Mid Atlantic Nostalgia Drag Racing Association. I'm looking to get involved in my local nostalgia drag racing association, so I'm wondering if any of their members are also members here. First and foremost, I'm looking to see if I can get some guidelines on what my car needs to pass tech at one of their events. If that means getting a membership, so be it. I'm in the process of making the car NHRA legal to 11.99, so I'd imagine there's a lot of overlap there. I don't plan to points race (my car is not likely to be competitive in its current state) but I would like to run it at their events at my home track. I also don't think it will be ready in time for this year's events. Second, I plan to go to the event at Cecil County in June, so I'd love to meet some of the folks involved. Thanks!!
Hi, My son and I are MANDRA members and will be racing at the Cecil County event. The rules are on the website. It is a great bunch of guys with a wide variety of cars everything from a 13 second Checker sedan to an 8 second fiat altered . You will need a membership to race but you do not need to be signed up for points to race . Look for the MANDRA tent at the track, usually with the light blue 65 Comet and the Despicable 40 Willys
Great, if you want to share some details of your car I can help with rules interpretation. All NHRA safety rules apply for the speeds you plan to go. The biggest thing is no electronic injection, no delay boxes, MSD spark boxes are OK , trans brakes OK , no low rider newer chassis cars , with new style hood scoops. If you look at the members pictures of cars on the MANDRA website you can get a feel for what they are looking for. It is the best bunch of folks I have ever raced with , lots of people willing to help you and make you feel at home . We have fun
Sure, it's been built to appear as a 60's c/d class gasser. Still on factory A arms, but lifted with taller coils and balljoint spacers. All steel body save for the Thunderbolt style glass hood. I'll have hood pins on it soon, I don't trust it on the track without them. Car is still on an original 55 Chevy chassis. With the hood closed it looks pretty period correct. It does have a Summit CDI box and MSD distributor and coil, but we plan to hide those when we rewire the whole car on the next few weeks. I run an EFI fuel pump with a bypass regulator, but I do run a carburetor. It has a modern K&N style filter with a filter lid, but those are simple enough to swap out if that matters for appearance. It will soon have a set of analog Dolphin gauges in it, but apart from that the interior is period correct as well. I have 4 wheel disc brakes with drilled and slotted rotors up front, if that's a concern for appearance. There is a line lock and proportioning valve under the hood. Battery is in the trunk and I will soon be putting it in a box with an external disconnect. I plan to run on my cheater slicks, so I will be installing a driveshaft loop. I also will be adding a 4 point rollbar so I can mount harnesses.
Weeeelllll my car may not be ready for this year. Found some pretty extensive tearing in the trunk floor, stemming from the old shock mounts. I had this area covered up for the past couple of years, so I didn't know how bad it had gotten. Since the shocks are now mounted to a bar, we're going to cut all this out and weld in some new stuff with no provisions for shocks. For those who don't know, this is what air shocks and a little power will do to the trunk floor of your tri-five. If you absolutely have to run air shocks, get a upper shock mount relocation bar.