Well it has been a couple weeks since the last update and now all I have is some sad news. Another Hotrod dwindleling off into a broke mans dreams. What started out as a mad dash to make the Texas Roundup and then the Hamb Drags almost turned into a divorce. Yeah it sucks all those late nights thrashing and no sleep for work just washed to the wayside. I learned alot on this deal. This was one of the first jobs and even though the pay may have been good there will never be another like it. You just always got to keep alittle distance between you and a customer know matter how much you like the person or the car. I had poured alot of soul into this car over the last few months. Just to watch it pull off onto a trailer soon to be never finished. I was building this as if it was my own. Will it ever be noticed? I dont know maybe so. The last month was a real blur with work and working on Hot Rods. I quess the reciepts caught up with him and the wfe found out and it was not a good thing. Anyhow, we were close, all wired up except tailights and headlights, probably a couple more days from firing her up and listening to her purr. Was gonna do a tech on the windshield since so many have chopped cars and want to make the windshield swing again but I jusy did not get to finish it. Started closing in on the floors but did not get to finish that as well. Heres some pics before it left.
Really was a fun build just wish I could have helped finish it. Thanks Robert for letting do waht I could do, Now just promiss to get it goin and dont drag it out
Man I was looking forward to it being at my show. I guess mine will be the only unfinished A coupe there!
Divorce ? he'd be better off. I can't imagine being with a &$%#@ for one minute that would even open her mouth about a penny I spent. Hope you got paid.
Nice work - that is a great looking car. Nice use of the 1 x 2. I love that stuff. Where is the gas tank? Using the original?
...sorry Rusty. I know all too well how he feels. At least you got to start the project for him. It sure sits right. Me and the coupe will see you at MoKan in 12 days...(no she won't be runnin' yet)...
boy i know how you feel.it stinks to see all your hard work get finished by someone else,or worse,not at all. all you can do is go on to the next project,and learn from the past. it is not any fun to distance yourself from your customers.don't let this ruin your friendship with him.the best part of a project is the passion and drive from the owner,feed from it to make the car better than,even you,thought it would be. p.s. all the work was looking great.i was looking forward to seeing it at the roundup. -danny
Thanks everyone for the kind words Yes I did get paid and got paid as soon as he recieved the invoices. There was never a problem with that. He just flat ran out of money and thought it was gonna be a while before he got some money for me to finish so he came and picked it up. Danny It should be at next years Roundup for sure. Danny thanks for everything you said, always nice to hear it from another trying to do it for a living too, Like you said The customer was happy and has a good start all I can do is hope that he finishes it.
Sometimes a staged build stretched over a couple of years and money saved up front is the best way. I know how it is when you get caught up in the excitement of the build and sometimes stretch yourself financially to see it completed. It not only puts a strain on the pocketbook but relations at home suffer when the significant other doesn't share the DREAM. I hope he is able to regroup and continue on with the build, you've got a super start and it needs to be finished. More important it needs to be finished for this customer. Good luck on the outcome. Look at it this way also, you did get some REAL experience not only doing the work but a good customer relations lesson as well. Frank
Life happens. I know this is a huge disapointment to you but think of your customers feelings too. He had the dream. May have been saving and preparing for years for make this happen. He decided you were the guy with the talant to bring that dream to a reality. You know what that says about how he feels about your work? What it says about how he feels about your integriry? There's a lot of very talanted guys out there trying to make a living building hot rods. Your customer has his choice of all of them, he chose you. Sounds and looks like you gave him the best work you could give him, just like it was your own build. He paid you on time, the full amount of the invoices and seems like you had a real good relationship so he did his part as a customer. Looks like you both performed to your personal best to honor the contract. I like this guy without knowing him, he knows he can't pay for awhile so he lets you know up front and not when you give him the invoice he can't pay and you have to try to collect what he doesn't have. He moves his ride out of your shop so your not storing it for him and tripping over it. I don't see why he would have anybody else finish it when he gets the final cash together, I'll bet you end up completeing it. It's your call and your business but I think if you distance yourself from your customers, your good customers, you won't share the vision and it'll show in your work. Personal satisfaction and the look on the customers face as you breath life into the dream. Nice work if you can get it. Hope you guys finish this. Terry
Very well put Terry. I finished a Jeep for a customer and they couldn't pay. They wouldn't tell me either. I got the run around for weeks and ended up haveing to repo the vehicle. I hated to do it but I didn't have a choice. Stand up customers are far and few between. Most are looking to get something for nothing, especially from the little guys. Keep in contact with him, I'm sure his financial situation will eventually get better and he will bring it back to have you finish the great job that you started. Nice work as everyone has said. Keep your head up and move on the next one.
Nice work Rusty! More work will come - when you build them like you do, people will come. BTW - I sent you a PM on my coupe progress.
Excellent craftmanship Dirty31! That coupe is well on it's way to being a special Hot Rod. That only proves what you are capable of doing. I do hope you can finish it sometime down the road. It's tuff to be in a situation like that, glad things worked out. Catch you later. Ken
man that sucks! he seemed pretty determined to get it done when we met him at pate, hope he does finish it. for what it's worth, top notch job rusty!
dude paid upon time.... likes your work ... came and got the car when funds dried up. no lein sales... no B.S,... no free storage while he dodges you. sounds like a good deal to me. be glad you got to spend the time you did with this ride and move on to the next. hopefully he'll be back.
Rusty, I know that hurts, and as far as the car owner, it's gotta suck even more. Your probably like alot of us, and have that 'future $$' earmarked for parts of your own, and other assundrious items. You both know he got more than his moneys worth. I hope you get to finish it, too. I was actually looking forward to it blowing down the strip at MoKan.... Oh well, keep up the dynamite work, and remember, your an inspiration to a whole bunch of us. See ya soon.
Man that is some awesome work and so close to being finished. I hope the guy can either finish it ir save money and have you finish. I'm with your dad in i hope gas monkey doesn't get a hold of it. The stance was right on and the front window was nicely done. Makes me wished i had the money to build a coupe like it and give my 54 to the old lady.
Like so many others, I know how you feel. You end up pouring your soul, your family's soul, time and sweat into these things. Not to mention all of the injuries....cuts, metal in you eyes, burns....I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. Its tough enough if the build is for yourself, but even tougher for someone else...and not finish it. It's sorta like the parents coming home before you get a chance to orgazm....it felt good going thru it, but its a bitch to not finish. You'll soon be on to another project...and you'll pour that pain into something else....however,that car will always be your build.