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Hot Rods The State of The Rodder's Journal - a note from Steve Coonan

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by TRJ, Mar 27, 2021.

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  1. I'll actually agree with this... What I see is a guy who's life-long dream is slipping away and increasingly desperate measures to save it. But IMO the signs have been there for a while.

    The 'lifetime' subscriptions was the first sign. A way to inject some quick cash into the business, as a short-term 'fix' it may have worked but the long-term implications are less clear. To his credit, when the first batch sold out before most people even knew they were available he offered a second round. Whether that was a smart move remains to be seen, but it was good customer relations.

    The move across country 'to cut costs' is less clear-cut. Again, this may have been a good long-term goal, but by his own admission he badly underestimated costs. Not having contingency money for this is a very troubling sign, exposing cash-flow issues.

    His issues with his distributor are where it gets murky. He doesn't say but I'd suspect that non-payment for services and/or poor communications was a large issue here. They may be waving lawyers at each other which could explain the lack of candor on this.

    The continuation of taking money for merchandise and not delivering it is getting dangerously close to mail fraud. I'm not accusing TRJ of that, I do think he's really trying, but the law won't be as forgiving if it gets to that.

    I've seen this show before. I've never been a business owner (by choice) but have been high up enough to be privy to business decisions that have sunk companies. It's rarely one bad decision, it's almost always a series of smaller ones that added together do it in.

    I do hope Coonan has competent legal advice. I don't know how TRJ is structured, so I don't know what his options are. But it's hard to watch a dream die....
    fauj, alanp561, Malcolm and 4 others like this.
  2. Words mean nothing unless you follow through on them. This is at least the 3rd time they have said something similar and there has been no follow through after the fact. After a while it's just talk. Hopefully, this time, they actually do what they say they are going to do.

    I like their product and don't want them to go under but after a while we are the suckers for continuing to believe something is going to change when it doesn't time and time again.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2021
    hotrodjack33 and PoTaToTrUcK like this.
  3. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    You have EVERY right to believe and communicate that.

    I've gotten A LOT of crap for "defending" TRJ. But people seem to forget that I am the guy hosting these complaints. If I was who some people claim I am, I would just delete all of the complaint posts. Hell, I've even left the complaints that I feel are out of line.

    I've done this because I realize people have different perspectives on this subject and it's not my place to set the narrative. That being said, this is still MY joint... and I do reserve the right to express my own opinion.

    One thing I can pretty much guarantee - you won't find anyone that knows these guys personally calling them crooks, dishonest, or ill-intentioned. And that's because, they aren't... These are all really good guys that have made mistakes, screwed some shit up, had some bad luck, and are trying like hell to make up for it and recover.

    Maybe they aren't doing enough from your perspective? That's fine... I have provided you a place to voice that concern.
    James66g, NHRANUT, Outback and 47 others like this.
  4. J'st Wandering
    Joined: Jan 28, 2004
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    J'st Wandering

    I appreciate the way you have handled this discussion . Some have said to shut it down and that would be the easy way out. You have let all civil discussion stay posted and your comments are fair and heartfelt.

    And in addition, thanks for providing this forum.
  5. I appreciate the ability to do that and understand your support for your friends. I have stated before I in no way think they have intentionally set out to rip people off but at some point "trying your best" isn't good enough when you are taking peoples money. You either need to do what you say you are going to do or admit to yourself and your customers that is unworkable and call it quits.

    I hope it is fixable but they can't keep taking peoples money and stringing them along with "soon" like this if they don't have a workable solution in place because then it does start to walk the line of being unethical intentional or not.
  6. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    Awe man... You probably took that as being directed purely at you. It wasn't. I promise. I'm defensive due to posts like this one:

    Essentially, homeboy is claiming that I'm somehow responsible for this mess. That annoys me.

    I have an opinion. Some people have the same perspective and others don't. I was just trying to make the point that I can have one... It's allowed... and I'm not stifling anyone else's in process.
    catdad49, Sancho, drdave and 9 others like this.
  7. Nostrebor
    Joined: Jun 25, 2014
    Posts: 1,298


    My postman drug my magazine behind his delivery van through fire and/or water, across some razor wire, while being ravaged by dogs... or at least that is what they looked like once I got them. I requested a few replacements, but it didn't really seem fair to punish TRJ for someone else's incompetence. I could tell they were trying all kinds of protective devices to remedy the situation, and the PO was handily defeating them all.

    I moved back to the news stand, which seemed to fare better in the "passed through a warzone" department.

    I can see both sides of this discussion, and understand the frustration. I am firmly in the patience is a virtue mindset, but also believe you cannot communicate enough with your supporters during a crisis. I'm hoping for a quick and effective resolution for all involved!
    kidcampbell71 likes this.
  8. No worries I didn't take it as being directed specifically at me. Like I said I and I am sure everyone else really appreciate the ability to discuss this. Bottom line, I would think, is everyone gave their money to TRJ because they really like the product and we all want them to succeed for more reasons than just getting their moneys worth.
  9. Lou kriger
    Joined: Mar 16, 2009
    Posts: 913

    Lou kriger

    I always thought the Rodders Journal was truly Unique. The closest thing produced 4 times a year, when some wished their coffee table books got close to the TRJ standard, and couldn’t. Sometimes you learn in business that Your best is not appreciated by all, but is by most. Perception is important, but it doesn’t always represent reality, or the truth. Time will resolve this issue, for me I’m old fashioned and like to assume the best about people that I deal with, until they personally prove me wrong. And yes I know the other meaning of Ass u me.

    Sent from my iPad using H.A.M.B.
  10. ronnieroadster
    Joined: Sep 9, 2004
    Posts: 1,101


    Having personally experienced how bad the Postal Service has been during this pandemic I can truly feel the pain Steve is experiencing as to the delivery issues. With so many car mags going the way of cooperate greed that being no longer in print. I'm looking forward to more Rodders Journals if it was easy lots more mags would be available in print as most of us know its not easy at all. Those of us who signed on to being subscribers know its quality over quantity that's what we expect. I'm betting Steve will get this sorted out so we can all enjoy lots more Journals.
    catdad49, jackandeuces, rod1 and 4 others like this.
  11. woodiewagon46
    Joined: Mar 14, 2013
    Posts: 2,326

    from New York

    I'm not sticking up for the Rodder's Journal, but the USPS is not what it once was. Last month I tried to ship a '29 Chrysler radiator cap and was told by the agent behind the counter to insure it for a lot of money, because it probably won't arrive at it's destination. Last summer I shipped about 30 copies of the "Woodie Times" to Arizona. After six week's the the person that I was sending them to asked me where they were. I searched the tracking number and all I got was "In Transit". The early "Woodie Times" magazine had the address printed on the cover. About three months went by and I started getting the copies that I sent returned to me six or eight a day. All I could get from the USPS was, "the box must have opened somehow". No way, I know how to package boxes that I send out. It's called government worker apathy, I can't be fired, so I just don't care.
  12. Fordors
    Joined: Sep 22, 2016
    Posts: 5,655


    I think the move east was wise, I’ll guess rents in a nice building might start around $10-15/sq. ft. compared to maybe $30-45 in the South San Fran area. But think about that, a 1000 sq.ft. suite would cost $12,000 month at $12 or $144,000 a year. If my estimate is reasonable just that alone is a tough nut to crack. Phew!
  13. okiedokie
    Joined: Jul 5, 2005
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    from Ok

    I guess that I am an exception since I have not missed any issue and all have arrived in perfect condition. If not for this thread I would not know any thing was amiss.
    clem, rod1 and Lil32 like this.
  14. williebill
    Joined: Mar 1, 2004
    Posts: 3,338


    Always bought Rodders Journal at the local bookstore, along with many books. I expect that store to be gone someday, and I try to spend money there every week. So unlike many posters, TRJ doesn't owe me anything. By definition, all of us here live somewhat in the past, even those who tell us often that print is dead. But I hate the way my local bookstore looks these days, empty shelves, big gaps in the magazine section, creative rearranging to try to hide what's changing.
    I know all the arguments. I know I'm a dinosaur. Hell, I still subscribe to my local newspaper, and there's not much left of that, either.
    But this thread makes me sad. Profoundly so.
    catdad49, 1940Willys, 8flat and 9 others like this.
  15. lumpy 63
    Joined: Aug 2, 2010
    Posts: 2,995

    lumpy 63

    Ok Steve , I will say your magazine is the best I have subscribed to EVER. I cherish every one I own. I hope you can pull a rabbit outa your hat but actions speak louder than words. looking forward to my next issue , Sincerely Colin.
    catdad49 and Lil32 like this.
  16. Seeing TRJ struggling is a difficult thing to accept. I got #84 and I don’t have ONE complaint.
    To those who do, I can only sympathize, but I can ask you to find some extra patience and if that fails, find some forgiveness. It seems that a “perfect storm” of s**t landed on Steve and his organization. Was some of it self inflicted? Possibly. Was some of it a domino effect of all the crap we and the rest of the world have been going through? Apparently. Was some of it the result of the despair of seeing your life turned upside down and you are helpless to reverse course? Probably.
    Sometimes you HAVE to hit bottom in order to piece your life back together, whether it’s business, family, spiritual, or a combination. We all are different and we all process and react to failure and crisis differently. Hopefully Steve’s response is honest and heartfelt. Time will tell.
    Maybe some forgiveness, however small, is appropriate. Especially this time of year.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2021
  17. AMEN BROTHER!, some keep replying to this thread over & over saying the same thing, Steve has told us what the problems are and has admitted to not being totally transparent with everyone concerning the Rodders Journal, it took a while to get in the shape they are in, it seems many have forgotten they have published a top of the line magazine for a good number of years, some keep beating a dead horse, give them a little more time, nothing happens over night!

    BTW, I don't know Steve from Adams house cat, but he stuck his head in the door and tried to tell his side, he must be making a effort to correct the problems. HRP
  18. I’m not going to be a whiny little you know what. I wish you all the best and hope you guys get back on track.
  19. ........Nice words......and I like your new avatar.:D;)
  20. Thanks Don! :D
  21. 5window
    Joined: Jan 29, 2005
    Posts: 9,613


    With only one exception, mine have all been fine and that one wasn't really too bad, just not pristine.
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  22. Jacksmith
    Joined: Sep 24, 2009
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    from Aridzona

    Tough times... but R.J. is worth the wait... best rag out there!
    Joined: Jun 3, 2005
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    Maybe I'm just an overthinking dickhead, but this isn't a magazine in the colloquial sense. It's a quarterly by strict definition and frankly I see them as somewhat historical documents. Why say that? Because this publication has unvieled and revisited things that are extremely important to this life we choose. I guess maybe if the perspective is examined a bit more clear than just another magazine it might help. It's work we can really use, which assumes anyone who buys it probably can. What else does it do? Provenance. Back to historical document perpsective, the last few issues detailing the rediscovered, restored, and now visible to the public, 2 very valuable icons of our world being the Kookie and Golden Sahara. Show of hands, who knew every aspect of their history like you know how you like your coffee? I didn't, and I follow a lotta car shit. What does that do to the INVESTMENT made in those? Take that out of it, what does it do for the new ones joining our world? Forget the investment and look at the reason behind it. Baskerville's Deuce? Pierson Bros? Cragar history?

    Maybe if the gravity of what this publication truly is can be looked at through more than coffee table reading glasses it helps. Of course it's a business too, nobody does this shit for 100% philanthropic reasons. In today's vernacular, brutha gotta be paid and they've DONE THE WORK. If the paint shop compressor breaks down is the shop owner a thief and a dickhead? A ripoff? The Rodder's Journal is and always has been WORTH IT. I don't pitch a tent in my pants over every car, and in fact some I couldn't care less about, but within their pages there's always something of value that usually isn't found otherwise. WORTH IT.

    I'll wait...
  24. verde742
    Joined: Aug 11, 2010
    Posts: 6,403


    I have mine FOR SALE cover price plus postage, PERFECT SHAPE..!!!
    1-10 already sold

    Last edited: Apr 3, 2021
    chryslerfan55 and catdad49 like this.
  25. .........I like the way you overthink.:)
  26. ralphtyrone
    Joined: Jul 19, 2010
    Posts: 22

    from nj

    STEVE, I am member since issue #1. Grateful for the update on the situation. I can't believe your distributor shredded those issues of #83, he couldn't get out. He should have gave you the option for you to store them somewhere until a delivery solution can be found. As far as the post office falling down on the job, is probably because they now work for Amazon , making deliveries, even on Sundays. Perhaps you should think about bypassing them , to handle your delivery to Austrailia. You can ship cheaply in a D container via DHL or UPS or any air carrier going there, and have it delivered to Austrailias general post office, to distribute. Hope this helps. Keep up the good work getting the TRJ out, sincerely Ralph.
  27. hotrodjack33
    Joined: Aug 19, 2019
    Posts: 4,349


    Well said my friend.

    I too help support a local brick & mortar and buy TRJ off the ,as @williebill said, the TRJ owes me nothing either. BUT, I feel I owe the TRJ allegiance...for the many hours of pure reading enjoyment.
    I wish them well, and as long as they keep publishing, I will be there to support them and patronize their advertisers.
  28. Shamus
    Joined: Jul 20, 2005
    Posts: 1,259

    from NC

    Thanks, Steve! My memory isn't what it once was so I forgot to complain.
    catdad49, Weedburner 40 and Lil32 like this.
  29. Steve,
    thanks for letting us know, I was certain there was a problem. Can you please make good on my #84. If 85 and 86 show up in a timely manner I will continue my subscription. Otherwise it's a great publication, but if I don't get what I paid for, I can't continue to support.
    Tim Beitler
    Spanish Fort Alabama
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
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