Years ago I had a girl back out of a driveway and all the way across the street caving in the passenger door on my parked '53 F100. After begging me not to call the police and promising to pay for the repairs, I agreed and let her go. When I brought her the estimate she informed me that she was not at fault and wouldn't be paying for anything.....Lesson learned the hard way. I always call the police now.
Unless you're on fire. If people start pissing on you, that's when you find out who your real friends are.
Great that your Insurance company Took care of the problem without a police report, ( not a common practice) some police officers /COP's are understanding then there are others that , You know !!!!! Most of use DO NOT want to have Dealing with Police law-enforcement. Some take their job and oath seriously A civil servant to the people, Good & fair then there's others it's a paycheck & power . Dealt with both . I prefer the Andy Griffith Image, good to hear your car will be fixed, here's kind of a trivial History definition, look up the term COP & where the term originated, late 17 th hundreds across the pond. I asked a officer one time does he know where the term ""cop"" came from /stand for ?? He told me California highway patrol, I laughed and said no!!!
You'd like to think so, but not really. We JUST started retaining the plate when a vehicle is sold, so that slowed down the people that never transferred them a little. Now I see cars with no plate at all...along with several-month-expired paper tags pretty much daily.
Man, sorry to see this Don. Seems you are dealing with it well and I’m sure you will have it fixed in no time. You know I have liked your 36 even before it was your 36. Hope to see you soon.
I was in a hit and run in my 59 Stude Lark, 2dr. wagon a few years back. 45 or so mph freeway speed, light rain, got rear-ended. I pulled off the the side of the road, waited about 20 minutes, nuthin. I got home and called the Highway Patrol. Cops - "Did you get a license number" ? Me - "no, no front plate. Cop - "Sorry, can't help you". I called my insurance company. Same basic comments. I bought a new (last NOS) bumper, had a fair amount of tail gate and lower panel work to fix. Luckily, my trailed hitch receiver, poked a big hole in the plastic bumper of the car (girl on a phone) that hit me. She had to answer to someone. MIke
^^^ RIGHT, this happened to the wife, she was going down our street about 4 houses down someone pulls out and hits her. The wife sent one of the kids back to our house to get me and tell me what happened. So I walked down the street and said "call the cops" they did not want to (before cell phones) so I said "either you call from your house or I walk back home and call from mine" They finely called and when the cops showed up they said my wife ran into their car.... and these people were just 4 houses down. ALWAYS CALL THE COPS
This is what I'm thinking, they may not do anything as the accident was on Private property but the hit and run is a crime.
A few years ago I was stopped at a light, the guy behind me suddenly started and rear ended me. The car behind him was a state trooper. He had us drive about 1/2 mile down the road and then pull over, he called a town cop to take the report. Mind you the light was at the intersection of 2 state highways. At least he told the town police what happened before he took off.
Years ago an insured motorist stopped in the middle of the street and decided to back up, never even looked behind him to see if anyone (me) was behind him. Did a lot of damage to my VW, took him to small claims court. Neither he nor his wife could agree on their stories, judge ruled in my favor and also suspended his license until he got insurance. He cancelled it as soon as he got it back. Never did get any money out of him, one of those professionally unemployed worthless people who somehow evade responsibility. He's long gone, probably the only good thing he did with his life.
Insurance must be different in OK, anytime I had to make a claim to get them to fix it I needed a police report.
"The term copper was the original, unshortened word, originally used in Britain to mean "someone who captures". In British English, the term cop is recorded (Shorter Oxford Dictionary) in the sense of 'to capture' from 1704, derived from the Latin capere via the Old French caper." There may be theories of it entering the language in the US, but this is the 'original' form in English.
Not knowing who did it and private property cops won't do anything. I've done the same thing. Those of you who jump all over him for responding the way he did must not have anything better to do than a useless hunt. You turn it in to the insurance company and it's a no hassle done deal. The insurance company doesn't waste their time on it either
Cops wont but the insurance companies can. Insurance companies can and do go after the money where they can.
COP. In the early days we had constables, they signed off on their shifts by signing their name as the constable on patrol, hence COP.
I don't know about all, but the insurance companies I've dealt with used the number of reports that resulted in them paying out to determine your insurance rate for the next policy period. So a liability or collision payout would result in a premium increase. Even if it wasn't your fault but the other party disappeared. Had it happen to me. Comprehensive claims are not included. Another good reason to call the cops: I had a small ( 3x3') piece of 1/4" plywood blow out of may pickup and hit a Chevy pickup in the grill. 70s chevy, tiny dent in the grill, probably a 100-150 part. I stopped, agreed with the other driver that is was my fault and gave him the insurance info. When I got a call from them he claimed 4500 bucks worth of damage from a huge chunk of wood! Yep, my policy went up.
@phat rat Not an argument, with you, nor the OP .. ... but what you said above isn't true. Rental car, hit & run, Racetrac gas station. Allen, Texas. Police came, took down a report. Insurance company then subpoenaed video copy of Racetrac footage, from same Allen Police Department, referencing report #. APD forced to answer subpoena. Obtained video, prosecuted driver for leaving scene of accident, and damages above $200. Damage was way above $200, but that's the minimum charging amount in my state. Hit & run guy WAS insured. I obviously, don't know how your insurance company, the OP's insurance company, or anyone else's insurance company works. I do know how mine works. A police report 100% corrected the problem. Your mileage may vary. No offense intended, and most definitely .. have a great day.
kid, no problem I imagine with a rental it's probably different. However in my 60+ yrs of driving it's happened more than once to me and here in Mi. cops generally don't respond to a fender bender on private property, certainly not with a "hit and run". Insurance companies have never hassled me about no police report. If I'm remembering correctly the last one was around a 4 grand payout. They replaced the entire box side of my OT dually, it was the second time it was hit on that side in a parking lot so they replaced it instead of repairing
I don't know who your insurance company/agent is but read my reply above yours. I've lived in the Muskegon area 77 yrs and have never needed a police report on a parking lot hit & run. It's probably happened to me 4-5 times over the 61 yrs I've been driving