea and sell them go for it! Regards, Don
Wow...your idea is genius. I've wanted to pinstripe the wheels on my 48 Plymouth for a long time, but never took the plunge. Your creation would be a big help. Thank you for your creativity!!
So is the beugler adjustable as far as stripe width or was you center stripe two passes? And what color is that yellow?
I just looked and the kit comes with different width wheels. If you buy it from the company you can get the Deluxe kit (lowest kit) with your choice of wheel sizes. Great job to the OP.
So it looks like the stripe set is pretty close to the center of the flat space of the wheel (at least on a inner bump 16").
Wow, That is awesome! I am so going to copy your idea and do my wheels. I like the widths of the stripes, could you give us the size of the Beugler wheelheads you used?
Sorry for the late reply. I used 2 different Beugler paint wheel sizes when doing the stripes, 1/16" and 1/8". Because I was painting on a curved part of the rim you have to be careful when doing the 1/8" stripe, make sure it's touching the rim across the entire width of the paint wheel. On my 1st attempt at the 1/8" stripe I was getting only 2/3rds of the width. I had to bend the rod the Beugler is attached to so it made full contact. On thinking about it you might get away with just the 1/16" roller and making side by side passes to get the 1/8" width or thereabouts. 1oldtimer; My rims are 15" and the stripes are on a curved part of the rim so I had to adjust the angle the of the rod the Beugler mounts to. Easy enough to bend. I put a small piece of masking tape next to the previous stripe and made sure the roller was making full contact. The 1/16" wheel isn't as critical as the 1/8" wheel.