...Hamber @sissel's Hotrod in Gods Country...what a breathtaking backdrop... Credit to Photographer, Owner
Another shared by @Moriarity in the Car Show Thread...a satin/flat showrod imagine that...I reminds me of the Ice Box another late fifties Hotrod Coupe... Inspiration is a beautiful thing... Credit to Photographer, Owner
https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum...enized-hotrods.1002926/page-185#post-13948530 Early beginnings of a Cabriolet that has had quite a journey through Hotrod to ShowCar to Hotrod again...a survivor at that and was up for grabs right here at The Hamb in 2015...where is it now? Credit to Photographer, Owner
...Haulin Ass in the David Bradley Deuce...I think they look pretty Smart on there... Run Whatcha Got... Credit to Photographer, Owner
Sure looks chrome...it is one of those HotRods eh...Class I'm thinking this was that Husband/Wife racing team...and she was pretty darn competitive...Hotrod Cover car...
...Okay...Bart and Helen Root...couldn't find any Thread about the Roadster but is super clean and full of neat details such as that Chrome Dash...and truth be said new to me...Learn a new thing every day...Good eye @Shadow Creek
So all this time I thought I had a home made little trailer looks like it’s a DB the dimensions check out My half fenders are 55gal drum Sent from my iPhone using H.A.M.B.
https://www.canadianhotrods.com/features.php?action=hotPage&pageNum=2&ID=119 Harv Humphries Ole Hotrod Strip Ripper.l..yes its still around Still Looking its nasty self and Still Half Fendered Credit to Photographers, Owners
Helped my neighbor build his '35 Plymouth coupe and he felt the car looked odd without rear fenders. Mainly because of the shape of the inner fender not being more round like some earlier 30's cars. So we went through a lot of work to radius the fenders, straighten them, and edge the new radius with 1/4" rod to make them nice. He had the car painted, and fenders painted also, but once it came back he never put the fenders back on it as he changed his mind and liked it better fenderless.
^^^^ not nasty but love to see pic side view 3/4 view with fenders & without. Site is about half fenders
https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum...e-picture-thread.1219009/page-6#post-13955022 ...One of Hamber @Finn Jensen's first adventures in Hotrod and a Caddy Powered Mopar works for me... I found a much more modern find and thought his Ole Hotrod resurfaced but its close however not it... Credit to Photographers, Owners
https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/threads/early-drag-racing-photos.1222399/#post-13966575 ...Mopar and Ford missing fender having a speed socialisation...shared by @egads in a Early Drag Racing Thread... Credit to Photographer, Owner
...Class... Question...Anybody have any Idea why the step in rad hose size...impede flow perhaps to run hotter for better performance? Credit to Photographer, Owner
There are two hoses coming out of the radiator, one to each head. My 430 Lincoln 6x2 manifold has the same very small cooling ports!
All that engine with garden hoses for flow...I mean heater hoses are bigger...this is a Hemi so not just a Mopar thing...I've never noticed that before...learn a new thing everyday...thanks Nitro...
https://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum...adster-club-reliability-run-melb-aus.1218676/ ...a nice Hotrod from our friends Downunder captured by @kool 52 at a recent fun run...they are beginning to get back to some normalcy after the hell of the last year and a bit... Credit to Photographer, Owner
...Hamber @AngleDrive's Ole Blast from the past which I believe he is building another in tribute of as life alters direction sometimes don't we all know... Credit to Photographer, Owner
...that's enough to give a man......you know what I mean... Did anyone here rescue this...pullleasse say yes... Credit to Photographer, Owner