The following message was posted yesterday on the Wilson Welding and Machine facebook page by his daughter. "Hello to all who have supported this page and business. With a sad heart, Wilson Welding is retiring. Please call the cell number provided, or email @ OR for any questions, concerns or possible business. We will reach back out to you ASAP. Thank you for your time, Intrest and business. It’s much appreciated. Stay safe, healthy, and keep building those hot rods!!" His daughter also said "He’s still available for any calls/questions… just needs to slow down a bit." Karl Knecht Bob can still be reached on his same telephone number.214-662-9483 in case you want to wish him well or talk to him or go to the facebook page below.
I believe my Hotrod has some of the Craftsmanship from this enterprise...They have certainly ran a Commendable Business...I wish Him all the best in his retirement... Hopefully the Business will be passed or sold to someone capable of fulfilling what they were delivering to the Hotrod Community...
Best wishes to Bob in retirement. I second the motion of hoping his terrific products continue to be offered via a worthy craftsman that will pick up the line.
Bob is a great guy and a very talented machinist. I've run his front brakes on two of my builds. Always enjoyed speaking to him at our So Cal events and hope he will continue to come west. Bob certainly deserves a great retirement and know he'll continue to build HOT RODS.
I'd have to say, lets congratulate Bob on a well deserved and earned retirement. I worked too long and wish I had retired a couple of years sooner.
Really? He’s been posting new products and brakes on his social media lately. Maybe he’s going to pair it all down and do just the brakes? @Bass would know I bet
Just saw this, thanks Tim for the heads up. Bob reached out to me earlier this year about taking over the brake business from him, since he was at a point where he felt he was ready to retire. I’d already been building my own brakes for several years (with Bob’s initial help and guidance), and Bob and I have been friends for around two decades. So it is a good fit for both of us. I will continue to offer all the products that Bob had the tooling to make, under the Wilson Welding name. The “original” reproduction Lincoln brakes, finned aluminum brakes, and (Ford spindle to Buick drum) wheel hubs are the major products he was selling, and I’m working on building inventory back up on the parts he was out of. Lincoln brakes are available now, and I’ll have finned brakes again in about two weeks. Hubs around the end of August. I’m also now offering the Lincoln brakes with self-adjusters, which no one else in the industry is doing as far as I know. I have been posting on a new Instagram account, @wilson.welding. If you need to order or have questions you can reach me there, or you can email me at: There will be a new Wilson Welding website at some point, but for now that’s the best way to reach me. I’m happy to continue the Wilson Welding legacy going forward, and I will continue to build and offer the same great products that Bob developed. Bob Wilson is one of the best guys I know and a brilliant machinist, innovator, and fabricator. While I know I can’t completely fill his shoes, I’m going to do my best. Thanks, guys. -Brian Bass