Need help relaying band saw from Cedar Rapids to somewhere in TX - central hopefully.. Will provide gas $$ if we can figure this thing out.. Joe
If it makes it to KC I can bring it down for gas be a good excuse for a road trip ( which I can't afford right now)
Joe, 'Lil John said that he can take that saw from his plce to Breeder's. Check your PMs for more info. We still need a way to get the saw to KC for PorkNBeaner to finish thie little trip. Anyone out there that can help in the leg from NE MO to KC? Thanks, Vance
if benno would be willin to meet at kennys shop in elmer then were there..plannin on goin to elmer in 2 or 3 weekends..if choprods home that is...
you guys are getting me excited how much more do I need to get it to where? man, that made no sense at all... just got thru puttin a trunk floor in a 31 coupe - brain is fried. Let me know who needs what $ and when... Joe
more like 2 weeks..i have a wedding to be in this weekend[ thanks roadkiller] , and i dont know what is happnin the weekend after..but thats when id thought i could try to get it to kennys...but since my dad passed away we dont have a full time child watcher, so i cant be for sure yet..........we gotta get it to me first!! so anywho, we have a couple weeks to find somebody..just thought id letcha know .....breeder