This photo reminds me of the time in the late 60's when I bought a 1950 Dodge Wayfair 4-door. Bought it off the back lot. It had a mild main bearing knock but for $ 35 dollars ( about a weeks paycheck at the time ) it had a really nice clothe interior and a faux wooden metal dash. Real comfy and quiet solid car. Back then when you bought a much older used car no one ever referred to anything as factory correct or factory this or that cause they all were. Anyways, one day a couple of my so called friends and I were out in it. I let one of them drive it and he went around a corner too fast and scrapped a fire hydrant on the driver's side fender and dented the fender good opening up along the fender split at the trim piece.. That stainless trim shown on the front passenger side in this photo is the same. If you remove it you have access to the split fender bolts as the fender was not 1-piece. Long story short after that incident those two losers never showed up at my place to help me fix it. Back then when your young and full of yourself, I suppose one had more of a quantity of friends, however today much much fewer with emphasis over quality than quantity.
Judging how these boys are dressed, I'd guess they are "toffs" from one of the exclusive public schools, Harrow or Eton or something like that. Fwiw in this instance, "public" means "private and expensive".