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Hot Rods What you see today??

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by jeffd1988, Apr 22, 2017.

  1. Cliff Ramsdell
    Joined: Dec 27, 2004
    Posts: 1,370

    Cliff Ramsdell

    And today, spotted a wrecker dragged my Model A home. Most of my previous breakdowns were simple, fix on the road side issues, not today. Turned a corner heading to work, make the 1-2 shift and BANG, nothing. Engine runs, trans shifts, no grinding, clunking or other noises of horror, just a clean break somewhere.

    Axle didn’t slide out so maybe the shortened driveshaft, don’t know, we’ll see.

    Be safe out there.
    Cliff Ramsdell

    29BC1E52-0837-4449-9EB7-392180CEDD49.jpeg 5C55C9F4-F5C1-4E6B-9E2E-E2DBE08EDEDB.jpeg DEC2E5F1-F36E-4FD5-8182-CE7755739971.jpeg 90E60C4A-D83D-4757-ACA2-50351CA2F38B.jpeg
  2. About 3am this morning I saw a very bright light and heard a soft voice whisper "go toward the light" :eek: Damn near wet the bed :oops: Turns out the wife was playing a prank with a new flashlight she bought :mad:
    blowby, hotrodjack33, Lil32 and 4 others like this.
  3. Sky Six
    Joined: Mar 15, 2018
    Posts: 13,667

    Sky Six
    from Arizona

    Are you absolutely sure it was a prank?
    loudbang and hotrodjack33 like this.
    Joined: Jun 6, 2007
    Posts: 5,778


    Are you absolutely sure it was a flashlight?
    loudbang and hotrodjack33 like this.
  5. spanners
    Joined: Feb 24, 2009
    Posts: 2,197


    Are you absolutely sure you were in your bed?
    loudbang and hotrodjack33 like this.
  6. twenty8
    Joined: Apr 8, 2021
    Posts: 3,144


    Are you absolutely sure your life insurance payout value hasn't been bumped up lately?
    loudbang, hotrodjack33 and trollst like this.
  7. hotrodjack33
    Joined: Aug 19, 2019
    Posts: 4,536


    Are you absolutely sure you're not a ghost now?
  8. blowby
    Joined: Dec 27, 2012
    Posts: 8,663

    from Nicasio Ca

    Where was the light pointed?
    loudbang likes this.
  9. jnaki
    Joined: Jan 1, 2015
    Posts: 10,525


    Coastal Highway 1 is below along the shoreline and Laguna Beach is north over the right of the photo. The I-5 freeway is to the right where the road below feeds into it. Yesterday, we called it the “100 mile view” as Catalina Island was in the background and so was the San Pedro view plus the Palos Verdes Peninsula.


    We were on one of our post office, gas fill up drives and a feel good day by the shoreline. For weeks almost a whole month of May and part of June has been grey, overcast, drizzling, or actual rain. Although the waves were up from the tropical storm that came from down South, the daylight seemed like a “Seattle” month. May Grey and of course June Gloom fits the local wording.

    But, yesterday, we were following an old truck down the steep road leading to one of the best views in all of South Orange County. The road below is the Coastal Highway 1 from Laguna Beach and heads South to San Clemente and the southern most part of Orange County where another great surf spot awaits.

    This drive, my wife and I had taken many times when we just looked, ahhhh-ed, and drove on to our destination. This time after the many grey overcast drizzling days, we stopped at an overlook mini park and “settled in for a spell.” (an old OKC slogan learned from her side of the family) This downhill drive is in a class by itself as the ocean gets right in your face and unless you watch the road, you are tempted to look to the horizon the whole way down.

    The top photo is facing West toward the Dana Point Harbor. All roads leading down to Coast Highway have some ocean views along the coast. But, this one is, in our humble opinion, one of the best. It is so close to the water as you have to drive correctly or down the cliff you go. The old truck turned left on the lower highway and headed South. (No photos as I was concentrating on driving downhill on the narrow road.) We looked West and enjoyed the moment.


    We have some friends living in the area and over the years, visited them near this exact spot. As the old saying goes, despite the many times we have seen this particular view, the saying is: “It never gets old…”
    Looking South towards San Clemente and Cotton's Point.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2021
    Baumi, Cliff Ramsdell, Lil32 and 4 others like this.
  10. chop job
    Joined: Feb 16, 2013
    Posts: 596

    chop job
    from Wisconsin

    1623265163253_20210609_084355.jpg 1623265159495_20210609_084232.jpg 1929 four door taxie cab all oridinal .
  11. Maverick Daddy
    Joined: Nov 26, 2008
    Posts: 3,884

    Maverick Daddy

    Didn't buy it. (For way obvious reasons) 20210603_072548.jpeg
    Jalopy Joker and Lil32 like this.
  12. Lil32
    Joined: Apr 4, 2012
    Posts: 2,601


    thanks for photos
    every USA trip we always like to run the PCH
    Monterey to San Juan Capistrano to San Diego
    IMG_0237.JPG IMG_0235.JPG
    Dave Rondou, quick85 and jnaki like this.
  13. Junk yard
    Joined: May 7, 2021
    Posts: 30

    Junk yard
    from Paltucky

    20210610_135759.jpg Yesterday in Eagle Wisconsin.

    Attached Files:

  14. Junk yard
    Joined: May 7, 2021
    Posts: 30

    Junk yard
    from Paltucky

  15. JC Sparks
    Joined: Dec 8, 2008
    Posts: 733

    JC Sparks
    from Ohio

    I saw this yesterday. 1906 Model F Ford. 20210611_184940.jpg
  16. blowby
    Joined: Dec 27, 2012
    Posts: 8,663

    from Nicasio Ca

  17. Delivered this beauty the other day from Wisconsin to Ny. received_1232649137151481.jpeg Resized_20210604_093245.jpeg Resized_20210604_093143.jpeg
  18. topher5150
    Joined: Feb 10, 2017
    Posts: 3,572


    I keep seeing a maroon t bucket with a tan top driving by the house
  19. jnaki
    Joined: Jan 1, 2015
    Posts: 10,525




    Wouldn’t you know it, my wife and I did another short drive to see some houses high on a northern city hilltop. They had some great views, but it was not for us since the freeway down below gave some consistent noise that was not pleasurable. Backyard parties or just enjoying the views are not going to happen as the noise was overpowering.

    The homes were near the steep coastal roadway to Coast Highway 1 and yes, we took that route again. (We had some business near the coastal pedestrian overpass bridge in the top right photo) The coastal fog had cleared up and the drive was worth it. But, that dang fog was so thick earlier, that one would think it was a set in a movie, with your hands disappearing in front of your face. We left when the fog receded back towards Catalina Island.
    Same view just going up the hill not downhill. It seemed safer to take a photo while driving.

    Not a 180 degree view as would have been taken with a fish-eye lens, but it will do for now. This coastal beach area is the last of the pure coast/shoreline drives and views from the Amtrak train that starts in San Diego. Up the coast from San Diego goes through the cool little coastal communities in San Diego County. But, after entering Orange County near the old Western White House, it is all beach/waterfront cruising in the train.

    As the Amtrak Train comes into the northern part near the Dana Point Harbor, it goes under one last pedestrian bridge (right side in the right photo). Now, it heads inland to Los Angeles and the famous Union Station. (and northward to Santa Barbara if so inclined.) As you can see, there are some concessions to living right on the waterfront lots in this part of So Cal.


    If the hour plus drive from coastal Orange County down to San Diego is not in the cards for you, the best alternative is to take the Amtrak train when it resumes the regular times. When we used to surf at the Camp Pendleton Beachfront , it was standard operating procedure to know what time it was when the Amtrak train came whizzing by on the trestles. 6:30 am on the spot. Rain or shine. It was like clockwork.
    The small viewpoint park on the tall cliff top location.

    For southern or northern driving hot rod folks, the coastal Highway 1 follows the shoreline through most cities along the way. Since the train goes inland at this Orange County point, the hot rod cruising highway now follows the coastline all the way up through Orange County and Long Beach/San Pedro area to Oxnard through the Los Angeles beach areas. One of the best drives in all of So Cal.

    For those with a weekend in mind, the whole coastal route can be cut down into sections for a more thorough staycation/driving cruise.

    QUOTE="Lil32, post: 14091714, member: 182341"]Jnaki thanks for photos
    every USA trip we always like to run the PCH
    Monterey to San Juan Capistrano to San Diego

    View attachment 5086738 View attachment 5086739 [/QUOTE]
    D type, Lil32, 63fdsnr and 1 other person like this.
  20. Junk yard
    Joined: May 7, 2021
    Posts: 30

    Junk yard
    from Paltucky

    Setting in gas station
    20210612_141245.jpg 20210612_141322.jpg
  21. Moriarity
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
    Posts: 34,603

    Staff Member

    @quick85 , you did post that earlier, 20 inch diameter wheels are off topic
  22. quick85
    Joined: Feb 23, 2014
    Posts: 3,047


    Thanks for the reply. I thought that might have been the problem but when I
    saw, never mind. No problem.
  23. Moriarity
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
    Posts: 34,603

    Staff Member

    thanks, didn't see that one as no one reported it, gone now
  24. ROADSTER1927
    Joined: Feb 14, 2009
    Posts: 3,241


    Shows error on all 3
  25. Runnin shine
    Joined: Apr 12, 2013
    Posts: 3,382

    Runnin shine

    850C8A5A-00E4-4532-BD36-DA8C5A444E62.jpeg 900D690C-68E5-447B-9BCC-F1761C9EC129.jpeg 399DDEDE-3FEE-4616-9141-82FBA7BCA78F.jpeg F317C84E-9C12-448E-ABB4-24A3255BEE4D.jpeg I saw this in a small mall near or in Athens Ohio while on horrible trip with in-laws. Reminded me that outside of that RV is a wonderful world waiting.
  26. quick85
    Joined: Feb 23, 2014
    Posts: 3,047


    Don't thank me, I didn't mean to drop a dime on anyone. I didn't
    think I hit send, and wrote something different. I now feel like a

    I remember some poor chump trying to get into the Hunnert Car Pile
    Up, a great casual gathering. I don't remember his car but with one
    very small exception it was legal. It must have taken him an honest
    three hours to get to the entry gate, only to be refused entry because
    of a chrome chain rear license frame. When I saw him get busted by
    one of the club members (with a grin on his puss) it pissed me off and
    I had no skin in the game.

    I'm not giving Mr. Moriarity grief, I'm hip to the rules, but I'll never
    purposely sic the mods on someone.
    impala4speed and Sky Six like this.
  27. Moriarity
    Joined: Apr 11, 2001
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    Staff Member

    everyone should always report off topic content, if we don't this place will become just another "everything" car site
    55 Ford Gasser likes this.
  28. enloe
    Joined: May 10, 2006
    Posts: 9,820

    from east , tn.

    I saw lots of awesomeness today. Here is one of my favorites. There will be a ton more pictures in the thread that is linked in my signature AECF79B4-350D-4F37-8716-37C6CCCB9E1D.jpeg 358C7F86-63D3-4D1E-8D50-99A0E817FEEE.jpeg 3E90BF4F-6879-4CE9-BE74-687227A26FE1.jpeg 5AEE1F49-FE03-4205-AABC-C8D3E28ED346.jpeg
    Junk yard, loudbang, Lil32 and 6 others like this.
  29. 36and63
    Joined: Mar 21, 2017
    Posts: 70

    from Wisconsin

    Little envious of this guy IMG_3672.jpg IMG_3674.jpg IMG_3674.jpg
  30. 65pacecar
    Joined: Sep 22, 2010
    Posts: 23,769

    from KY, AZ

    Lexington cruise in. 57AA931C-54DE-4183-B5A6-622166142FEB.jpeg F784F531-B47F-4CD9-AC87-9228A427DDE4.jpeg 85EA9B83-154F-4C15-9590-299B61524E11.jpeg 785DA22D-DDC0-471C-A98A-335CD167D1EB.jpeg 019EC769-5FA8-451F-98E8-F494C6C62D35.jpeg 54E0B41D-24CA-43B7-BD34-074854CF6E2F.jpeg 5A46E4D9-2B05-4A90-BF62-4DBBE749D59A.jpeg A782EC28-14F3-445A-88CC-0F6BC9749F01.jpeg

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