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Hot Rods The State of The Rodder's Journal - a note from Steve Coonan

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by TRJ, Mar 27, 2021.

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  1. 0NE BAD 51 MERC
    Joined: Nov 12, 2010
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    0NE BAD 51 MERC

    If any of you have not had to close up a buisness or lost a great paying job do to circumstances beyond your control and faced looseing everything you and your family ever worked for, be thankful. The rest of us know what Steve is going through. And cheating people was never part of the plan! Larry
  2. typo41
    Joined: Jul 8, 2011
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    If print is dead, you are looking at one of the reasons. Electrons are cheap whereas paper, ink, bindery, shipping postage is $$$$$ and more. Then we can get into staff, do you work for free??
    We are at a crossroads for the World right now, youngsters are growing up expecting everything for free. And the World Workers are fading away.........
    Do you carry cash anymore??
  3. I blame Instagram more than anything. It is even siphoning off content from here. Folks are lazy, would rather click a shot in the shop, throw a couple @'s with tags and Insta! instead of taking the time to write a nice description
  4. ..............If I had some, I would carry it.:D;)
    GEEZZER, hidez57, fauj and 13 others like this.
  5. Guy Patterson
    Joined: Nov 27, 2020
    Posts: 372

    Guy Patterson

    I don't carry cash because it is safer not too . Also no we don't work for free and that has nothing to do with what has happened here and it is sad because I for one love the quality of the photography and writing . I use to be a professional photographer earlier in my life and was impressed with what I saw in the pages of the magazine. I couldn't see how he was able to sell it for the price an maintain such a high quality product and I guess it finally was to hard to keep going just sad
    chryslerfan55 and tractorguy like this.
  6. Beanscoot
    Joined: May 14, 2008
    Posts: 3,260


    I am old fashioned, and only use cash except for mail order.

    There is a high level of skill and knowledge on this site that is given out for free, so in that regard a lot of us here are working for free.
    fauj, hotrodjack33, Spoggie and 5 others like this.
  7. and your point ? what has this to do with the subject on TRJ..
  8. J. A. Miller
    Joined: Dec 30, 2010
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    J. A. Miller
    from Central NY

    Are you like me Don? I started out with nothing and I still have most of left.:rolleyes:
  9. Ryan
    Joined: Jan 2, 1995
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    Fellas... There are people that are supportive and people that are pissed. Both are genuine and both are viable feelings given all that has gone one. It would be super cool if these two groups didn't get pissed at each other though. Cuz, I mean... what good does that do?
    LOU WELLS, Carter, 32SEDAN and 38 others like this.
  10. exactly..
  11. For Christmas, I bought a one year (or 4 edition) subscription for family members present. The purchase was made December 5, 2020. To this date either myself or the family have received any material, magazines or refund.

    It's now beyond five months.... I have quit holding my breath.

    One last thought.... Why is the TRJ website up, advertising subscriptions/swag and collecting money?
  12. Sean Smith
    Joined: Jan 1, 2016
    Posts: 31

    Sean Smith

    Unfortunately as every day passes by with no further news from TRJ it would appear that there is sadly not going to be any light at the end of the tunnel. As an international subscriber who has not received issue 83 or 84 after waiting for nearly a year, and being told by Curt via e-mail the following:
    'We appreciate you reading TRJ, and we sincerely appreciate your patience while we get all this sorted out. Rest assured, you will get all the magazines you've paid for!'
    I have now given up hope of actually receiving anything further from TRJ and my subscription money has disappeared into their bankruptcy fund, there has been far too many idle promises made by TRJ over the past 12 months that things are near to being resolved with no evidence backing this up.
    Yes, I am saddened by the apparent demise of TRJ as it was a quality product, but the reality is despite all the comments supporting Mr Coonan, Just because you are a 'good guy' doesn't stop your business failing and customers being left with no product or money refunded.
    I cannot however excuse the fact that there has been no official communication to subscribers (despite stating that an e-mail would be going out to all subscribers) other than on this forum.
    I am pleased for all of you who have received all your issues but there are an awful lot of us who feel like we have been ripped off
  13. Beanscoot
    Joined: May 14, 2008
    Posts: 3,260


    My point was in response to previous discussion about magazines having to pay their workers to produce good content, while internet discussion boards have knowledgeable members that provide it for free.

    It is relevant to the discussion about TRJ because it points out that TRJ doesn't enjoy this benefit so is at a disadvantage compared to the Web Boards.
    fauj, hotrodjack33, D-Russ and 5 others like this.
  14. saltracer219
    Joined: Sep 23, 2006
    Posts: 1,125


    I think that Steve is honestly trying his best, he did not have to come on here and say anything. I think we need to give him the benefit of the doubt and support his efforts. As has already been said, this last year has been real tough on most any small business and the logistics that Steve has to deal with are far more complex than most. He has given us the very best of the Hot Rod and vintage race car magazine content for many years. Some of you act as if he has taken your first born and livelyhood away, for Petes sake many of you all spend more than that on Lunch in a month and I personally find some of these comments on here quite embarresing! Steve, I personally don't feel like you owe me anything and I will look foreward to the next issue of RJ as always. Thank you G....
  15. dserge
    Joined: May 10, 2020
    Posts: 49

    from WV

    Yes I might spend more than that on lunch, but the point is I GET MY LUNCH I didn't get a magazine not one .
    saltracer I am not attacking you for your opinion so don't get me wrong. But I personally I think he owes me my money back if he is not going to produce the magazine.
    I am back to my opinion of him being a crook. If he was honest Steve would not still be taking subscription money even if he has the intention of producing a magazine.
  16. phat rat
    Joined: Mar 18, 2001
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    phat rat

    I think that some who are pissed wouldn't be near as much so if it weren't the lack of communication. Then when TRJ does respond it's with empty promises and plenty of excuses. Be upfront and admit that it's done and quit taking new subscriptions and merchandise orders.
    For those who preach leniency for TRj. How many times are subscribers and buyers supposed to bend over and ask for more?
    Carter, Tman and Stu D Baker like this.
  17. Chicster
    Joined: Aug 5, 2018
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    1. Missouri H.A.M.B.ers

    I know my comment don't mean squat but I'll say that I'm with them peter out or peter in.
    chryslerfan55 likes this.
  18. not at all .TRJ is print publication which we need to support and I do.. I'm sure Steve is doing hardest to make thing right here with those who are missing copies and merch.. To compare a web-board to business venture is unfair comparison . just saying..
    chryslerfan55 and saltracer219 like this.
  19. There is a saying:
    "Proof is in the results"

    Right now the lack of communication is not a good result.

    Sent from my SM-A102U using The H.A.M.B. mobile app
    Hot Rod Ron, chryslerfan55 and Tman like this.
  20. Lil32
    Joined: Apr 4, 2012
    Posts: 2,598


    I have all copies up to No84
    Great reading
  21. getow
    Joined: May 9, 2016
    Posts: 305


    Well unlike alot of you, i did recieve issue 84. But that is the only issue ive recieved since the subscription was paid for in July of 2020. Its been cooking for awhile now obviously. I paid $60 for 1 issue, nine months ago. Lol. Suckers born everyday and i guess im one of em. I think he owes me. But on a lighter note. I have a slightly used Number Eighty Four issue for sale....
    $60 plus shipping.....ha
    Saxman, Surfcityrocker, LSGUN and 4 others like this.
  22. acme30
    Joined: Jun 13, 2011
    Posts: 292

    from Australia

    So here's a thought in the now closed post it indicates that the staff at Rodders Journal might have been laid off a couple of months ago!

    Now I don't profess to be a Rhodes Scholar but in my book and where I come from it would not be considered morally or legally appropriate to still have the Rodders Journal web site up and running and be taking orders and money when there are no staff to process or supply the goods. Especially if there have been no staff there for a couple of months.

    As a final gripe it pissess me off that Rodders Journal pops in here every now and again and provides soothing words and promises to a very select / niche and supportive group (many of who are not Rodders Journal customers) but they do not have the common decency to provide updates to their ACTUAL CUSTOMERS WHO HAVE PAID MONEY FOR AND NOT RECIEVED WHAT THEY PAID FOR (and yes I am shouting)

    Note - I see that the Rodders Journal website finally has a message below - but it looks like you can still go ahead and throw your money (sorry I mean purchase) goods if you wish.


    Maybe it should say there is no one here to send your order but we do have someone who can take your money - please send as much as you can afford to loose.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2021
  23. Dominick Hide
    Joined: Dec 13, 2007
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    Dominick Hide

    No! No! it's not DEAD.... It's just resting!!!
    61Cruiser and chryslerfan55 like this.
  24. arkiehotrods
    Joined: Mar 9, 2006
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  25. Fortunateson
    Joined: Apr 30, 2012
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    Well if it does eventually return I suggest changing the name to "The Lazarus Journal". I've copyrighted that title but if the owner of TRJ wants to use it can pay me in a
    Ifetime subscription! LOL
    fauj likes this.
  26. sololobo
    Joined: Aug 23, 2006
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    Tough times for tough people, best wishes for future success. The zine is the most respected in the industry.
  27. chopped
    Joined: Dec 9, 2004
    Posts: 2,141


    It's not only the blind that can not see.
  28. mickeyc
    Joined: Jul 8, 2008
    Posts: 1,381


    When I renewed my subscription in December of last year I was
    assured all was well by the lady I spoke with on the phone. She
    even suggested a multi year purchase. I feel this was a blatant
    funds gleaning rip. Nothing more or less. They are done.
    Carter and chryslerfan55 like this.
  29. just a note the Red Banner pops up when trying to order from the site.. you have every right to be mad.. I for one WILL NOT throw any dirt on the grave plot just yet..
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2021
  30. Fordors
    Joined: Sep 22, 2016
    Posts: 5,655


    Sounds self serving of her, she figured any money that rolled in might ensure she’d get a paycheck.
    chryslerfan55, kadillackid and fauj like this.
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