How can I not be a fan with the last name of LeGrange? The LeGrange Produce truck’s vanity plate is Ahowhow……stumps a few of them.
ZZ Top was the first concert I ever went to with my Pops. It was his favorite band and they're still one of my all time favorite bands too. I sure hate to hear this news... Rest easy to a Texas legend.
Little known fact, he was Hank Hills cousin. There was some sort of mixup, and Dusty entered Cotton’s Cadillac car in a demolition derby, or something like that.
Got to see them in B’ham back in the 80’s, been a huge fan since the mid 70’s. They are supposed to play in Tuscaloosa Friday night, they had done announced that Dusty was going home due to a hip injury and their guitar expert was going to fill in. We had thought about going, but the venue is outside and I knew I couldn’t stay out in this heat we’re having that long. RIP Dusty
Compared to some of you guys I was a late bloomer in the fan club. I didn't see them live until 1983's Eliminator tour. It was the first concert I went to, a carload of kids drove to big ol' Ames, Iowa. Amazing!
Saw them a few years back in Tulsa, great experience. Oddly enough , I am under going surgery right now on my eyes. I have worn glasses for 58 years! From now on it’s “ cheap sunglasses” for me! Dusty will be missed by all! Bones
Saw where they were playing Friday night in Tuscaloosa with Elwood. I know people "Gotsa Get Paid", but I'm not sure how I feel about them going on. Elwood played with them Sunday night at the show I saw in Corbin, but it wasn't the same. It was a good show, but we didn't know Dusty wouldn't be there. Just seems like it's over now to me.
Sad news, being from Houston and in the same age group, we had seen them countless times before MTV and ELIMINATOR .. If you never saw them live you missed your ass...
I was fortunate enough to see them twice. The first was in 77 or 78 in Springfield, Mo., then they were the final act in 2004 at Clapton's guitar festival in Dallas. I remember driving across Kansas on I-70 listening to Tejas blasting. Lots of good memories listening to ZZTop.
They are still planning on Sturgis in a few days.
I saw them in their prime 1981 Allentown Fairgrounds, Pa. and glad to have see them, now one guy's gone... RIP Dusty...unique style to his bass playing, and that entire band's sound... awesome show, no opening act or backup band, cuz they didn't need one ! never saw so many PA system amps lined up in a row in my life.. and saw a LOT of shows 60+ as teenager, early 20's.... bigger PA system than Rolling Stones at Syracuse, NY...only one bigger was The Who at Vets Stadium, Philly, Pa. or was it JFK stadium ? ....distant memory now but those were the good ole' days drove down there 60 miles one way in my '70 Chevelle, 5 people in car... you could not get NEAR that stage packed like sardines... "you could tell that they were mine...from the oil and the gasoline...."
airbanding to ZZ Top late nights in the shop...............They was and is all you ever needed to know about boogie.
There was a Calvin and Hobbes strip where Calvin goes to his mom and says, "Hey Mom! I've decided to grow a beard!" and his mother just says, "Oh?" "Yep! A long one, like the guys in ZZ Top!" "That's great, Calvin," his mother replies casually. "You go ahead and do that." In the last panels he looks at himself in the mirror and says, "I thought she'd put up more of a fuss than that."
It has always been hot rods and rock 'n roll for me and no one typified it more than ZZ Top. I first saw them at Winterland in '75, drove my '40 Olds there (250 miles). The next time was in '86 in Reno. Probably one of the loudest bands I saw. The music changed somewhat over the years, but they always produced the most from the least and knew how to create spaces in music. I feel fortunate to have lived in an era when rock concerts were truly epic. Sad Dusty has passed, glad to see and hear him while he was here. I think "Rough Boy" is a good example.
I saw them two years ago in concert in Tampa. I was amazed how how good those old dudes still sounded. It seemed like that hadn’t lost anything after all those years.
Sad to hear-gone way too soon! Saw them many times beginning in the late 70's and several times since. Still listen to their stuff on a regular basis-the best!! Their music just has that "something" that no one else does for me RIP Dusty
"And the best you can hope for is to die in your sleep" saw them at the Nashville Speedway in the early 70's,Lynyrd Skynyrd opened for them,I think Blue Oyster Cult opened for them.....It was the coolest....when the show ended Billy Gibbons said I hope you all drive Cadillacs...they walked off the stage and got in a black Cadillac limo and slowly drove out of the speedway........
One of the things I like about Top was that they generally took care of business in under four minutes. There was no need for 7-9-12 minute self indulgent jamming. There are guys that do that very well but it can get old. Crazy to think it was '75 when I first purchased "Fandango". There are any number of players can could step in for Dusty but they won't be ZZ Top any more.
Saw them when I lived in Flagstaff AZ in about 83, they played at the NAU dome. I was going to school there and was first in line to get tickets, front row seats for 6 of us pretty sure it was the "Eliminator" album, it was a great show. RIP Dusty. Pat
RIP Dusty....This is one of my all time favorite bands...I seen them at least 5 times ....I had tickets for them and Def Leopard last fall in VA Beach and was cancelled-damn COVID...I still own several of their early albums along with my Beatle albums. Their songs will always bring back great concert and driving memories.
RIP Dusty. Sad news indeed. Their music influenced many generations over the decades. That car and those songs off Eliminator album were the ticket coming of age in the 80s.