I realize this post is lengthy, please bear with me. I have owned my 1955 Oldsmobile Ninety Eight Holiday Coupe since around May 2016. Due to my height, I stand 6’5” tall, I do not fit in my car easily. I have not been driving it much due to my height restrictions. I am at a crossroads. The car is not original although the drivetrain and most of the body and suspension/brakes/steering are original. EXTERIOR: The car was repainted and interior redone prior to me purchasing it. The original paint was a dark green and mint green. The mint green has a pearl finish that makes it appear white. The underside of the hood is still the original green color. INTERIOR: The dash is white. The door panels and seats were replaced with a diamond pattern dark green vinyl material. The exterior paint differences do not bother me. The interior, however, does bother me and I hope to alter it in the future. As far as fitting in the car...I would like opinions. 1. Do I just sell the car, buy something I fit in better? 2. Do I move my 2 way power seat back several inches so that I can actually fit in the car and keep it predominantly stock? 3. Do I remove the 2 way power seat completely and replace it with a 6 way power seat motor and seat brackets, etc. from a later model car? 4. Once that issue is resolved, do I address other “issues” I have with the car? The car can be driven as is, however it’s not a fun drive and honestly I’m unsure if I still appreciate the stopping power of 66 year old power drum brakes. Perhaps modifications such as removing and replacement of front brakes, steering, front suspension, rear suspension to a modern set up consisting of power disc brakes, new suspension components, new steering, etc. would make for a more pleasant driving experience. On the flip side...would changing those components be a bad idea? I realize that a car is only original once, but technically this car is not really “original” anymore. Assume for a moment that you think changing the components in question 4 is acceptable. What manufacturer(s) would you suggest? I realize these are made for 1955 Chevrolet, but is/are there any manufacturer(s) who creates some type of “all-in-one” units for 1955 Oldsmobiles? Has anyone accomplished these upgrades to their cars? If no all in ones are available, and you think replacement of components is not sacrilege, what parts and manufacturers would you suggest? I would appreciate all appropriate and pertinent feedback. Thank you in advance.
1. If you’re not in love with it, maybe it’s best. 2. Not a bad idea although it’ll be much more work than just moving the seat back a few inches. A lot more work. 3. Oh good God no! 4. Get your brakes looked at. I had a ‘54 Olds that would stop on a dime if need be. Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
I moved the seat back in my 52 Ford Victoria; it was not a big deal. It was not a power seat though. Have a knowlegable friend look at the seat to get their opinion. X2 on fix the brakes...they should be more than adequet. That is a really nice car, think real hard before selling it. Wish you well....love the car.
That's a nice car, if you like the car, keep it, if the seat is the main problem, get the auto trimmer to modify the springing to lower the base, then move the mounts back a couple inches, make it suit you, this will be the same problem with any pre 1960 car. Good luck with your decision Sent from my VFD 710 using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
My family had a 55 Olds 88 for 27 years and I grew up riding in it. That is a BIG car as far as vintage cars go. My current car (in avatar) is big too. I worked in the car business for many years and moving a seat back is really no big thing. It is an easy thing to try and might let you enjoy your car more. It does sound like you are ready for something else. Is there a modern car you fit in that you enjoy driving? Use that size to direct you for your next purchase.
Big car for a big guy, I’d suck it up and keep it, it’s a beautiful car!! Sent from my iPhone using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
Move the seat. Tell you a story. There used to be this basket ball player named Wilt. In a fit of wisdom he purchased a mid '60s MG coupe which he could not dream of fitting into. He had the dealership deliver the car to my Dad to be modified. The driver seat ended up against the back seat and lowered to make the car usable for the basketball player. You cannot change your body so you must change the packaging.
I am seriously considering selling the car however I will need to purchase a new battery. The battery was already several years old when it came with the car when I purchased it. Beyond that, I might discuss moving the seat with my mechanic friend. Honestly, I don’t think I would mind selling this and buying something later or something already customized. I just can not bring myself to alter a car that is otherwise mostly original. It is only this way once in its life. To be blunt, I know it’s a beautiful car. That was never the question. Obviously, better photos need to be presented, so please let me know what you would like to see. I am probably ready to move on to something different. Please let me know what additional info you are interested in knowing. Bill
Well it sounds like you really want to sell it, so that's what you should do... But, I am 6'3" and I was never comfortable in my Cutlass 'vert. Maybe it wont work on your 98, but on my Cutlass I put 2" plates at the mounts. It is completely reversable and doesn't change anything, but it sure helps me enjoy driving the car.