Saw my first Dearborn duece retractable convertible at a show yesterday. Neither cheap or low-buck. OWner demoed the whole deal for me. Must confess the engineering was impressive. Would any self-respecting HAMB ever go this way? Let the gold-chainer verbal abuse begin.
I guess the first thng to realize is that there are people here who range in economic clout from paupers to millionairs. What ever turns your crank is the buzz word when it comes to chooosing a car/project. I happen to know of 6 figure cars owned by some on here so can't we just give the "gold chainer" thing a rest? Now if you want to start picking on those lead chainers, I'm your man. Frank
The "gold chainer lifestyle" really is an owner's state of mind, not the price of the car, or how it's built. Personally I just don't "get" hardtop convertibles. I guess I do understand why you would want a hard top, and I know the allure of a convertible/roadster, but it's like carrying around a spare body in the trunk. It must add 300 - 500 lbs, right?
First things FIRST .... DEUCE ... is the correct spelling Second ... who cares ??? If you have the $$$ and you like it ... buy one ... I myself would not pay the extra dough ... I would consider a Brookville for a lot less money ... And they LOOK BETTER to me ... There was a Dearborn Deuce convertible on the " All Deuce " run back in May ... ( one of the red/orange ones ... in front of the purple coupe ) and I did not even take a photo of it ... At 5 to 10 feet ... the seams are very evident ... and look like POO to me ... By the way ... there were 4 original 1932 Ford roadsters there in that photo ...
sorry to hijack the thread, but what's a "gold-chainer"? I'm fairly new here, so I'm not familiar with that piece of HAMB-speak.
Gold Chainer is a derogatory term " used here " for folks who have plenty of money ( or want you to THINK THEY HAVE ) and have expensive cars and lifestyles. They have cars built or buy expensive cars and hang around them professing how much they are have in them $$$ ... and are generally covered with gold chains and expensive jewelery. Gold Chainer ... is used by some folks wrongly ... and depending on the persons very own finances ... and will vary. Some here think 25 grand is a lot of money. Others here are a little more fortunate and have 2 or 3 cars and a nice house. Then some here have lots of money ... pay to have most everything done Verus doing it theirselves ... and have over 100 grand is cars they cannot yet drive. WHO cares ??? Jealous is a BITCH ... A lot of the 32 Ford guys have been called " Gold Chainers " and most could give a " happy go jump in the Lake " about what folks call them ... because they know they worked their behinds off for 20 - 30 years to have the cars and stuff they currently have ...
I would LOVE to have a least a $30,000 car my self but because of my past lifestyle and now medical, house, and other expenses I can't afford such things. But if I ever get caught up and get the chance......... By the way if you can afford it - GET IT. More power to ya.
Ok, I get it now. Now some other threads make sense. I wouldn't have a problem with guys like that, unless they're all uppity, and flashing their dough in your face, then they're just dicks, but if they are the "I've worked my butt off all my life to have what I have now" kind of guys, then I've got no problems.
I like this answer. The point is not how much the car cost, but whether the owner just paid for or bought what is someone else's car and now thinks their a 'rod man. Someone who paid and never worked on their "ratter" might be a gold chainer. On the other hand, if someone like Boyd actually built and drove his own car-lots of money and skills-wouldn't he have to be considered the same way as the guy who's junk yard trolling to build his in his back yard?
Apologize for spelling error. Sedondarily, I shouldn't have ever used the term gold chainer. The guy I met had built a beautiful car and I genuinely appreciated the hard work he'd done as well as the financial commitment he'd made. I was more interested in knowing what others think of the Dearbrod Deuce. Whataya know! I actually spelled it right.
QUOTE -- "I was more interested in knowing what others think of the Dearbrod Deuce. Whataya know! I actually spelled it right." Close, but it's "DearBORN". Some days are like that.
They NOW have fiberglass bodies available with this option ... for about 5 grand less ... Click here for a look at the top going up and down ... If you look closely you can see the doors are longer and the cowl is reshaped some on these Dearborn cars ... I prefer the Henry look ... on the doors and cowl myself .... but ... whatever you like and can afford is the issue... They always HAVE ... some ready for immediate delivery at the Nationals in Louisville ...
QUOTE]Then some here have lots of money ... pay to have most everything done Verus doing it theirselves ... and have over 100 grand in cars they cannot yet drive.... ...quit rubbin' it in Randy.... I'm gettin' closer to drivin'...
hahahaha you were the first person to come to my mind hahaha oh well, you get a pass on here because your car is cool and your comments are crude!
I am not rubbing it in ... Didn't I tell to bring the 3W ... South ... I would push my old 3W aside and we would finish your car in a week ... FOR FREE ... you buy the parts and the Diet Cokes ??? How's the new lifestyle going ... no beer and no cigarettes ??? Has Donna tried to kill you ... or left yet ??? Quitting tobacco has to be a very difficult thing to do ... it is about the only thing my Dad could not do ... and Lung Cancer killed him ...
I have seen a couple of the dearborn 3 window coupes and the top is just not right. It looks more like a 33/34 top put on a 32. Now the Brookville coupe is another story it looks right on, I saw my first one at LA Roadsters show and it looked as real as that $100,000 coupe on here a week or two ago. But I'd still like the $40,000 one with no floor before a Brookville. Now the one for $17K I think the Brookville would be better. Useless