Hello all, Not sure if there is a specific place for this or not, but if it is in the wrong spot I apologize. I am a new member and recently hit a major milestone in my 1st hot rod project. Found the car in a field and bought it for $500. Got a 2nd car for parts for that too. Between friends, ebay and Mac's Antique Autoparts. I have a driveable hotrod. Now I am no where near done, but she did get me around Lincoln all weekend and I had a blast!! Future plans include a mean ass 351 Cleveland with a Tunnel Ram setup sticking out the hood and old skool hot rod flames. I guess the thing I love the most about her is she isnt the typical tri 5 chevy. I dont see a lot of "hot rod" 55 Fords, most of the ones I see are restored to original condition and while that is cool. I wanted a HOTROD!! Anyway, if you want to see pics they are at my Yahoo Photo spot. Take a look and let me know what you think! http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/scooter4x1432/album?.dir=/94b6re2&.src=ph&.tok=phgGNRFBlEGKNUQ3
Sweet. I kind of like it silver colored. You ought to paint it aluminium colored with the flames. That would be something a little different. Makes the red turbines stand out. I know they are not very traditional, but maybe polish the lips and outside edges of each blade, and cap it off with a tribar spinner. My 2 cents... Nice car
oh sweet! your a hamber. i saw you cruising and was smiles ear to ear after seeing it was a ford. id leave the flames off but im all for the big mill. i think off the times i saw you go by this woul dhave been your veiw of me in the pic. Very cool car tim
umm blurry pic to show what it would look like with a bigger cam in your car i might also be prone to throwing a 3 inch tube bumper on the back of the car and ditching the front one. either way still preety cool
Yeah, I saw your car! I am going to ditch the front grill and make a custom tube grill, I also took the red turbines off and have Cragar SuperTricks on it now. Normally I would have a rear bumper on it, but Friday morning of the show I was trying to remount it and it wouldnt fit anymore since we installed the new quarters. Like I said, its just getting started, but I was happy to have it as far as it got for Americruise. Thanks for the feedback and compliment!